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Another safe assumption: Ron Paul knows how to rally the base

Verbatim Ron Paul:

Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the “criminal justice system,” I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. If similar in-depth studies were conducted in other major cities, who doubts that similar results would be produced? We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational.

I’d say Dana pretty much called it. (For a real good time, check out the batshit insane MRA/white supremacist/paranoid conspiracy theorist Ron Paul fans in the comment section).

16 thoughts on Another safe assumption: Ron Paul knows how to rally the base

  1. WOW. You know what, after five years in DC, you’d think I would be a bit more jaded about politicians, but this just shocked the heck out of me. I mean, OH MY G-D HE TOTALLY JUST SAID THAT.

  2. I think my favorite is this little gem:

    An employer who gives an employee the choice of either having sex with them or being fired, for example, is within his or her rights.


  3. Abby, that one stood out to me also. I thought your property was sacrosanct, according to Ron Paul supporters. Isn’t your body your property? Only if you’re a man, I guess.

  4. That’s funny; I just had someone tell me the other day that ‘Ron Paul is the only one who cares about the black man.”
    The guy just gets more horrifying by the minute.

  5. If anyone else wants to read the quote in context — it took me six clicks, Lawyers, Guns & Money to instaputz to kos to another kos to the article — it’s from an article that was reposted here.

    It is from 15 years ago and an article discussing the L.A. riots. Which doesn’t make it defensible.

  6. why are folks my age (college students) so obsessed with Ron Paul? it drives me crazy because they worship him and he’s a total ass! I don’t understand…

  7. Marianne, the reason why folks your age are obsessed with Ron Paul is because his campaign platform is based, in part, on some longstanding traditional basic ideas, such as respect for the Constitution. It’s a message that has great appeal in the current Bush-Cheney/neo-con political atmosphere where they ignore, or probably more aptly, actively scorn the idea that the President should have to obey laws.

    This message is the selling point, and it has been successful to the point where it has launched Ron Paul to national prominence, despite the fact that the messenger has a track-record of racism and some absurd policy suggestions. If someone were trying to build a political majority, they would be wise to at least recognize the appeal of this part of Paul’s message, as there is a segment of the populace out there who are drawn to this rather than his absurd monetary policies or racist appeal.

    As to the worshiping, well, that I have no explanation for besides it being a characteristic of youth.

  8. Not to put too fine a point on it, Marianne, most people your age don’t know very much. Compounding that, they usually think they know a whole lot. (I certainly thought so at that age.) The combination of those two mental defects is usually why they do or vote for stupid things. In this case, they’re really and sincerely opposed to the war, and Ron Paul is the only candidate of either party who seems like they really would just pull the plug on the whole thing, which when you’re 18 seems like a swell plan.

    As you grow older, you’ll discover that “because they’re morons” really does have a lot of explanatory power. You’ll also probably realize that stupidity isn’t limited to any one group of people, although at times it does seem to cluster disturbingly. Be strong. Enlightenment usually comes. Or death. Either way, they stop voting stupid.

  9. I’m not saying I’m in support of Ron Paul, but if you had actually done any research on those comments outside of your biased source you would know that many people question weather those comments are true or not. Some people believe that they were put out there to slander Ron Paul, not actually something he said.

    As for crazy followers just take a look at Barack Obama. Barack has so many crazy, loony, delusional followers I would never vote for him.

  10. Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the “criminal justice system,” I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. If similar in-depth studies were conducted in other major cities, who doubts that similar results would be produced?

    What, studies of equal depth to something you just pulled out of your ass?

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