In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Beauty Queen

Is Feministe the prettiest blog ever or what? The banner is updated!* The posts have dates! The sidebars are organized! It’s colorful! Photos come out beautifully! Everything looks so fresh and so clean!

There are still some minor kinks being worked out and I’m still figuring out server stuff, but so far the site is looking lovely and I couldn’t be more excited. A million, trillion thanks to the fabulous, super-talented Ms. Lauren for the new site design. If you’re having any problems with it, let us know.

*With a background scene from Seattle!

18 thoughts on Beauty Queen

  1. There’s some sort of bug with it. I’m on IE 6, and the first page overwrites and overlays itself. I can’t read all the text of the blog because it runs all the way to the right over everything and off the screen.

  2. I noticed and loved the new look and was wondering who to credit. Lauren is a rock star. I would be happier with a scene from my hometown. But Seattle is adequate.

  3. 3rd report as in 9, 10. With ie6 under XP, the main area doesn’t wrap, so it’s not readable.

    In FF2 it looks awesome. Great job!

  4. Looks great, but takes a long time (about three minutes) to load on dial-up. Also, I’m on aol, and have the same problem with the text, but only on the home page. If I click on the title, the text loads normally, and the sidebars aren’t superimposed over the top of the text.

    Yes, I know. I shouldn’t be on dial-up! When I get my own computer next month (which I’ve been putting off due to bills), I’m getting cable. It’s getting damn near impossible to use the internet on dial-up; everybody uses graphics and shit that take a long time to load, and you-tube is completely incompatible with dial-up.

  5. Everything looks find in IE7 and the latest Firefox on my end. For those who are irritated with the left-hand column, there are now little javascript toggles at the tops of every post, to the right of the post title. Play with those a little and tell me what you think.

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