In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

4 thoughts on “There’s Something Behind This Story That Hasn’t Come Out”

  1. Thank you, Lauren. LMAO! The mandate remark from Maher was priceless.

    BTW, your blog rocks. Glad to have been made aware of your existence. You’re on my daily must-read list, that’s for sure, and a top blog source for cites. In fact, I’ll share this link in a few minutes.

  2. Holy boy, that was funny. Trying not to wake up my wife with the laughter. Thanks for posting that. Biden and Stahl also hand some great points there. Sad that the real news is on comedy shows these days.

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  4. Wonderful. Apollo13 referenced you on Political Animal, and now I think I, too, will add you to the daily must read. Thanks!

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