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Loud and Clear

16days.gif “President Bush said Tuesday that Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah ‘knows our position loud and clear‘ on the punishment of the victim of a gang rape.”

Of course he knows our position. Our position is, “Do whatever you want, just keep sending the oil this way.” Loud and clear.

Bush also said that he “can’t remember” whether he brought up the issue in a conversation with the King.

5 thoughts on Loud and Clear

  1. Grr. Just — grr.

    The current president just infuriates me beyond belief, and definitely beyond the ability to articulate in what ways and how much.

  2. Bush said his first thoughts upon hearing about the case were what if it had been one of his daughters, and that, were that the case, he would have been “very emotional, of course.” If your own daughter were gang raped and then found criminally responsible for it? You’d be “very emotional”? Well, fucking obviously. But the point is, he should be infuriated that this sort of thing happens to ANY WOMAN. AT ALL.

    Grrrrr, indeed.

  3. Bush also said that he “can’t remember” whether he brought up the issue in a conversation with the King.

    I don’t know whether it would be more frightening/enraging for that to be true or to be a lie.

  4. SunlessNick, I don’t know whether it’s the truth or a lie really matters. If he says can’t remember, then he doesn’t care enough for it to be important to him. Period.

    It makes me sick that anyone doesn’t care, let alone the so-called leader of our country.

  5. To be fair, I doubt any President in fairly recent history would rip Abdullah a new one over the violations and injustices done to this woman. We need their oil and their regional clout too badly.

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