In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

“Loser” Is Right

I’m too wiped to even touch this one, so I’ll let you guys have at it. Bolds are mine.

Well I may be an unemployed man without a wife or girlfriend still living with my parents despite being over the age of 30, but at least I’m not so stupid as to think that a gorgeous young girl would be the author of a popular libertarian blog. She’d be too busy having fun. The kind of fun found in this post, except it would be happening every night instead of just being a one time event. You guys are so gullible!

Libertarians tend to be ugly because it’s an anti-majority philosophy. People who are attractive have an easy time going through life and derive far too many advantages from the status quo to ever question it. It’s only outsiders, who are usually ugly, who join up with fringe movements.

One thing I learned from this blog is how easy attractive woman have it. When I had a blog as my real self, no one linked to me, no one left any comments, it was as if the blog existed in a vacuum. But things were different for Libertarian Girl. Every day I’d check Technorati and discover new unsolicited links. It was like I had warped into an alternate universe where all the rules had changed. At the rate things were happening, this would have been an A-list blog in a few more months.

It’s funny how there have been some posts in the blogosphere saying that the political blogosphere was a boys club that discriminated against women, as evidenced by how few politics bloggers were women. Boy were they completely off the mark. It’s ten times easier for a woman’s blog to become popular.

This effect no doubt carries over into the real world. Whenever I see an attractive woman with a successful career, I’ll remember the experience of this blog and assume that she didn’t really get there on merit, just her looks.

Let us just take a moment to remember that I, in a very, very small contest, was voted sexiest female blogger – and I didn’t even show cleavage, write about sexual exploits, or something else equally silly. Oh, and that I am a member of several fringe movements. And, despite five years of this, I’m not A-list.

So what’s wrong with me? Oh yeah, the f-word again. Shit!

And this observation was made by a thirty-plus-year-old living in his parents’ basement. A good catch, that one.

via Ilyka Damen

21 thoughts on “Loser” Is Right

  1. That dude gives all us 30somethings living in our parents’ basement a bad name. In fact, we’ve kicked him out of the Guild, and he’s persona non grata at any D&D-and-schnapps-related functions.

  2. Yep, he effectively proved that by being hot, talking about sex, and aping the politics of a bunch of loser guys who wish a girl would just touch their pee-pee one day without having to be paid to do it, you can get a bunch of wankers to read your blog. And?

  3. You’re not A-list because (1) there’s no picture of your sexiness on your blog; (2) your blog posts aren’t what people want to read about (for example, no one cares about your cat); and (3) your posts are too long.

  4. You’re not A-list because

    Dude, YOU STOLE MICHAEL BOLTON’S HAIR AND YOU LIVE WITH YOUR MOM. You do not get to decide what is and is not “A-list.” We’d be better off leaving such judgments up to Carrot Top, for crying out loud. At least that guy has a job.

  5. Good God Almighty, if ever Roxanne wanted a picture for a caption contest, I think it would be the one on LLG’s website. I’m afraid I would be forever stuck in Comic Book Store Guy quotes for my entry:

    “I do not need this. I’ve got a masters degree in folklore mythology.”

    “Okay, here we are. Alt.nerd-obsessive.”

    “Well. since my breakfast burrito is congealing rapidly. I will be blunt.”

    “Are you the creator of Hi and Lois? Because you are making me laugh.”

    “I find their choice of prize highly illogical as the average Trekker has no use for a medium-sized belt.”

    “Worst. Website. Ever.”

  6. Hey LLG, next time I’ll just regurgitate other people’s opinions and pretend that they’re mine. Then you can’t accuse me of having long posts.

  7. OMG, Carrot Top. He’s the new Godwin’s Law. LOL

    I remember all the sniping that conservative bloggers link to conservative women bloggers who put up cheesecake shots on their blogs. Gee, I’m glad I’m not A-list. Heh heh.

  8. OMG, Carrot Top. He’s the new Godwin’s Law.

    True. You got me. Hey, it was late, I needed a quick guy-who-sucks reference, and I went for the Top.

  9. norbiz: i’m such a nerd, i was even shunned by the D&Ders at my high school.

    but i did kiss a girl, once.

    Lauren: the way you get onto the “A” list is to (A) Become an Instarepublicrite and (B) Assemble a swarm of yammering sycophants. Oh, and remember the Freeper mantra: Delete and ban, delete and ban.

    Yammer, yammer…

  10. It wouldn’t hurt to post pictures of yourself in a short skirt and imply that your conservative readership has problems getting laid because of a feminist conspiracy.

  11. I want a girl with a short skirt and looooooong jacket

    “With fingernails that shine like justice…”

    “She’s touring the facility and picking up slack…”

    PS – You don’t need to show cleavage, you have bangs.

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