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Shocker of the day: Presidential campaign staffs are dominated by men

Who would have guessed?

Mike Huckabee, Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton run the most gender-balanced campaigns, while Rudy Giuliani runs the most male-dominated. Of course, Giuliani is staffing his campaign with right-wing nutjobs like Norman Podhoretz and Daniel Pipes, so maybe there are just fewer women in that pool to choose from (Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter can only do so much).

Thanks to Jess for the link.

4 thoughts on Shocker of the day: Presidential campaign staffs are dominated by men

  1. Any thoughts on Huckabee’s place on the list? Seems intriguing to me (though I guess there are, unfortunately, a fair amount of traditional socially conservative women floating around American politics. But there are a lot of women of a lot of political stances in the American political scene, so I don’t think that’s really distinguishing).

  2. It is interesting that men make up the majority of Democratic candidates staff. Men have been leaving the Democratic party in droves for years. I think it is appropriate for Democrats to staff more women, and run more female candidates. Their message certainly isn’t resonating with men.

  3. Daniel Pipes is coming to my state.

    Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum and a columnist with the New York Sun and Jerusalem Post, will lecture at Florida Atlantic University Tuesday night about “Vanishing the Islamist Enemy.”

    Bush apponted Pipes to the U.S. Institute for Peace.The man is unsuitable for the position. He supports internment camps, profiling and first strike war against Iran.

  4. Not surprised, especially on the GOP side. The GOP is the Party of Men.

    I am disappointed that Sen. Hillary’s Democratic rivals don’t have more women on their staffs.

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