In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Thanks for having me

When I said that I would be around for about ten days, I was apparently not paying close attention to the guest-blogging schedule Jill sent out. It turns out my guest-blogging stint is up!

I would like to thank Jill for inviting me to write here, and Piny and Zuzu for sharing their space. But most of all, I would like to thank the Feministe readers. I got some absolutely wonderful responses to my posts, and I’ll be taking much of your advice, especially from the Birth Fears and Leaky Pipeline threads. You have great insight, and I like that there’s a variety of viewpoints here so I can see all sides of an issue. Well, all but the misogynist side, which I could get anywhere else.

I do in fact have my own blog, but I write there quite rarely. I might increase my posting slightly after this, especially if any of you start reading it, since I found blogging with an audience so much fun. I promise to at least write a birth story there, and link it here in a shameless-self-promotion thread. I will also try to keep you in the loop on the outcome of my career-decision-making and job search.

I will see you all in the comments. Thanks, everyone!

12 thoughts on Thanks for having me

  1. I enjoyed your posts a lot! They were very thought provoking and I already made a trip over to your blog.

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