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Ahmedinajad: Totally Hilarious

Let me tell you a joke. I think these leaders, that are building nuclear bombs…they are retarded.

Yes, that is the joke. What a card.

11 thoughts on Ahmedinajad: Totally Hilarious

  1. I enjoyed his equally funny joke in response to the question about Iran’s famously awful treatment of homosexuals.

    Asked about widely documented government abuse of women and homosexuals in his country, Ahmadinejad said, “We don’t have homosexuals” in Iran. “I don’t know who told you we had it,” he said.”

    Ha ha!

  2. Ahmadenijad doesn’t even know how to stay on topic. Half the questions he was asked got answers that were completely off the topic of the question. That I thought was the most hilarious part of the question/answer portion. His speech helped me catch up on some z’s. We get to laugh at what he has to say again when he begs the U.N. to stop more sanctions against his country today. Who knows what kind of useless propoganda he’s going to spew today??

  3. Who is this guy really, Andy Kaufman? Couldn’t you just picture him standing on stage saying this shit in his “Foreign Man” accent?

    What’s next, Triumph the Comic Insult Dog in Time? “People who build nuclear bombs are greeeaaat…FOR ME TO POOP ON!” No, wait a minute, that might actually be funny.

  4. Half the questions he was asked got answers that were completely off the topic of the question.

    Sounds like any U.S. politician to me.

  5. is anyone else really dissaappointed by the lack of critical discussion regarding his speech.

    yes, he’s an odd man who gets shit mad wrong sometimes. but can’t we move beyond that?

  6. If I hadn’t just picked up my Limited Edition copy of Halo 3, that would be the toast of my day. Came pretty close.

    Hah! At least I’m laughing on top of feeling damn awesome.

  7. “our proposal to the Palestinian plight is a humanitarian and a democratic proposal. What we say is that to solve this 60-year problem, we must allow the Palestinian people to decide about its future for itself” ahmadinejad on israel/palestine (from the associated press translations of his speech)

    call me crazy and evil but i think he’s pretty spot on here….

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