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School of Knocked Up

The National Right to Life Academy is training the forced-pregnancy advocates of the future. The good news: Only five people attended this year.

However, anti-choicers may have reasons to promote childbirth other than their sheer love of forcing people to have babies against their will — children make for really good political props at anti-choice clinic assaults.

“They’ll all burn in hell, every one of them,” said Malachi Green, one of the protestors.

Though he is only nine years old, Malachi is already well versed in anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality messages. Youth is no excuse for “ignorance,” according to the nine year old’s parents.

“You’re never too young to be touched by God,” said Denny Green, Malachi’s father.

Like many of the children at anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality demonstrations sponsored by Life Liberty Ministries and Repent America, Malachi is homeschooled.

“Every child knows in his heart what is right or wrong,” Green said.

“Would it be better going to public school to learn homosexuality and evolution? They would’ve made the same decisions anyway, we just made it easier,” said Rick Carpenter, the West Virginia coordinator for the organizations.

They even use their kids to “minister” others:

It’ll be a lake of fire,” Josiah said. “If they don’t repent they’ll all end up burning up in there.”

The Murchs’ parents were too “extremist” to adopt children. As members of Operation Rescue, they would chain themselves together at the neck with other protestors and block the entrances to abortion clinics.

“My parents told me about abortion when I was really young. They always wanted to adopt,” Jesse said. He started making his way up and down the East Coast ministering at 10 years old, later in life than his brothers.

At least someone was bright enough to realize these people are too horrible to adopt. Too bad they’re still raising their own kids:

Jesse, despite being the most vocal, is not the eldest. His sister Lauren, 20, sat out most of the demonstration away from the big crowd and megaphones.

“I grew up in a church. I know my place,” Lauren said. “God set up a certain hierarchy and I have my place in that.” She said that men were more suited to take care of important matters. “They’re more commanding,” she said. “We’re supposed to be more submissive.”

Both articles via Feministing.

13 thoughts on School of Knocked Up

  1. Every time I’ve counter-demonstrated against anti-choice fundies I’ve seen children. They often look bored or scared and as they get older they might be more involved. It’s disturbing because it suggests that the parents value their children so little. The whole anti-choice agenda suggests that children are so worthless that women must be forced to have them and the way they treat their children as ammunition is totally consistent with this.

  2. The documentary, Jesus Camp. gives a pretty horrible account of some of the crazy shit some fundamentalist parents put their kids through, including bringing them to DC and local abortion clinics to protest with red duct tape with the word LIFE written in bold black marker over their mouths. The whole thing is more heartbreaking than I can describe.

  3. “I grew up in a church. I know my place,” Lauren said. “God set up a certain hierarchy and I have my place in that.” She said that men were more suited to take care of important matters. “They’re more commanding,” she said. “We’re supposed to be more submissive.”

    The entire anti-abortion philosophy in a nutshell, right there.

  4. Parents that brainwash their children and teach them hate piss me off. Aman brought up the documentary Jesus Camp, and it’s a great example. Children are being put through things that they’ll probably never be able to let go of. What makes it even scarier is that in 20 years or so these children are going to be voting members of the American public.

  5. Like many of the children at anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality demonstrations sponsored by Life Liberty Ministries and Repent America, Malachi is homeschooled.

    How nice that they made sure to toss in that stereotype. :rolls eyes: I know, off topic. But it bugs me. I’ve met more “you’re going to hell” kids in public school to be “a salt and a light” or whatever the phrase is.

  6. Lily, this sort of nonsense is exactly WHY I am teaching my children tolerance, equality, fairness and political awareness. Because otherwise, they’ll be completely floored by this type later on.

  7. While I am personally disgusted at the brainwashing and crap these kids are being fed, I am not sure I feel comfortable condemning their participation. I think it is _good_ that kids participate as much in goverment and socially as they can. Says the mom who takes her kids to equality and peace rallies.

  8. “You’re never too young to be touched by God,” said Denny Green, Malachi’s father.

    It never ceases to amaze me just how these people are allowed to abuse their children to further their agendas. And so many people turn a blind eye to this.

    If you’ll pardon me, I’ll be in the other room…. throwing up.

  9. Just to be cheerful, I have to throw in that the really wingnutty religions have a very hard time KEEPING their kids in said religion/way of life when their kids grow up.

    I know it is only anecdotal, but ALL of my severely atheist friends grew up in Christianist families.

    Once they go to college…well, “it’s hard to keep them down on the farm once they’ve seen Paree”.

  10. I attended my first anti-abortion rally at the ripe age of ten. I think my sister was 7. Good times, what with the standing in the cold holding a sign I didn’t understand the meaning of, helping my parents protest that which I barely understood. I swear to God, my kids will not be expected to participate in any protest of any kind until they understand what they are protesting and why. I mean, they can certainly come with me, but I just don’t want them actively involved until they understand why. (Oh, and I’m pro-choice now, so reason can win out. It just takes awhile in some cases).

  11. I grew up in a very conservative family. Though my family never protested abortion in a public forum, my parents made darn sure none of their kids would ever think it could be acceptable. I remember when I was just in fourth grade my mother explaining late-term abortions: “They open the mother up and cut off the baby’s arms and legs and head. If a woman does this, it is only because she wants to kill her baby. She could just as easily carry it to term.” I love my family, but I understand that they (and the culture I grew up in) were very deceptive about things like abortion and women’s rights. Many children from conservative families are fed these quite terrifying lies from their early youth.

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