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RealityCast 3: Anti-Choice Misinformation and the Global Gag Rule

If you haven’t listened to Amanda’s latest RealityCast, go go go. The transcript is also posted if you can’t listen to audio at work (or in class, like me).

Amanda interviews Aimee Thorne-Thomson from the Pro-Choice Public Education Project, who is one of my favorite reproductive justice activists out there. Aimee is rad, and I’m glad her organization is getting more play.

So Aimee is the best part of the cast, but this video is a close second:

That’s right, ladies — you’re tinting your lips with the remains of aborted fetuses.

So wasteful, right? I mean, if given the choice, everyone knows that we’d rather eat the little buggers.

(If no full-grown babies are available, that is).

9 thoughts on RealityCast 3: Anti-Choice Misinformation and the Global Gag Rule

  1. Wow… the lies. I’m glad that if you are HIV positive there is no way that you should ever be able to have sex again and they are promoting that kind of intolerance to people with HIV. And the forced kissing analogy was disgusting too. Rape is the exact same thing as consensual sex. Oh yea and the fact that I like wearing fetuses on my lips…. you’re right I’d rather eat them. I wish someone would have confronted him about his “facts”.

  2. Holy Crap! That is disgusting! The guy should be put behind bars not allowed to speak to children. Those poor kids! What kind of warped vie are the going to have of the world?

  3. Just what is ti with these anti-choice people and their beliefs? Are they stupidly insane or insanely stupid? Surely they really can’t believe that crap?

  4. “So wasteful, right? I mean, if given the choice, everyone knows that we’d rather eat the little buggers. ”

    LOL….Just exactly WHAT do you think these “abortion mills” make? Ever had cream of fetus? Fetus Flakes? Whole-Grain Fetus?

    Breakfast brought to you by General “abortion” Mills!

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