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Wait, you mean there are actual Iraqis in Iraq?


Whoops. Forgot about them.

About 2 million Iraqis are displaced inside Iraq, and an estimated 2.2 million more have fled to Syria, Jordan and other neighboring countries, where they are straining local resources and threatening to destabilize host communities, the United Nations has reported. With 60,000 Iraqis fleeing their homes each month, Jordan largely closed its borders to Iraqis earlier this year, and Syria said yesterday that it will begin requiring visas for Iraqis at the conclusion of Ramadan next month, essentially closing off exit routes from the country.

But I suppose you can’t blame the Bush administration. I mean, who could have possibly foreseen that when you invade someone’s country, kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians, destroy the entire infrastructure, level cities, and put everyone’s lives at risk, a lot of people are going to want to leave?

Since we invaded in Iraq in 2003, we’ve admitted a grand total of 1,521 Iraqi refugees. Of 60,000 fleeing their homes every month, and millions already displaced. But, yeah, we should really start throwing money at the “surge,” and maybe a border fence if we get bored.

2 thoughts on Wait, you mean there are actual <em>Iraqis</em> in Iraq?

  1. 55% of the refugees are children under 12 years. But with reported 1809 Iraqis dying in August 2007 alone and approx. 62 deaths, motivated by political conflicts, per day this year.

    Of the 1521 refugees the US accepted, most were only accepted this year after international and congressional pressure to raise the number to 7000 people by the end of 2007.

  2. Guess they got tired of waiting for democracy to magically appear and solve all their problems. Oh, wait, they have democracy…sort of.

    Maybe the Bushites will just do what they do best; deny that a problem exists and wait for people to stop asking questions about it–or wait at least until Dubya leaves office, at which point it’s somebody else’s problem.

    The Iraqis sure are lucky that the good guys invaded them and destroyed their country; imagine how awful it would be if, say, one of the Axis of Evil powers invaded them?

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