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Someone, please, put Pete Doherty in rehab for a long, long time

Apparently, being a raging drug addict isn’t enough for Pete Dougherty — now he’s making his cat smoke crack.

He’s pretty much the most fucked up human being ever. He’s barely even human anymore. He’s a walking sack of cocaine wearing a fedora.

And I know it’s not funny funny, but the last line of the article did make me laugh, even if the rest of it made me want to cry:

In the US, crack squirrels are a recognised problem in New York and Washington DC parks.

Thanks to Lauren for the link.

23 thoughts on Someone, please, put Pete Doherty in rehab for a long, long time

  1. You know something, I totally buy that the squirrels in DC are on crack. I lived there for five years, and this is the first explanation of DC squirrel behavior that actually makes sense.

  2. Oh my god, that is so fucked up. So is Animal Control going over there LIKE RIGHT NOW? And if not, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?

    Pete Doherty stopped being funny a long time ago. And now he has officially passed the points of “tolerable” and even “sad.” Fuck him.

  3. Apparently, there isn’t enough “evidence” to convict him. This is the dude who fed marijuana to penguins, stole a car, and is on video injecting himself with drugs.

  4. Crack squirrels? Is that true? I mean, is it even a real rumour? What do crack squirrels DO? I tried googling but all I could find was one person in Brixton(London) who saw a an “ill-looking” squirrel with “bloodshot eyes” digging in her garden one time. I am disappointed.

    Oh yeah, and Pete Doherty makes me feel ill.

  5. Yeah, I read that after leaving the note, Jill. And it’s 100% fucked up. Personally, I think that a photo of holding a crack pipe up to a cat’s face is plenty of reason to do an investigation. And to get the cats tested for drugs. So is the fact that he is constantly high or in jail or high in jail.

    If I didn’t live in the U.S., I’d be tempted to track him down and steal the damn cats . . . you know, if I wasn’t afraid that I would get stabbed with a needle.

  6. Pete Doherty stopped being funny a long time ago. And now he has officially passed the points of “tolerable” and even “sad.” Fuck him.

    I really go back and forth on him. He’s decidedly not hilarious, but I can’t decide if he’s “evil” or “pathetic.” Obviously giving drugs to a helpless animal is evil, but at the same time, he’s a person who is overwhelmed by addiction. There’s so much sadness there I don’t even know where to start.

    And it’s hard because I don’t know what the policy or legal solutions should be. Throwing Pete in prison won’t help a damn thing.

  7. Thanks for that. I probably should’ve wikipedia’d him, but, well, I couldn’t be bothered. 😉
    Where do all these bands come from, anyway? I feel like in the few years since I last owned a radio (thanks a lot, Clear Channel), hundreds have appeared on the scene and become famous without my ever hearing about them. Deathcab for Cutie? Panic at the Disco? Apparently, Babyshambles? I assume they all do, in fact, sing and play instruments, but it seems like I only ever hear about them in the context of their members’ celebrity or their fans’ coolness factor.

  8. He was also in the Libertines who were a lot bigger (and are better) than Babyshambles so it’s not surprising people haven’t really heard of them.

    I still think it’s mostly sad, but I think it’s wrong, the animals should obviously be taken away, drug addicts really shouldn’t have pets…
    But I thought the Libertines were great, I think he was capable of writing really amazing lyrics, and if it wasn’t for the Libertines i would never have gotten to see Mick Jones of the Clash play guitar (and a Clash song no less, which he NEVER does) so i’m probably a bit biased

  9. I agree with janie and others, the man should not own animals, nor should any full fledged druggie or alcoholic for that matter. In fact, I just recently rescued a small kitten from a rooming house where someone i employ lives. A rabid crack head was attempting to keep the kitten by feeding it when it would remember (which wasn’t regularly) and it was running amok and alone in the building and in the streets. I felt bad, but hell, what gives?

    The man should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals because what is doing is no different in my mind than giving your child a hit off a crack pipe. Its disgusting and seeing the picture made me jump, much less reading about how the animal is suffering.

    Any normal, middle class or (most often) poor person would eventually hit bottom by either encountering homelessness and being abandoned by all support and/or ending up in jail.

    Only a wealthy, self absorbed asshat can continue on a drug rampage, bleed and barf all over the damn place until they eventually kill every brain cell they have or kill themselves completely.

    He makes a mockery of the real losses suffered by people who don’t have endless supplies of cash and an ever adoring, forgiving fan base. Fuck him, he should be left on a street with nothing but his dick, his luscious little mouth and a crack pipe.

  10. I fucking HATE when people give animals drugs or liquor. In the NJ suburbs where I grew up, a lot of the raver and stoner kids thought it was quite funny to give their pets pott or booze. Crack is a whole new level of low.

  11. This is disgusting. Now I’m thinking of all the people who enjoy getting their pets fucked up, and then people who enjoy hurting animals, and then people who enjoy killing animals.

    Is there some basic human need to hurt living things? Why do so many people do it, and think it’s funny? What the fuck is wrong with people?

  12. …and now I’m seeing all the other animal rights posts from this week, and holy crap, maybe my question above has been answered…

  13. The newspaper the article is from is widely known in the UK for if not actually fabricating their stories, wildly exggerating the facts. I would take this with a pinch of salt. They once tried to claim that ilegal immigrants were killing and eating swans.

    On the other hand Pete Doherty is a waste of space and if not for the fact that he’s famous he would have been imprisoned along time ago. (Not that I think prison is the best place for those with drug problems). If there is even a grain of truth to this I can only hope he will actually be punished this time, although I doubt it.

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