In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Time’s up!

Right then!  So it is Sunday, and my guest stint draws to a close.  I want once again to thank Jill and the Folks here at Feministe for inviting me to blog here, and you know what, all things considered, I am still glad I decided to take them up on it.  Comments on the thread that went utterly wrong are closed and will stay that way, because it really did hit the point of no return, but other than that whole debacle, I’ve enjoyed my stay here and am grateful for the opportunity.   It’s been interesting to say the least!

And on that note, I a head into the sunset, spurs janglin’!


5 thoughts on Time’s up!

  1. A story that might interest you all:

    “Academia’s fixation on cultural sensitivity is changing the debate around female genital mutilation, with a growing number of professors and women’s rights activists becoming hesitant to condemn the practice.

    Where feminists rallied against the operation from the pages of Ms. magazine in the 1970s, today’s critics are infinitely more cautious, with most suggesting that the Western world butt out until Muslim African communities are ready to reconsider what they are doing to their daughters.”

    They might be waiting a very, very long time. I guess many feminists are fine with FGM as long as it’s brown or black people doing the cutting. Sad.


    (I would have emailed the story to one of you, but I locate an address on the site and the personal profiles are coming up with error messages. Sorry.)

  2. See ya Ren. (Well, from here anyway.) Sorry that thread got so crazy.

    I was going to say something about it but don’t want to throw kerosene on flames.

  3. Thanks Ren. The best parties are always the ones that have to be broken up by the cops at the end…and everyone has a wicked hangover the next day.

  4. I wasn’t going to dignify your comment with a response, “Mike,” but after reading the article… wow. Way to cherry pick quotes. I guess you couldn’t be bothered to read past the first two paragraphs to get to this:

    “…I wouldn’t want it (FGM) to continue. But I think that up until this point, the West has not been particularly helpful in the way that it’s gone about trying to assist in the eradication,” Prof. Boddy says.


    Although not outlined in the Koran, FGM is so ingrained in cultural norms that it will not be easily eradicated, she says.
    Rather, the West must support local counsellors (she names the international women’s rights organization Rainbo as one) working on the ground with women to change their notions of marriageability.

    Or the conclusion:

    Ms. Hotchkiss says the key lies in changing those notions of desirability, likely through a combination of state law, grassroots efforts and intervention by the medical community.
    “[These societies] see women’s bodies used as the holders of tradition. That’s still because the society sees women’s bodies as not their own. They see them as a tool.
    “What Amnesty’s desperately trying to get across, along with women’s human rights activists the world over, is that women’s bodies are their own and they need the right to say what is and what isn’t going to happen to them.”

    So you’re totally off-base. But thanks for your concern trolling. You can go fuck off now.

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