In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Sunday Night Saccharin

I leave for Hamburg a week from today. To prepare, I’ve been watching this video on repeat, courtesy of my sister:

The cute is overwhelming.

7 thoughts on Sunday Night Saccharin

  1. I am very sorry to disappoint you but he’s all grown up by now. So big, in fact, they had to put him on a diet. No more cute. More space in the Berliner Zoo, though, now that everyone has already seen him.

  2. Yeah, I saw him back in mid-May (agh! the crowds!) and he was already the size of a rottweiler. Still cute, though, just way more deadly.

  3. I’m sure everyone remembers how it came to be that Knut hit the headlines: reports that an animal activist had called for him to be put down. I ask anyone who recalls the incident to read through the transcript at this link:
    from the excellent Australian news analysis programme, Mediawatch, and see what really happened. And then go away with a newly refreshed healthy scepticism about ANYTHING they tell us in the mass media.

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