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Vanessa eats babies.

hotdog baby
Can you see Vanessa’s mouth watering?

Dawn Eden has gone after Vanessa in a post titled, “Feminism means never having to say you’re sorry … for leaving your kids to die.” And apparently Feministe is an “abortion-advocacy” blog. Oh that Dawn. What a card! Why in the world would any news source — even the least-reputable one in New York City — have fired her?

I’m not linking to Dawn’s post because, really, why drive up her traffic? She posts purposely inflammatory, infantile accusations (usually with bad puns in the title, but that’s another issue) — it’s kind of like watching a small child jump up and down and scream, “LOOK AT ME!!” So, no thanks. But you should read Vanessa’s response. She links to the lovely Ms. Eden, so you can get the content there.

19 thoughts on Vanessa eats babies.

  1. watching a small child jump up and down and cream, “LOOK AT ME!!”

    Cream, heh. I don’t know why y’all pick on her so much.

    [Shit, where’d the editing tags go?]

  2. “She posts purposely inflammatory, infantile accusations”

    “How sad is that? If I were the employers of those parents, I would consider myself directly responsible for their children’s deaths.”

    Pot, Kettle

  3. Vanessa’s response is pure class.

    It’s very telling how keen conservatives are to jump from descriptions of feeling responsible or guilty to demarcations of legal liability: do they simply not get the distinctions between morals, ethics and laws?

  4. jump up and down and cream, “LOOK AT ME!!”

    So you’re saying that Dawn gets sexual gratification from her attention-seeking behavior?

    (That would explain a lot, actually.)

  5. Is there any reason, besides the airbag, that babies can’t be in the front seat? Maybe if cars had airbag on/off switches parents could put them in the front seat and be more likely to notice them?

  6. Great post…


    I just have to take this moment to say: Barbara Walters just called Chelsea Handler a slut on national TV. To her face. Seriously.

    Go Vanessa!

  7. Is there any reason, besides the airbag, that babies can’t be in the front seat?

    Honestly, I don’t know. I kind of think, once they’re in a forward-facing seat, if your car doesn’t have an airbag then then front seat is ok. But don’t quote me on that.

    I certainly don’t know what people with pickups are supposed to do if they have a kid.

  8. The backseat is always safer until the child is 60 lbs, even if they are in a car or booster seat. The reasoning, I believe, is that there is less structure to injure the child, should their seats fail, in the backseat.

  9. The reasoning, I believe, is that there is less structure to injure the child, should their seats fail, in the backseat.

    Makes sense. When it comes to things like this, I’m always perfectly comfortable erring on the side of caution and just doing what they tell me to.

  10. I’m waiting to be trashed by Dawn Eden. It’s such a disappointment, really, that I haven’t been picked. Why not ME, Dawn?! Why not ME???? Why must the prize always go to someone else????

  11. Dawn Eden got fired from what now?

    From the New York Post — a right-wing Murdoch tabloid. She was a copy editor, and she was fired because she injected her anti-choice views into someone else’s news piece. Pretty unethical, and pretty bad.

  12. Pot, Kettle

    See, that might make sense if I had actually written the original post that you’re quoting from. But I didn’t. So this is hardly a pot/kettle situation. Good try, though.

  13. “See, that might make sense if I had actually written the original post that you’re quoting from. But I didn’t. So this is hardly a pot/kettle situation. Good try, though.”

    Awww, didn’t you know you were supposed to cower in fear over their vastly superior rhetoric?

    Get with the program!!

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