In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Monday

I know this was supposed to happen yesterday, but since comments were down it seemed a little silly to put it up. So we’re a day late. Post a link to something you’ve written, and a short description.

22 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Monday

  1. You’ve got to see the photos on my “A Dog for Romney” post. I normally write about weightier issues, but the topic of Romney’s dog appeared in the media just a day before the photos of my brother’s dog appeared in my inbox. It seemed like fate.

  2. Well I didn’t write much – just copied and pasted – but I made a post about Troy Davis

    Some here may enjoy seething at this post showcasing a fifties video on technological innovations in housekeeping that make life easier for “the little woman.”

  3. “Wrote” might not be exactly the word–although all the copy on the site is mine. Just launched my first website. It’s aimed at helping gamers find local people play with. Right now the male to female ratio of members is sad, but I promise I’m working on it…

  4. These quotes say women of color tend to blame themselves for everything and find it difficult and embarrassing to tell their stories. Women of color should say what they think and feel in public or people will tell them what they think and feel and write their histories for them.

  5. I’ve just started my own site (I’ve been blogging on myspace/blogspot for several years, but launched out on my own recently). Right now I’m just focusing on getting something up every day.

    I swear a lot, which is fun.

    Also, I’m trying to tailor things to take a more “Getting Out of the Bubble” approach, as my background is extrememly conservative (my father is a Baptist minister), and I feel like having had to take the steps I have to “get out”, I can help people in their quest/journey/coin flipping.

    Anyway, head on over…there’s a few posts and more come. Read the “about” section to get a little background on me/the site.


  6. I’m going to shamelessly promote friends’ posts.

    OldMayCoyote has a great, well-thought out post comparing anti-choicers to islamic fundies (And before all you radical anti-choicers get your Jack Bauer underoos in a bunch and accuse me of comparing you to terrorists, let me clarify: I am absolutely comparing you to Al Qaeda. If the neo-fascist anti-democratic one-God-fits-all theocratic shoe fits…) and tanzaniajue introduces Girls Gone Wired, our new group blog of women writing about technology and other Web geekdom.

  7. People seemed to like my two quotes so here’s the third quote by the same author:

    “It is my conviction that the only way to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past is to openly discuss them. Whether in nations, families or individuals, the practice of being on speaking terms with your past lives is the only thing that makes it possible to trust yourself or anybody else. Freedom, liberation, happiness and fulfillment don’t come “naturally.” Rather they must be struggled for, moment by moment, against the tide of institutionalization, commodification and repression.”

    Women of color (or women for that matter) have to talk about their experiences in their families to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

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