In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


Shorter Mark Noonan:

“They might demonize you, spread scurrilous lies about you, and seek to criminalize your very existence, but at least they will never pretend that this is not exactly what they’re doing.”

7 thoughts on WOOOO! GOP! GOP!

  1. It gets better with this guy’s next sentence:

    We conservative Christians might not seem the logical home for you, but you do know where we stand, we are ready to compromise and we will never, ever betray you.

    “Ready to compromise,” eh? Sure, and my goodness, the sun was just blotted out by swarms of flying pigs.

  2. Wow, that just… just… sense, none of it… not making any… my head hurts…

    Also what was with this, at the beginning?

    Because they are always, say, campaigning over our transgendered citizens…

    … with a link to the news story about the debate, in which exactly nothing is said about anything trans, unsurprisingly? Not sure what his point is there, unless it’s just to point out that most Democrats won’t touch trans issues even with the ten-foot-pole that they use to poke at gay marriage.

  3. “Ready to compromise,” eh? Sure, and my goodness, the sun was just blotted out by swarms of flying pigs.

    Mm-hm. “You mean, like with DADT? Because I don’t remember Bill being terribly anxious about gays in the barracks showers.”

  4. “ready to compromise”?!? Sure, if “you stop being gay and we’ll stop trying to ruin your lives and kill you” is considered a “compromise.”

  5. While I disagree with Noonan that gay people should be embracing the Republican party, I think he has a point that the Democrats, at least on a national level, haven’t done shit for gay people.

    In the past term, the only gay friendly legislation the Democrats passed was the politically inept hate crime law. Yes, I think LGBT folks should be protected by hate crime legislation. However, the bill that was introduced also expanded general hate crime provisions. Instead of having a bill that would be solely a referendum on whether LGBT people should protected, thereby calling the Republicans out on their bigotry, the bill gave opponents a reason not to support it on federalism grounds: “Oh gee whiz, I’d really love to help those homo-sexuals out, but I just can’t abide yet another expansion of federal power.”

    Additionally, it is inexcusable that the Democrats have not sent a bill to Bush’s desk repealing DADT. Public opinion is against the policy, and as the country is at war, there couldn’t be a stronger political case that the U.S. needs every talented person willing to serve in the military it can get.

    The Democrats are also AWOL on federal recognition of same-sex marriages/DOMA and LGBT immigration issues. Don’t even get me started on this “debate” HRC is hosting; it’s going to be nothing but a rhetorical handjob for the Democratic front runners.

    In short, while Republicans want to deny gay peoples’ very humanity, Democrats aren’t much better; they seem to have no problem treating gay people as second-class citizens.

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  7. “compromise” is a bad word in the incredibly tiny GOP lexicon.

    I think they actually threw it out of their vocabulary several years ago. Isn’t being “consistent” their modus operandi? Aren’t they all about being idiotic and never backing down? Even when they make bad choices, they redefine, equivocate, and lie, but they never say they were wrong and they never, ever compromise (or so I thought).

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