In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Get Your Hot XXX Blog Content Here

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Kiddies, don’t let your parents see you reading this filth…

17 thoughts on Get Your Hot XXX Blog Content Here

  1. Ummm….WTF?!

    One of the words they disapprove of is dick. Do they not realize that “Dick” is a NAME. Oy. God forbid you talk about the Dick Van Dyke Show.

  2. It’s a pisstake on the movie ratings system and its innate arbitrariness. You can get an NC-17 rating by mentioning the word “zombie” too many times, and “crack” is also taboo, because obviously it only refers to the drug.

  3. I don’t think they come close to parsing with actual movie ratings. My blog got an NC-17 for four instances of ‘fuck,’ one instance of ‘fucking,’ and one instance of ‘meth.’ I mean, yes, the rating is probably actually appropriate given the entirety of my blog, but the five posts the rating generator scanned shouldn’t have scored more than an R.

  4. Okay, time for this stupid ratings generator to go away. It’s a freaking internet application that somebody spent fifteen minutes making. It’s no more accurate or meaningful than what your mob name would be or what your website would look like if it were written by the Swedish Chef. They made a list of violent or sexual or drug-based words, count them on any given page, and give it arating based on that number. It’s not like it’s sanctioned by the MPAA.

  5. The ratings are for the most part biased against pro-women blogs, and I don’t know why.

    Well, for one thing “rape” is a “bad” word as is abortion, sex, porn, vagina, vulva, etc. So if you’re talking about women’s issues you’re definitely not supposed to talk to anyone under the age of 17.

  6. Pingback: Sago Boulevard
  7. Feministe results

    This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

    * murder (8x)
    * drugs (5x)
    * hell (4x)
    * dick (3x)
    * dangerous (2x)
    * dead (1x)

    The last one is bizarre.
    Is this a faith-based initiative?

    rated G
    rated G
    * dick (5x)
    * sex (1x)
    rated PG-13
    * bomb (7x)
    * kill (1x)
    rated PG
    * hell (2x)
    * gay (1x)
    rated NC-17
    * abortion (10x)
    * death (3x)
    * dangerous (2x)
    * murder (1x)
    rated R
    * kill (4x)
    * suicide (2x)
    * sex (1x)

    Seems pretty uneven.

  9. The ratings are for the most part biased against pro-women blogs, and I don’t know why.

    I agree. Apparently neoconservative blogs only get a PG-13 to an R rating.

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