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Frenemies: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Warning: This video contains copious amounts of gratuitous kitty cuteness. Be forewarned!

Watching this video made me want to ride over and give my Republican sister-in-law a hug. If they can do it, why can’t we?

Cross-posted at My Private Casbah

21 thoughts on Frenemies: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

  1. While the video is undoubtedly cute (yay cute! *grin*), be nice to someone that supports me being a second-class person in this country and wants to erase my reproductive rights? Yeah, sorry, I can’t just shove my humanity to the side like that.

    I have a really close friend who is a conservative, but an old school fiscal conservative, who hates what the social-conservatives have done to his party almost more than we do. Him, I call ally, but the so-cons? We’re going to be sun-bathing in deep space before that happens.

  2. Watching this video made me want to ride over and give my Republican sister-in-law a hug.

    But you didn’t do it, right?

  3. Our cat, Tomato, always gets along great with my folks’ dog, Lucy. The funny/sad thing is that Lucy is actually allergic to cats — she loves hanging out with Tomato, but then her eyes swell up and her nose runs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Awww. I love how the kitty is trying to get his/her doggie friend up to feline grooming standards. That’s a big job!

    But I’ll still ignore the annoying political e-mails my brother sends me sometimes. Blood is thicker than politics, but DAMN it’s hard to remember that sometimes.

  5. I hug my conservative Catholic grandfather every time I see him. It’s fine; I love him.

    But I also send him every single action alert I get from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, PFAW, Catholics for a Free Choice, etc. =-) This is mostly in retaliation for the stupid emails he sends me about how the ACLU is ruining the country and how school shootings wouldn’t happen if public schools were allowed to force their students to pray.

  6. sometimes, i too want to bite my cat’s head when she kneads my stomach incessantly! goddamnit, quit it with the claws!!

    when a dog does it, it’s cute; with me, however, it’d probably be worthy of psychological evaluation.

  7. Soupcann, I believe your grandfather and my father-in-law are on the same mailing list. He’s forever forwarding me stuff like that. Occasionally heart-warming, mostly just ire-inducing. I wish I had the courage to send him stuff back, hell, to even stop pretending I don’t notice all the hateful stuff in my inbox. It’s weird, because I stand up to anyone else I don’t agree with; I think his personality is just so forceful that I’m terrified of him. Oh dear, I think I’ll be needing therapy for this issue. Any advice?

    On a side note, Tomato is the best name for a cat. Ever.

  8. Can I just say that the dog could have been a smaller version of my dog, and the cat could have been one of my cats? Seriously cute overload going on there.

    sometimes, i too want to bite my catโ€™s head when she kneads my stomach incessantly

    Once my cat was on my lap, purring nicely, and then leaned over and sunk her teeth into my arm. I gasped in pain, leaned down and “bit” her ear (mostly just squeezed it with my lips). She let go of my arm and looked at me like I was crazy.

    She may have been right, but she didn’t bite me again for, oh, at least a day.

  9. Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

    Growing up, I had a huge lab/great dane mix who was the sweetest thing ever. One day we brought home a stray kitten and we were a little concerned that our dog would not be pleased (since he generally didn’t like other dogs in the house). Much to our surprise he decided to be this kitten’s mommy. He did everything from pre-chewing her food to carring her outside to go to the bathroom (she had a litter box, but never learned used it). I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cuter sight than a tiny kitten sleeping on top of his humongous head or a tiny little kitten trying to walk like a ginormous dog.

    Even animals can break out of species and gender stereotypes from time to time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever seen a cuter sight than a tiny kitten sleeping on top of his humongous head or a tiny little kitten trying to walk like a ginormous dog.

    Awww — you had your very own version of “Feed the Kitty”!

    (Yes, that’s the whole cartoon. Go watch before Warner Bros finds out.)

  11. I have a pug (who is afraid of all other dogs, including OTHER PUGS) who is best buds with my big grey cat- they constantly snuggle up and take turns chasing each other through the house.

    Mary Matalin and James Carville manage it- but I dunno…

  12. Does everyone have a Republican sister in law? Mine refuses to talk politics with me anymore… she gets soo mad when I ask her questions she can’t answer.

    And the best kitty name ever is Pepper. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Lee – I’ve decided to stop taking his shit when he sends it to the fifty or so people in his address book. I don’t get angry, though; I get logical. Last week, he sent me (and everyone else he knows) an email about how the ACLU barred Marines from praying on government property or some such bullshit. I looked it up on Snopes and, sure enough, it was false. I also took the liberty of looking up cases at the ACLU’s website about how they had defended religious freedom on government property and summarized them with links. I sent all this information to everyone on the mailing list as a reply-all.

    I also decided a good way to flood his inbox with stuff he surely doesn’t want to see is to sign every action alert campaign thingy I get from all the liberal, pro-choice organizations and then forward them to him. Maybe he’ll get the hint, maybe he won’t. At any rate, it feels good when I click the send button, knowing it’s going to his inbox.

    I know what you mean about the forceful personality, though. I was like that for a lot of years with my grandfather – I mean, he’s the patriarch of the family (and thus, very into the patriarchy as well) and very Catholic and all that. I still love him and I know we’ll never agree on political issues, but I can feel my respect for him waning a bit. It’s hard for me to see someone I practically revered growing up who buys into all the conservative bullshit. I don’t know, maybe he feels the same way about me – that his eldest grandchild has been brainwashed by the liberally-biased media or something. I guess that’s all part of growing older, but I can’t help but feel sad about it.

  14. Just gotta say there is no such thing as gratuitous kitty cuteness. I especially liked the treading part. It means the cat thinks of the dog as Mom. I used to have a cat that would tread on my wife for several minutes before lying down. I got the headbutts instead.

    I’m not sure what’s going on, but I have a Republican sister-in-law also. Conservative Catholic, is home-schooling the 3 kids. At least she was a teacher. She taught K-3 for several years before she became pregnant with their 1st girl.

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