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Help Feminist Bloggers Attend the Allied Media Conference

This conference sounds awesome — and there are several bloggers who want to go but need a little help getting there. Brownfemipower has the list, which includes Fabulosa Mujer, Hermana Resist, Please Professor Black Woman, BlackAmazon, and The Primary Contradiction. If you have some extra cash, consider tossing it their way.

At the request of Roni in the comments, I’ll add that all of these women are fabulous women of color bloggers, who do not get nearly the blogospheric attention they deserve. I should have noted that earlier. And the Allied Media Conference looks like a pretty incredible event. Please help them get there.

I’m also going to move this post up to the top of the page every day or two for the next week so that it gets the attention it deserves.

6 thoughts on Help Feminist Bloggers Attend the Allied Media Conference

  1. It’s strange to read this here. I have been going to the AMC for the past 3 or 4 years. Anybody who goes, stop by the Love Bunni Press table and say hi!

  2. Thanks for posting. My own measly donations won’t get these amazing women to AMC, but it’ll help.

    BTW – I think it should be said that these are amazing WOC bloggers. With the recent debates about where they are, we should point that out. If not in the title of this post, but in the body. Well now in the comments. And yes, the fact that they are WOC is what prompted me to open up my PayPal account. Not to mention that I love Fabi & Hermana.

  3. Thanks Jill for spreading the word about our fundrasing efforts to attend the Allied Media Conference. And Roni, thank you for the kind words.

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