In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Bring it.

42 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Oooh! I have three posts this week!

    When Dead White Men were really Dead White Women and other historic things that interest me, which is about women dressing as men historically.

    My Deliberately Barren Self is Having Issues, which attempts to take the BBC to task for the way they reported about the Australian politician who said his “deliberately barren” coworker couldn’t be a good politician because she didn’t understand family life.

    And my co-blogger (finally) wrote Down with Queer Lit, where she makes a list of demands for Queer Lit that I found quite enjoyable. Comments include recs of Queer Lit.

    And now, I’m off to work – wacky time-zone hyjinks and all that.

  2. Anna, who was that jazz musician who died a few years ago and was discovered during the autopsy to actually be a woman? Was it Billy Tipton?

  3. Yay, this is always so fun and eclectic!!

    I Fucking Hate You, Judd Apatow. An open letter about how Judd Apatow & Co.’s “harmless” comedy is really based in a deep, abject fear of women.

    Did ya know in the comic masterpiece Knocked Up one of the MALE characters cannot even say the word “abortion” but instead refers to it as “shmashmortion.” No, really. And this is just the tip of the iceberg…

  4. I’d really like some suggestions or even help (publicizing this to get it noticed by the powers-that-be, and by the powers-that-want-to-be so that the changes that need to happen to protect women’s health DO happen, for instance) regarding this more personal matter which affects all women to some degree or another.

  5. Zuzu — I just want to let you know how much I like reading the stuff people post here, what a great idea these self-promotion Sundays’ are! 😀

  6. Well this would have been better in the thread about Garance’s op-ed on raising the age on porn but I thought I had a better idea to give the women who want to do Girls Gone Girl some space to make their choice.

    And there’s better legal options besides raising consent laws to 21 to achieve a similar kind of result (or at least a greater level of protection from bottom-feeders like Francis). How about changing the law on getting signed consent forms? You could stipulate that for any filming that involves nudity, a legal consent form can only be signed 48 hours after filming. Meaning that the producer can only get a valid consent release form after giving the subject two days to reconsider her decision to let him film her. (Or to sober up). Not a retroactive, you have two-days-to-retract-given-consent. You have to be reapproached by the filmmaker after 48 hours have passed since filming and only then does a consent form give you legal protection from being sued.

  7. Better late than never? I thought I didn’t have a good “feministe” post this week, but I think the one on Katha Pollitt’s birth dearth is worth a read – especially her article at the link:


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