In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Someone, please, firebomb Max Brenner’s

After hours, of course, so no one gets hurt. But if there was one spot in the city (or, in fact, the whole world) that I’d destroy, it would be the Second Avenue Max Brenner’s.

I hate it. I have to walk by it on my way to and from the gym, and it makes me physically upset. So thank goodness Frank Bruni demolishes it in his review.

And the substantial menu of dishes other than desserts — omelets for breakfast; salads, sandwiches and quiches for lunch and dinner — show that the standards aren’t particularly high. A congealed lasagna Bolognese could have been the work of that great Italian artisan Chef Boyardee.

I will buy everyone in this city a can of Spaghetti-O’s if we can shut down Max Brenner’s. Not that that would matter, since the place is dominated by tourists (and if any actual New Yorker sets foot in there, they deserve to be banished to Bakersfield), but the offer is still on the table.

**To clarify: Max Brenner’s is a restaurant that serves chocolate-everything, along with basics like sandwiches and soup. The food is terrible. The restaurant is ridiculous. It’s basically mall food. It particularly irritates me because they just opened one in my neighborhood which, though totally gentrified, has until a few years ago been pretty free of chain restaurants. It also makes me particularly angry because it’s about half a block away from one of the best dessert places in Manhattan — and yet it is always full of tourists who read about it in their guidebook. I want to shake them and tell them that they’d be better off at McDonald’s, and that if they’re going to come to the East Village, there are about 500 cute and delicious restaurants that they can eat at. There are a handful of things that I hate so much that I feel tense and twitchy just thinking about them. Those things are Nicholas Cage, Fergie, and Max Brenner’s.**

So share: What do you hate? And what or who would you (non-violently, of course) remove from the earth — or at least from the public?

172 thoughts on Someone, please, firebomb Max Brenner’s

  1. Hey, Bakersfield is a beautiful place to drive through. Heh.

    BTW: I don’t think you’ve adequately explained your hatred of Max’s place to us non-NY people. What’s with all the hostility, man? Just cuz the place has bad food it deserves to be blown up?

    Jeez, I hope I never get on your bad side . . .

  2. You are in New York? Good. Means you won’t ever accidentally eat any leftovers from my kitchen in Maryland. Damn.

  3. I didn’t get it either, Tony, but then I read the review:

    Max Brenner is “creating a new chocolate culture.” Max Brenner invites you to “watch, taste and smell my love story.” Max Brenner has “freed chocolate from its cage.” He’s a poet, our make-believe Max: Wonka by the way of Wordsworth.

    You just know the word “synergy” is all throughout their corporate culture now. Dynamite it, I say.

  4. BTW: I don’t think you’ve adequately explained your hatred of Max’s place to us non-NY people. What’s with all the hostility, man? Just cuz the place has bad food it deserves to be blown up?

    Nah, it’s not the bad food. It’s the schtick. It’s in a neighborhood where most of the restaurants and stores are cute little individually-owned places, and where, until recently, there wasn’t much of a tourist presence. Nothing against tourists, because I’ve been a tourist in cities many a time, but they do have a talent at frequenting the worst possible places in the city. Max Brenner’s draws them in, and is entirely inappropriate for the neighborhood. It’s corporate where corporate shouldn’t be. It made sense around Union Square, where there’s also a Whole Foods and a Forever 21. It does not make sense in the East Village.

    It would kinda be like if a cute, non-touristy bohemian neighborhood in Rome all of a sudden opened a Starbucks, and tourists from all over the English-speaking world starting coming by. I can understand why that would make Rome-dwellers want to hit someone.

  5. The following must be destroyed before humankind can make it’s next great evolutionary leap:

    paris hilton

    lindsay lohan

    britney spears

    mike tyson

    tom cruise

    and ditto to nic cage and fergie

    There’s a lot more to mention. But if we removed those people right now, our national IQ averages would go up by about 50 points immediately.

    Gotta start somewhere.

  6. What is the nearby “one of the best dessert places in Manhattan” you have in mind? Every dollar your readers spend there instead of Brenner’s hastens its demise!

  7. Stretch hummers. The mere sight of them induces an incoherent, apoplectic rage in me that leaves me sputtering for hours. When future high school history classes learn of the final days of the decaying American Empire, stretch fuckin’ hummer will be held up as the ultimate symbol of our decadence, perversion and disregard for the earth.

    God, I hate those fuckin’ things.

    They must be destroyed, in fire and ‘splosions.

  8. Ok, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Like putting a McDonalds in Baghdad.

  9. In fact, I’ve never seen you outside of Manhattan.

    Oh, sure, you’re happy to have the B&T crowd come to you, but do you come to the B&T crowd?

    You’re like Mohammed that way.


  10. Things to remove, and thus improve the world:

    Paris Hilton, the person who greenlighted and then canceled Arrested Development, SUVs driven by people who don’t actually have a soccer team’s worth of kids in the back, designer dogs, Chili’s, abstinence education, the gene that makes me like that “This is why I’m hot” song, everyone who doesn’t watch Veronica Mars, crystal meth, and whatever reason it is that keeps guys wearing pants directly below their ass cheeks.

    That’s a rough draft.

  11. designer dogs

    Oh, save me from people who will PAY A THOUSAND BUCKS for a Labradoodle or goldendoodle.


  12. I hate Max Brenner–the chocolate there is horrible, especially for somewhere proclaiming to be all about chocolate. There are a million better shops in the city (or you could just go to the Whole Foods on Bowery, which has truffles from a lot of them).

  13. Of course, hating is bad 😉 But, I deeply dislike snakes, johnny knoxville, and mc donalds. And I hate facebook because it’s taking over my life.

  14. I like Johnny Knoxville, actually. I think I may be the only normal girl on the planet who delights in the Jackass movies.

    But I can’t stand the food that the campus “grocery” sells. I got a veggie wrap once, and it was literally shredded lettuce in a tortilla. Then there’s the actual campus restaurants, which include Burger King, Wendy’s, and an ice cream place. And they’re all into promoting “healthy habits”, give me a break.

  15. I also dislike everybody who doesn’t watch Veronica Mars! Also, everybody who doesn’t like Friday Night Lights. It’s about more than just football people, in fact it is TV genius! Also… evangelicals scare the shit out of me. I mean, speaking in tongues?? Yikes.

  16. In fact, I’ve never seen you outside of Manhattan.

    Oh, sure, you’re happy to have the B&T crowd come to you, but do you come to the B&T crowd?

    You’re like Mohammed that way.


    Ha. I lived in Brooklyn for a summer, that counts right?

    And as far as I’m concerned, the B&T crowd can stay on their side of the B and the T. I hate America like that.

  17. What is the nearby “one of the best dessert places in Manhattan” you have in mind? Every dollar your readers spend there instead of Brenner’s hastens its demise!



    I don’t know, my experience with “Fergie” is limited to the two videos you’ve recently linked to, but she makes me laugh. Her delivery by itself makes me shake with laughter for like ten seconds, and then when I start actually listening to what she’s saying, it’s even funnier. And I’ve always thought that someone needed to start aggressively sexaulizing girl scout uniforms.

    I’ll try to confine my dyspeptic rantings to one relatively trivial matter. I think it was a post of yours that first made me hate this Zack Branff or Braff or whatever he is. I can’t stand that show Scrubs. But everyone seems to think it’s not only tolerable but good. Some of my students were arguing with me about it, saying it’s great. One of them even said it was better than Seinfeld. Okay, I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I guess I’d rid the world of Scrubs and possibly this Branff character.

    I also think James Spader is annoying, but I have to admit, he’s a good actor. The Seinfeld episode with him was just on, and he does have skills.

  19. Uno’s is not Chicago style pizza, Uno’s is filthy crap and so is its look alike Duo’s.

  20. Seconded on Nic Cage.

    Aside from that? Hard to be a frequent reader and not have an itch to put (US-) “America” here. ;-/

  21. Oh maaaaan. You just had to ask about my peeves.

    First, I absolutely hate it when people want to drive through the rugged wilderness, or go to exotic lands, or see amazing sights … but oh, we must be in the absolute lap of luxury when we do so! I want my 4×4 to scale the Kimberly mountains, but my car must have plush leather and a caviar fridge! I want to see the glory of Africa, but my room must have an western toilet and cable! I want to go to new cities and cultures, but I must have food I can eat at home!

    They have a friggin’ PIZZA HUT next to the PYRAMIDS. I kid you not. You’d fly all the way across the world to a new, exciting place … and eat the same crap you can eat at home. I can’t stand it. It makes me go crazy.

    The second thing I hate is every single female clothing store in my state. I live in Tasmania, but apparently we must wear the same fashions as girls in Queensland. So you go into the store. All the men’s side have shirts, jackets, and pants. Warm stuff. The girl’s side has whatever see-through frilly crap that’s in fashion this year. Not a single long-sleeved shirt or jacket in sight. It’s bloody 8 degrees C outside, but we’re expected to freeze to death in order to be fashionable. And the sad this is, GIRLS DO. And they emulate Paris Hilton while they’re at it. Shoot me.

    It’s pretty sad when you start wishing that men’s clothes could fit you.

  22. Sorry you hate it Jill 🙁 I went a few weeks ago, and while I enjoyed my chocolate cookies the whole “new chocolate culture” was disturbing and creepy. I will definitley try chikalicious now.

  23. While we’re venting, I hate the yakitori that looks like chicken, but is actually skin or cartilage (!!!). I can’t fathom people who prefer that to actual meat. Weirdos.

    Bad food makes me sad.

  24. 1. Whoever invented the take-home final exam (the sole reason I’m awake and procrastinating @ 4:30am PST)
    2. Mark Cuban
    3. Whichever one of my roommates chipped a plate of mine
    4. People who strike up conversations with you, and then 20 minutes in try to convert you to whatever their religion is
    4a. ….while you’re eating lunch.
    5. Whoever does those damn Axe commercials


  25. Oh, man, this one’s easy and pretty much at the top of my mind these days: the educational culture that expects a kid to have all his shit together by the time he’s six or considers him a ‘wash’. My son’s going through this right now – he’s a little boy! A very little boy, and he’s doing his best. Grrrrrr. HATE. They’ve changed him from a happy, confident kid to one who constantly excoriates himself for every ‘wrongdoing’, real or perceived. You’d expect better from an Austin school, especially one deep in the hippiest hippy part of town, but all that peace, love, and understanding bullshit is not getting us very far. HATE.


  26. I hate elitism. The East Village isn’t what it was when you grew up there? Please.

  27. I hate people who say all sorts of pretentious drivel about “seeing the real [wherever] when they’re travelling to a tourist region”. You’re camping on the beach? Good for you. It’s still a tourist region, and it’s not some magical “authentic” vacation. You’re going as a tourist: unless you’re living there for some significant period of time, on the same amount of money that people have, and knowing the local language, you’re not seeing the “real” whatever. (That said, I am also with people who hate those who go to McDonald’s while in Rome.)

    I hate people who block up lanes in grocery stores. I, too, am indecisive when faced with 37 kinds of mustard, but I do not force everyone in the store to wait until I have chosen the best kind.

    I hate purse dogs. Stop carrying your stupid dogs in ugly purses into every store in the world, especially grocery stores and produce stores. And especially stop carrying your dogs around in Snuglis.

    Also, poutine. It not only tastes revolting, it smells revolting. I don’t care if you put caviar into it now, it’s still not a gourmet food.

  28. Ugg boots, the spandex legging things and huge sunglasses that make you look like an insect. Also predicate logic.

  29. My pet peeve are people who interupt whatever you’re talking about—-like getting assholes who assume you don’t know nothing about hardware—-to sniff that they’ve never had that problem and to imply what’s the matter with you? I hate people who sneer at you for telling anecdotes—-then tell their anecdote with the expectation you’ll fall all over them and tell them OMG I WUZ WRONG I RENOUNCE FEMINISM!

    And if one more troll can’t tell the frickin’ difference between ‘dissent’ and a being a contrary little shit who hasn’t read anything by a woman that wasn’t written by Ann Coulter I’m going to reach through the screen and pull their ears all the way around their head and tie them in a bow.


  30. Well, I hate Max Brenner’s because I think the chocolate is for shit.

    But I agree with tps12, to an extent. As someone who grew up in NJ, it’s always a bit much to hear snide comments about the B&T crowd from anyone who grew up a lot further away than those kids from Queens or Montclair did. And what it really means is “I hate (poorer) people whose tastes don’t conform to mine.” It’s classism, and silly to pretend otherwise. My favorite I-don’t-go-above-14th-St.-LES-nostalgia-ew-B&T comment ever came from a 22 yr old Estonian model of my acquaintance. I was like, “Huh? You were a twelve year old milking fucking cows somewhere near the Gulf of Finland when things were any different.”

    And not all tourist-frequented restos are bad. Lupa invariably has several tables filled with soccer-momish fans of Batali’s shows on the teevee and that place is great.

  31. Thank you , THANK YOU for hating on Max Brenner’s. Thank you so much. I had felt so very alone.

    I hate, in no particular order: The new voiceover on the L train and its nasal midwestern-y female voice: ApartmentsAndLofts.Com: the patriarchy, that Shoegasm chain store: ads for vaginal plastic surgery: the asshole from the 18th floor who keeps asking me why I don’t SMILE: pharmaceutical advertising: The Monsanto Corporation;
    Hillary Clinton; Helaine Olen, Caitlin Flanagan; anyone having anything to do with Focus on the Family; anyone promoting “Intelligent Design,” people who do not stop at the stop signs on my way to work,; John McCain, anyone who takes John McCain seriously; Peter Braunstein: my good friend in Seattle’s abusive stalker ex boyfriend who still stalks her; smugness; PowerPoint; people who think the Iraq invasion was justified in any way; factory farming; mean people; people who don’t tip; crap business words such as “leverage,” “wordsmith,” and “monetize” …. SIGH. Thank you! I feel much better now.

  32. 1. Kids that wear those wheelie shoes
    2. Dogs wearing clothes and/or people who bring their dogs with them to shop at friggin Target
    3. Jam bands
    4. TGI Fridays

  33. Feel free to jump on me with this, but I absolutely can’t stand “bigger” women who wear midriffs or hip-huggers (especially without underwear. yuck).

    Sorry Ladies.

    Not hot.

  34. Ipomoea, I kinda of want to be your new best friend. Except I wouldn’t get rid of everyone not watching Veronica Mars, just the ones watching Dancing With the Stars instead (seriously you could have watched Lisa on Veronica Mars first).

  35. Dominoes Pizza (nasty pizza and Thomas Monaghan. *shudder*)

    Giada de Laurentiis. Her show is terrible and her recipes are *useless*. I’m sensing an entire thread devoted to the ridiculousness that is “professional chefs” and Food TV.

    My sex, gender, and the law class. It had the potential to be so good. And it was so agonizingly wretched that I would write a letter to the dean of the law school. If the prof weren’t his wife. grrrr.

  36. Rachael Ray

    Laura Bush


    Midwest pizza. The further west you go from New York, the more the pizza blows goats until you reach the epicenter of pizza suckitude, Chicago. Here in Cleveland, there’s nothing faintly resembling a good east coast pie.

    After just two episodes of “Celebrity Fit Club,” Dustin Diamond. STFU, Screech.

  37. Also I hate shows which pretend some gender balance or feminism or anything, but lose it totally in the actual plotting. Gilmore Girls and Lost, I am looking at you.

    (Heroes, I would totally be looking at you too except I enjoy you too much. But you only have a few episodes left to redeem yourself and Niki/Jessica.)

  38. I hate tourists. Because they travel in packs and walk slowly and clutter up my city and need to be shouted at to know when to get on and off trains. Some of them, anyway.

    And also people who apologise for saying someting offensive while saying it. As if to say ‘I know this will upset you but I don’t care! Ner ner na ner ner!’.

    And then there’s Ken bloody Livingstone and his sodding Oysters and TFL stealing all my money. (Which might not make sense to people who don’t live in London.)

  39. SUVs. Limos. And, the abomination of all abominations, stretch SUVs. I propose that harpoon hunting of any vehicle designed for ostentatious display be allowed. Aiming away from the passanger compartment, of course.

  40. Ha. I lived in Brooklyn for a summer, that counts right?

    Not if it was in a neighborhood you could flag a cab in.

    And as far as I’m concerned, the B&T crowd can stay on their side of the B and the T. I hate America like that.

    Okay, Seattle-girl.

  41. Anyone who walks slowly. Yes, tourists do it more frequently than most, but honestly, anyone who breaks my stride needs to move back from whence they came. Because native New Yorkers (as well as people who have properly assimilated) know how to effing walk.

    …and I like Rachael Ray?

  42. Chicklet: I think we need to have a conference of Feministe readers in Cleveland.

  43. Midwest pizza. The further west you go from New York, the more the pizza blows goats until you reach the epicenter of pizza suckitude, Chicago. Here in Cleveland, there’s nothing faintly resembling a good east coast pie.

    Are you insane?

  44. Hm.

    I hate wisdom teeth.

    I hate academia.

    I hate Stephanie Zacharek’s film reviews, even though I sometimes agree with the conclusions she draws.

    I hate pretentious people who hiss and snarl at me for going to Barnes & Noble to write. The atmosphere helps. The magazine rack is better that at our local independent mecca. Now deal with it.

    I hate the NBA. College basketball is fun. NBA puts me to sleep.

    I hate the word “soccer.” The word “soccer” is what’s really wrong with America.

    I have people who, when talking about their children, inject phrases such as “my clever son” or “my talented daughter.” Oh my GOD, get over yourselves.

    I hate grocery stores late at night.

    I hate shows like “My Super Sweet Sixteen.” Even though they are entertaining in a macabre way.

    I hate those goddamn Axe commercials. And the sad thing is, I really *like* Axe on men…

  45. I hate people who join the military and don’t admit that they’re supporting rape and genocide by doing so. You’re hired fucking killers, people. You wanted to go to college, and you figured murdering a whole lot of brown people was a good way to do it. Just admit it.

    Oh, and seconded (or twenty-fourthed) on people who don’t watch Veronica Mars.

  46. I hate grocery stores late at night.

    I have rather fond — if extraordinarily herbally enhanced — memories of visits to grocery stores at midnight or later.

    If we are doing just straight-up hates, now, may I mention people (men and women) who wear perfume to the gym? I am not a perfume hater in general (I wear it, often enough) — but if I am panting on a treadmill and having essentially to mainline your Axe/Happy/Love’s Baby Soft — not cool.

  47. Well, as long as we’re talking about tv shows, I hate people who stick their noses in the air and say “IIII don’t waaatch teevee!” As if that alone makes them intellectually superior somehow.

    Well, guess what. If smart people watched more tv maybe shows like Arrested Development or Firefly or Sports Night, to name a few really smart shows that got cancelled because no one was watching them, would still be on the air.

    Maybe the reason tv is for stupid people is because only stupid people watch tv. Grr…spit…

  48. But I agree with tps12, to an extent. As someone who grew up in NJ, it’s always a bit much to hear snide comments about the B&T crowd from anyone who grew up a lot further away than those kids from Queens or Montclair did. And what it really means is “I hate (poorer) people whose tastes don’t conform to mine.” It’s classism, and silly to pretend otherwise.

    Is Max Brenner’s for the B&T crowd? I thought it was for tourists, and I don’t think people from New Jersey are usually tourists who are walking around with their guidebooks. And where did I make a snide comment about the B&T crowd? (When I was responding to Zuzu in the comments, I was kidding — did we take her seriously when she called me a Dhimmi? Come on).

    And before someone says I hate tourists, I’ll say again that I’ve been a tourist in many, many cities, and I’m sure that I went to many, many awful places that residents of those cities wanted to destroy. Do I think that they’re elitist for feeling that way? Hell no.

    I hate elitism. The East Village isn’t what it was when you grew up there? Please.

    Also not what I said. Seriously, I can’t complain about an awful behemoth restaurant two blocks away from where I live without being accused of elitism? How long do I have to live in the city before I can complain about anything? I’ve put in six years — do I have to double that? Triple it? Then am I allowed?

    Can I complain about the Starbucks? I’m from Seattle, and I actually like Starbucks, so does that give me enough credibility? It’s ridiculous to argue that just because I dislike something, I’m being classist. (And, as an aside, it’s not like Max Brenner’s is cheap, so I don’t think class is the issue here). Oh, and also, I’m not exactly rolling in money right now. I just really dislike chain restaurants with stupid schticks and crappy food. I dislike them here, and I dislike them elsewhere — but I dislike them more in places where there are dozens of other places to eat. Am I an elitist bitch for thinking that? Fine, I’ll accept the accusation gladly.

    Give me a fucking break.

  49. I hate elitism. The East Village isn’t what it was when you grew up there? Please.

    Actually, I did grow up in the East Village, back when it was the Lower East Side, and I hate what it’s turned into. It used to have hardware shops and baby supply shops, and now it’s all overpriced hipster bars that you can’t afford to go into. I can’t afford to live there–nobody can, these days, unless they’re lawyers or stockbrokers or something like that. Complaining about that isn’t elitism–quite the opposite.

  50. And as far as I’m concerned, the B&T crowd can stay on their side of the B and the T. I hate America like that.

    Okay, Seattle-girl.

    Haha. I know, I know, I’m kidding. My room mate is from New Jersey and my college boyfriend is from Long Island. I love me some B&T.

  51. Jill, I wasn’t really responding specifically to you. We were all talking about our hates and the discussion brought to mind one of my particular hates. I was even going to include a “this is not about Jill,” but thought that would be relatively obvious. I certainly never called you any names. But we all know what I mean, right? The snotty “Oh I hate all these tacky guidos who come here on the weekends” person who is, like, from Duluth.

    I hate tourists because they think that the top of the subway stairs is a good place to stand in a group of 4 in order to check their maps. But I’m sure I’ve done similar things.

  52. I just really dislike chain restaurants with stupid schticks and crappy food. I dislike them here, and I dislike them elsewhere — but I dislike them more in places where there are dozens of other places to eat.

    Amen to that. Albuquerque too has been inundated with out-of-state chain restaurants in the past few years. So there’s PF Chang’s and Outback Steakhouse and Landry’s Seafood, but real restaurants go in and out of business so fast it makes your head spin.

  53. Football managers or players who complain how difficult it is to play in the regular league and the bloated money trough that is the champions’ league.
    Anyone who utters the phrase “You just haven’t met the right man yet” without irony.
    Anyone who accuses me of being too hard on myself just because I don’t consider cooking dinner for a 17-month-old to be the kind of life achievement I should be aspiring to.
    Pumpkin food outlets on railway stations that sell the same three kinds of dried-up sandwich and the same two kinds of pie in every station in the UK rail network.
    Single supplements.
    Adverts for dating agencies, particularly the one that promises true love in six months or… another six months free.
    Chick lit books that start out promising and then have the heroine pair off with her gay best friend, who turns out to be bi.

  54. Chicklet: I think we need to have a conference of Feministe readers in Cleveland.

    Evil Fizz, that sounds like a good plan. Oh, and a local hate – the Liberty Ford ads. “Liberty’s in Solon! Maple Heights! Independence! Parma Heights! Vermilion! AAA-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!”

    Morningstar, I may be crazy but I hate Midwest pizza and especially heavy, leaden “Chicago style” pizza – whether it’s deep-dish, stuffed or made in a bowl. I love the foldable delight of a slice from DiFara’s in Brooklyn, or Pepe’s in New Haven.


    This is exactly why I don’t understand the Nic Cage hate. He makes almost every movie he’s in fucking hilarious. Exhibit A. And it’s not like he’s ever cast in good movies anymore, so he can only improve a shitshow like Wicker Man or, especially, Ghost Rider. He made his character eat jelly beans from a brandy snifter, for god’s sake! He is the messiah of b-movie blockbusters.

  56. Mipa, I’m totally with you on Friday Night Lights!!! People don’t realize what an awesome and feminist-friendly show it is. I’m so sad its ratings suck so much – I think most smart people are like, Oh, it’s about football in a small town in Texas, NEXT; and most fuhball guys watch it for about 15 minutes, realize it’s too smart for them, and turn it off. The acting is fantastic (though most characters look way too old to be in high school, but wev) and the characters are more compliated than in most TV shows. I love it.
    Ok, on to things I hate: I HATE hummers of all sorts, and the stretch ones are an abomination.

    There is no such thing as a good burrito in Massachusetts. Please stop trying.
    I hate those awful detergent commercials that show two little boys joyfully playing in the mud, while an equally-joyful little girl helps her mother with the laundry. For fuck’s sake, people.

    I hate American Idol. It sucks the soul and heartbeat out of any song it touches. It’s corny and vanilla and totally devoid of actual musicianship, which ought to include the interpretation of songs, not simply belting them out.
    I hate self-righteous liberals (though I am VERY liberal, and often self-righteous, though I’m trying to be less so). They hurt the cause by making everyone hate them. Like when people sniff about how they don’t watch TV. Fine, don’t watch TV, but don’t go around acting like it makes you better than other people. It just alienates people.

    I hate Karl Rove, George Bush, and Dick Cheney. They’re like Satan’s trinity.

  57. Jill, I wasn’t really responding specifically to you. We were all talking about our hates and the discussion brought to mind one of my particular hates. I was even going to include a “this is not about Jill,” but thought that would be relatively obvious. I certainly never called you any names. But we all know what I mean, right? The snotty “Oh I hate all these tacky guidos who come here on the weekends” person who is, like, from Duluth.

    I hate tourists because they think that the top of the subway stairs is a good place to stand in a group of 4 in order to check their maps. But I’m sure I’ve done similar things.

    Oudemia, I hear ya — and I wasn’t trying to respond harshly to you, more to the person who called me elitist for hating on Max Brenner’s. I completely agree about the people who complain about those who come in from the outer boroughs (or from NJ or LI).

  58. Have to say, I LIKE Max Brenner’s hot chocolate, although it’s not as good as the City Bakery’s ridiculously rich hot chocolate. Agree, though, on the Broadway/Union Square one making more sense than the one in the East Village.

    Also I hate shows which pretend some gender balance or feminism or anything, but lose it totally in the actual plotting. Gilmore Girls and Lost, I am looking at you.

    AMEN!!!!!!!!!! I loathe shows like that with a fiery burning passion.

    Midwest pizza. The further west you go from New York, the more the pizza blows goats until you reach the epicenter of pizza suckitude, Chicago. Here in Cleveland, there’s nothing faintly resembling a good east coast pie.

    No wai! Midwestern pizza kicks New York pizza’s ass, no contest. The cheese here is like plastic, the tomato sauce is nasty, and the crust is hard and awful.

    Things I hate:

    -Geographic grandstanding (like I JUST DID on the pizza thing. Very ironic)
    -People who don’t clean up after their dogs
    -Women’s fashion
    -People who crowd the sidewalk
    -Times Square
    -CGI animation
    -The Bush administration
    -People who sneer disbelievingly at you if you tell them you’re for equal rights/prison reform/gun control/ending the war in Iraq/pacifism and then tell you you’re not living in the real world.
    -Pro-lifers (mean, but true)
    -The Olive Garden

    First time posting, love the site!

  59. People who sneer disbelievingly at you if you tell them you’re for equal rights/prison reform/gun control/ending the war in Iraq/pacifism and then tell you you’re not living in the real world.

    Yes, they can all disappear, along with their close relatives who, when you say that the current state of anything is a disgrace to a civilised nation, expect you to present a complete and infallible blueprint for how it should be.

  60. Right now, I fucking hate, to the level of screaming crazy, the crazy mentality that it’s hunky dory to put a 17 year old high school student on stage to act as an foreign language translator for the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics.

    Never mind she’s only had 3 years of sign language classes! Don’t you know, she’s such a sweet girl, and she’s donated so much of her time, so she *should* have the opportunity to stand up for over a hour, and completely make a mockery of a language which is of my heart, my soul, and my whole career!

    In addition, everybody will be gushing over her for all the oh-so pretty sign language and talking about how their mentally disabled darlings can sign just like THAT.

    What a fucking insult to real professionals who undergo years of training to be able to translate correctly, to give the language the respect it deserves.

    What a fucking insult to all the hard work I put into teaching my kids about respect and cultural sensitivity, only to have it be downgraded to something pretty to do, just because it’s “inclusive”.

    Oh, and do you think they EVEN asked me for my opinon, my input or feedback on how my student can contribute using her sign language skills? No fucking way. It would have been entirely appropriate and a beautiful idea to have her sign a few passages, a song, a poem, the national anthem – terrific.

    And we *all* just know that if it wasn’t sign language, if it was, say, Spanish, THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN, and my own vice principal would not think it’s okay just to step in and tell me to SYFPH. I wonder what they pay me for if they can’t even respect what I do.

  61. What do I hate? The goddam teevee. Every last thing on it, including Veronica Mars (which I’ve never actually seen.)(which admits, perhaps, unfortunate things about my judgment, but you weren’t asking me what I believe is rational or just, you were asking me what I hate.)

    Teevee esse delendam. Shatter the picture tubes to dust and scatter the dust. Ipomoea, Mipa, Myca, this is war.

  62. And before someone says I hate tourists, I’ll say again that I’ve been a tourist in many, many cities, and I’m sure that I went to many, many awful places that residents of those cities wanted to destroy. Do I think that they’re elitist for feeling that way? Hell no.


  63. I hate ppl who “hate those who go to McDonald’s while in Rome” (and similar stuff).
    Seriously, ppl go to Rome to see the real cultural artifacts. What you fill your stomach with has not much to do with culture. What’s the problem if someone feels like eating something he’s used to? That said, I personally would prefer some Italian restaurant just for the experience, but to look down on someone who choses otherwise is just vulgar and cheap snobism. BTW, I’m sure most italians are happy to have McDonalds there, and eat there themselves. hat’s part of their “italian” way of life. So why does it seem so much more authentic to you to eat in some “local” restaurant?

  64. I prefer midwestern Pizza, too. I also (horrors) like Tex-Mex more than real Mexican. I hate people who judge me based on that. Yes, I call both Mexican, like most people who aren’t near or in Mexico. I do know the difference, I just have a preference for one.

    I know I’m saying this in the wrong blog, but I hate NY-style bagels. I don’t want them off the planet, though, unlike the absolutely wrong food-like-things that are called blueberry “bagels” or chocolate chip or whatever. Sesame. Poppy seed. Maybe with garlic or onion, I’m not sure. But adding things inside the bagel makes it no longer a bagel.,

  65. No wai! Midwestern pizza kicks New York pizza’s ass, no contest. The cheese here is like plastic, the tomato sauce is nasty, and the crust is hard and awful.

    I’ll support you on this one (somewhat); I actually like both styles of pizza, but I prefer the Chicago style to the floppy New York style (which is, in my view, overrated). I suppose it’s just a function of where I grew up.

    Geographic grandstanding ( I JUST DID on the pizza thing. Very ironic)

    *laugh* Ironic, yes, but I’m also in agreement with you here and was just about to say something like this, but you beat me to it. Perhaps I’m overly sensitive to it because I grew up in so-called “flyover country”, but as far as I’m concerned, such grandstanding is just as provinicial as the mindset that it’s usually set up against.

  66. Bars that play super-loud recorded music at you, even though it is mid-afternoon and there is no dance floor in sight, so that you are forced to shout to carry on a conversation with your drinking companions.

    Fake Irish pubs.

    “Nova Scotian” or “Newfoundland” bars outside of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland ought to be tolerated only if they serve actual regional beers. If they serve only beers owned by Inbev, no.

    Judge Judy.

    Any urban street that isn’t pedestrian-friendly, and all the boneheads who decided in the ’60s that it would be a good idea to build a highway through the heart of a town.

    Mel Gibson.

    I’m sure there are more…

  67. Nausicaa, CLEARLY you have never eaten in Italy.

    I don’t know what it is (probably just better-quality ingredients), but the food there, even the simplest stuff like chicken with rosemary, is To. Die. For. Plus, very affordable.

    No wai! Midwestern pizza kicks New York pizza’s ass, no contest. The cheese here is like plastic, the tomato sauce is nasty, and the crust is hard and awful.

    You gotta stop eating at Ray’s.

  68. I know I’m saying this in the wrong blog, but I hate NY-style bagels. I don’t want them off the planet, though, unlike the absolutely wrong food-like-things that are called blueberry “bagels” or chocolate chip or whatever. Sesame. Poppy seed. Maybe with garlic or onion, I’m not sure. But adding things inside the bagel makes it no longer a bagel.,

    What are these things you speak of? Not NY bagels. Someone’s idea of NY bagels, perhaps.

  69. No wai! Midwestern pizza kicks New York pizza’s ass, no contest. The cheese here is like plastic, the tomato sauce is nasty, and the crust is hard and awful.

    Um, it depends on what you mean by “Midwestern pizza”. I’ve lived in Northern Arkansas and I now live in Jersey. No contest which pizza is better. I can’t even imagine eating pizza in AR anymore. Too depressing.

  70. 1. Seafood

    2. Rosie O’Donnell

    3. Those lower back tattoos (known as tramp-stamps in these parts) that every second young woman seems to have

    4. That guy on the fox news morning show that Colbert calls “the brown haired guy who is not Steve Ducey”

    5. That the Montreal Expos are now the Washington Nationals

    6. Hypocrisy

  71. Morningstar, I may be crazy but I hate Midwest pizza and especially heavy, leaden “Chicago style” pizza – whether it’s deep-dish, stuffed or made in a bowl. I love the foldable delight of a slice from DiFara’s in Brooklyn, or Pepe’s in New Haven.

    – Chicklit.

    I dream of a day where there are special internment camps for people like you.

  72. Sorry, Zuzu. Those aren’t real bagels of any sort.

    However, I do not particularly like NY-style bagels (the real ones, not the blueberry abominations). They’re ok as a basis for a sandwich, but otherwise, Montreal-style all the way,

  73. I hate the X2O (it’s like our local, independant version of Hot Topic) and how I brought my gf there so we could shop for nice new clothes and she came back home crying in shame because none of the skirts had sizes higher than 28. It must be nice to feel like you can afford to turn off over half your potential market by not providing any clothes that fit the average punk rocker gal.

    I hate the fact I have to thank a non-denominational divine entity whenever I find a pair of pants that fit, nevermind trying to find a second one to find out which one looks best on me. Somehow I should be happy to have any pants at all, much less fashionable ones.

    I hate SUVs, limos, and stretch SUVs.

    I hate drivers in this city. When they’re not trying to run me over while crossing on a pedestrian green light, they’re going at 60 km/h in one of the numerous lakes that seem to form up spontaenously on our roads whenever there’s a bit of rain and giving me the tsunami treatment.

    I hate the LCN news channel. It’s like our very own local French Canadian version of Fox News.

    I hate watching a traffic jam in front of my home, composed of hundreds of cars with a driver and no passengers.

  74. A Montréal bagel and a New York bagel are alike only in that they share the same 5-letter signifier. Otherwise it makes about as much sense to compare them as say breakfast pastry and Viggo Mortensen.

    (I always prefer the not-sweet to the sweet, so the Montréal bagels are never going to be my faves, but we used to buy them all the time from St-Viateur and they were ok.)

  75. I hate people who join the military and don’t admit that they’re supporting rape and genocide by doing so. You’re hired fucking killers, people. You wanted to go to college, and you figured murdering a whole lot of brown people was a good way to do it. Just admit it.

    I hate people who say shit like this because it’s racist and it’s elitest besides. Excuse the fuck out of me, Ms. Military expert who had other ways to travel and go to college. Up until George W. Bush you could join the military and not ever fire a shot in twenty years.

    There are SOME people who join the military to change it. I really can’t believe somebody could be so ignorant about poor peoples’ choices as to be that judgemental and self-righteous. What next? You gonna make fun of unmarried mothers, too?

  76. Uno’s is not Chicago style pizza, Uno’s is filthy crap and so is its look alike Duo’s.

    At long last, Conservative, we have something that will allow us to join hands and come together.

    Unless you’re one of those freaks who hates Gino’s East.

  77. Well, lessee…

    The entire Greek system at my school.

    Big fucking thunderstorms that knock out all power the night that i have to finish a paper.


    The Texas Legislature (all of it, even the Democrats…there’s maybe five that are worth keeping around).

    Mark Cuban, only because he doesn’t know when to shut the hell up (he’s actually a very good owner otherwise).

    Dallas Cowboys.

    Idiot NASCAR fans who throw shit when Jeff Gordon wins. You’re embarrassing yourselves, and you are just making your sport look bad. (Yes, i love NASCAR. It’s the one redneck thing i allow myself.)

    Professors who don’t allow for class discussion.

    And, i keep seeing these Facebook groups with names like “Keep your fucking hand down in class…no one cares,” and i don’t like that very much either. I learn by asking questions and…gasp!…challenging the professor from time to time. You learn your way, i’ll learn my way. It’s not like we participating types are forcing you to say anything.


  78. – The idiots who cancelled “Firefly”. Including whoever had the bright idea to show them out of order, with the fucking *pilot* buried somewhere in the middle.

    – I’ll chime in on the stretch hummers. Also, anyone who owns an SUV who never, ever, EVER goes off road anywhere. Ever. I mean, what is the POINT?!!? And besides, your SUV tempts me to run my key down its side, and since I normally don’t indulge in that kind of behaviour, it’s all your fault. (referencing the Modesty Crowd. 😉

    – Tourists to state parks, etc., (places that are supposed to be at least marginally wild, where one goes to hike) who are loud and obnoxious. Not only are you scaring away any wildlife, you are seriously increasing my blood pressure somewhere that is supposed to be relaxing.

    – Plastic shopping bags.

    – People who litter.

    – The people who live in California who have bright emerald green lawns. The amount of water wastage makes me crazy. (Cluephone: you are living in a *desert* like environments. See what the hills look like? Your yard should be similar.)

    – People who allow their small children to get away with anything shy of murder. (I know, I know — as a childless type person, I really DON’T know how things go day in/day out with small children. I am willing to admit that, and cut tired parents some slack. But I have seen some people making absolutely fundamental mistakes, and their kids getting away with crap my parents would absolutely not have tolerated.)

    I’m going to stop there since, before I started thinking about it, I was having a really pretty good day. 🙂 Carry on!

  79. HUmmers, period, especially the civvie models. It’s not a real hummer unless it rearranges your internal organs and deafens you. What you’re driving and wasting so much gas on is something with shocks and springs and everything a military hummer does not have.

  80. Um, it depends on what you mean by “Midwestern pizza”. I’ve lived in Northern Arkansas and I now live in Jersey. No contest which pizza is better. I can’t even imagine eating pizza in AR anymore. Too depressing.

    I’d say, though, that Northern Arkansas doesn’t count as Midwestern.

  81. 1) Anyone who insists that global warming/climate change is not happening and ESPECIALLY if they say its all a conspiracy. I want to punch these people… especially if they’re a lot older than me too. They probably won’t live to see it, but my (hypothetical) kids and I will.

    2) Commercials. With very, very few exceptions.

    3) The empty social void that is the suburbs and sprawl.

    4) When there’s construction going on and they close a lane on the road, I hate the people who jump in that lane and drive up to the merge just to get ahead. They KNOW its going to close and they’re just screwing the rest of us by cutting. So I usually get in that lane and block it :).

    5) I hate having to drive everywhere, because I live in Phoenix and genuine city planning has never been considered here.

    6) I hate people who just can’t put themselves in anyone else’s shoes. We’re all guilty of this from time to time, but there are certain individuals who just don’t do it at all.

    7) Those giant sunglasses. People look ridiculous in them.

    8) I hate that there is no government-provided healthcare in the US. It means that my job options are severely restricted and that I really can’t strike out on my own. I want to do much more and much better, but if I leave my current employer and the cancer comes back I’m screwed.

    I’m sure there’s more, but that’s enough for now.

  82. Things to hate: The geniuses who decided to stop making regular-rise pants ENTIRELY, as well as the low-rise designers who’ve decided woman are all perfectly cylindrical, and that inner thigh bulges and saddlebags occur only to a few tragic freaks of nature.

    Designers who just KNOW every female over age 10 has at least B cup breasts…or implants…or a gel bra…

    Ahh, screw it. I hate pop culture for insisting my natural body shape is freakish and in need of “fixing”.

    There’s a few thousand other things, but this is enough for now.

    Can we please just scrap the entire current fashion industry and start from scratch?

  83. Designers who just KNOW every female over age 10 has at least B cup breasts…or implants…or a gel bra…

    But not larger than a C, or sometimes a B.

  84. okay, I’m not letting the NY dis on Bakersfield slide by. Bakersfield is home to Merle Haggard, the man who brought the electric sound to country music.

    Merle’s anthem, “Okie from Muskogee”

    We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee;
    We don’t take our trips on LSD
    We don’t burn our draft cards down on Main Street;
    We like livin’ right, and bein’ free.

    I’m proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
    A place where even squares can have a ball
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    And white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all

    We don’t make a party out of lovin’;
    We like holdin’ hands and pitchin’ woo;
    We don’t let our hair grow long and shaggy,
    Like the hippies out in San Francisco do.

    And I’m proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
    A place where even squares can have a ball.
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    And white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all.

    Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear;
    Beads and Roman sandals won’t be seen.
    Football’s still the roughest thing on campus,
    And the kids here still respect the college dean.

  85. Haha… I knew someone was going to yell at me for the Bakersfield thing. I should change it to Bellevue, Washington — a hellhole of malls, chain restaurants, SUVs and Republicans. It’s also super-rich, so no one can accuse me of elitism for hating on it.

  86. Two things to add:
    1. I forgot about the huge sunglasses. I HATE those things. They do not make you look glamorous; they make you look like a house fly.

    2. Ginmar, I agree. There are lots of things wrong with the military, but A) we need one, even if we don’t intend to use it for little imperialist adventures a la the current “commander guy;” B) contra Myca, plenty of military folk are “brown people;” C) criticize military culture all you want, excoriate the soldiers who commit atrocities, with or without approval from higher-ups, and I’m with you all the way. But it’s incredibly simplistic and fanatical to accuse everyone who joins the military of wanting to “murder a lot of brown people” in order to go to college. Stop and smell the complexity, for heaven’s sake.

  87. 1. I forgot about the huge sunglasses. I HATE those things. They do not make you look glamorous; they make you look like a house fly.

    I look great in them.

    Just sayin.

  88. “Shabby Chic” which has morphed into “Stuff Your House With Crappy Clutter.”

  89. Does it say bad things about me that I keep coming back to mention things I hate?

    But anyway, Hummers reminded me. I hate people from California who move to my state, buy a Hummer, smoke cigars but think cigarettes are disgusting, overdevelop land and build houses no one wants to buy, talk on their cell phone while they drive, vote republican, send back food at restaurants, have an inability to actually order off of menus, and open call centers while suggesting working in a call center is a “good job.”

    Its gotten to where I hardly recognize New Mexico anymore.

  90. Betsy, that was one thing I was going to mention and of course I forgot: the military is where a lot of poor kids get their college.

    I hate McMansions. They put them in bungalow neighborhoods here or, God help me, on top of little bungalows, and it looks like this huge monstrosity is humping the poor little bungalow.

  91. Oh my word, HUMMERS. Regular SUVs are bad enough, but Hummers make blood rush to my head in raaaaaage.

    (Oh, and for all you VMars stalwarts– really??? Because hey, Season One is near and dear to my heart– but Rob Thomas’s efforts to make sure that Season Three is all about making fun of feminists and having a minimum of one rape per episode is kiiiiiiind of creepy. I can’t even watch it now without feeling sick– especially after the easter egg mug he gave to everyone on the crew. No, Rob Thomas, male rape is not funny.)

  92. I’m with others on hating: Mc Donalds-eatin’ in foreign lands & Jersey discrimination

    My own peeves:

    The overused word “snarky”

    On a related note, people who are rewarded for being mean (certain bloggers, gossip columnists, talking heads, etc.)

    The word “funky” when used to describe something offbeat or wacky

    The Offspring–hearing that nasal whine/shout is like a knife stabbing my soul repeatedly

    Inconsiderate loud louts I have to share space with, whether walking or on the subway

    Working a full time job plus freelance, having a good deal on rent, and yet still never being able to get ahead because I live in NYC. This frustration includes throwing as many hundreds as I can per month at a credit card debt that never seems to get smaller even though I don’t use the card ever anymore. And seeing people all around who don’t even have to hold a job yet can live so much larger than I.

    There’s more & this is fun, but it’s better to not focus on the negative.

  93. 1.) Paris Hilton

    2.) Paris Hilton

    3.) Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell and the media attention they get (and do not deserve)

    4.) Any reality TV show where they have women fighting like idiots over men.

    5.) Seeing a McDonald’s in a hospital building

    6.) When people ask me if I rode elephants in India (where I’m from), and when they actually believe me when I tell them that’s how I commuted to high school. I swear this has happened to me more than once!

    7.) Whoever invented the term “pro-life” to replace “Anti-choice”. Ugh

    8.) Nightclubs where you wait an hour and then pay 30 dollars to get in.

    9.) Britney Spears

    10.) Did I mention Paris Hilton?

    By the way, anyone have the link to the post on Zack Braff/Scrubs? I don’t watch the show often but I’d be interested in knowing the cause of the hatred.

  94. Hot damn, I agree with ginmar on something!

    The end is nigh!!!

    (I suppose coming from a military family, albeit an Eastern military family, might have something to do with it)

  95. I love you people. You make my day function, sometimes.

    Things that should spontaneously die, screaming.

    1. Cowardly authoritarians.
    2. Jerry Falwell.
    3. The Osteen Franchise (I can’t eat ANYWHERE near my house for sunday brunch. AND they tip like shit. )
    4. Library censorship.
    5. Texas Feminist Talking Dog syndrome
    6. Chauvinist gamers
    7. Convention boob trolls
    8. Restaurants that spend more on advertising than on food.
    9. Crappy chocolate. Here is some good chocolate:
    They natter on a bit about the ‘culture of chocolate’ but the idea is the reverse of Brenner’s… the culture revolves around refining the taste…not chocolate as a metaphor for undirected self indulgence.
    10. ‘Indie in a bottle’. Pseudo quirky merchandise, packaged and processed to mimic a real creative statement, but marketed and used without any understanding or passion.
    11. Beer posters
    12. Crappy sports cars. Anyone here heard of Top Gear? Go play on youtube. Good times.

    I can’t hate Nicholas Cage. He made Johnny Depp go to his first audition. Also, he’s got GREAT taste in cars. (I know, it’s sad.)

    Oh…and the best pizza I have ever had, ever, was outside London. Deep dish, great chewy flavourful crust, piled an inch and a half deep with fresh toppings and swimming with snappy sauce and rivers of cheese. I’ve dreamt of that pizza for a decade.

    Oh…For you humvee haters:
    They take a humvee into an older village. They also discuss the manufacture of the urban humvee, which is just crappier fuel efficiency and a lot of clunky fiberglass on a Tahoe chassis.

  96. hate hate hate:

    young liberal kids that are actually really dumb but like to tell u what you what ur doing wrong. i have 2 examples:

    1) walking w/ a group of crust punks eating an orange, and when i threw my peel on the ground one of the ppl that i didnt know said “um, excuse me, but could u not litter?” i was freaking dumfounded (an orange peel?! last time i checked it was biodegradable!)

    2)freind left me his dog for the day (again, more punks) but not the dogs food. when he came back i said i gave him a small bowl of cat food to tide him over since no one had dog food. a girl that was there said “um (u know there gonna say something rude when they start w/ um) cat food is really bad for dogs”. gee thanks lady, ill just let him starve then or continue eating the foam chair in the yard, im sure thats much healthier.

  97. gee thanks lady, ill just let him starve then or continue eating the foam chair in the yard, im sure thats much healthier.

    I am laughing out loud at this right now. I don’t know why. Must be the visual of the poor dog chewing foam. Somehow it’s just what I needed. I hate grad school.

  98. ginmar, you made me laugh out loud with the image of a McMansion humping a bungalow. Amazing.
    I have alot of hate right now but in particular, tourists who stand on the left of escaltors in the Metro, and congregate at the top. As if, because they’re on vacation, everyone else must be too. I am in a hurry, I have a deadline, and I like my commuting pace.
    I also would like to say that the person who said “food has nothing to do with culture” is a frickin moron, or at the very least has had a very sad life. Food, meals, and cooking is almost always to very best of culture. Which brings us back to Jill’s original post, and why Max Brenner’s sucks.
    Though I’m saving all my fire bombing for subdivisions of enormous, identical houses on tiny, tiny lots, built after tearing down the beautiful orchards/bungelows/green space that was there before. (West Chester PA, Fairfax County VA- I’m looking at you.)

  99. Anyone who walks slowly. Yes, tourists do it more frequently than most, but honestly, anyone who breaks my stride needs to move back from whence they came. Because native New Yorkers (as well as people who have properly assimilated) know how to effing walk.

    I grew up walking in the pedestrian traffic of Boston so I it is with some experience in congested walking scenarios that I speak. That stated, I know this is just a “for fun” what do you hate sort of thing, but I am utterly disgusted and quite angry at the thought that you “hate” me for walking slowly. Know why I walk slowly? I have a disability. In general, it’s what’s called an invisible or nonvisible disability. If you think it’s a problem for you that my disability breaks your stride on a sidewalk, imagine what it might be like for me having to live in this body.

    Before I had this disability, I recall being in Penn Station on the escalator one summer. An older woman just behind me stated that she was not feeling well, then began to lose consciousness and lost her balance, falling backwards. I tried to steady her – a task not helped by the many people behind her who simply leaned away, arms at their sides, and let her continue to fall. Finally a man in a military uniform stood fast and helped to stop her fall. While he held her and began first aid, I ran up the escalator, hit the emergency stop button and found a station worker to call for help. I still remember looking back down the escalator and seeing ALL those people, many of them no doubt New Yorkers or those who have assimilated, looking very angry at having their commute disrupted by some old lady who passed out. I hope you were one of them. I hope you were late for something important. I also kinda hope you pass out on an escalator some day, fall down in public, or have someone JUST like you behind you as you are walking slowly to another doctor’s appointment to hear more bad news.

  100. Parentheses that open but do not close. Asterisks that lead to nowhere. Non-parallel structure.

  101. ugh, i have too many to mention! but here’s a smattering:

    paris hilton, nicole ritchie, anyone who’s famous for no (good)reason

    britney spears and jessica simpson (and her sister and her father)

    rove, all of the cheneys, rice, rumsfeld, all of the bushes

    anyone who idolizes ronald reagan

    feminists for life [sic]

    phyllis schaffley (sp?)

    american idol and survivor

    people who are obsessed with american idol and survivor

    people who put their turn signals on AS THEY ARE TURNING THE CORNER

    people who come to a complete stop at a yield sign, even though no one is coming

    all SUVs, but especially hummers, escalades, and excursions

    people who drive the speed limit in the FAR LEFT LANE (it’s called the fast lane for a reason, people)

    walmart, exxon, halliburton

    people who crop their dogs’ tails and ears

    people who feed live mice and rats to their snakes (a practice that’s been banned in the UK)

    hummels and precious moments figurines

    when my neighbor doesn’t clean the lint screen after using the dryer (ever!)

  102. ooh, one more:

    people who still have chistmas wreaths/decorations up, and it’s may already

  103. Reading about everyone’s regional foods here is making me super hungry. But I’ll add to the theme: Tex Mex in the Midwest. And Mexican food in the Midwest. Like the other person who psoted on this, I prefer Tex Mex to Mex. This is, quite possibly, because I’m from Texas. But these Minnesotans… they can’t do ethnic food.Too many white people. I think that there would be fewer racists if people realized exactly how bad racial homogeneity is for good food.

    Oh, and trendy upscale Mexican joints. The best Mexican food comes from hole in the wall places that sell three dollar burritos and don’t card you when you order a margarita.

  104. 1) Tabloids.

    2) Indiana.

    3) McMansions.

    4) Road construction season. (aka, every season in Michigan that isn’t winter)

    5) Camille Paglia.

    6) Indiana.

    7) People who hate all TV shows, regardless of quality.

    8) College tuition.

  105. And Mexican food in the Midwest.

    Except for that found in the Chicago area, of course. We are a virtual mecca of fabulous Mexican food dives.

  106. 1. too short skirts on public transit (I have to sit on those seats too).
    2. Montreal style bagels
    3. American network hockey coverage (those camera angles suck!)
    4. keepsake plates/spoons/dolls displayed in a home
    5. slow walkers (except for seniors/disabled/some children)
    6. people who walk 100 abreast on the sidewalk
    7. scooters (like the Seinfeld episode) (except for someone who really needs them, but quit honking your goddamned horn at me! I’m still walking faster than you ‘scoot’.)
    8. self-righteous vegans–do your own thing, but please don’t try to convert me–you wouldn’t want to hear my lecture on Anglicanism would you?

    whoa, this is turning into a rant…1 more–butterfly tattoos-not everyone needs to know that inside that ugly cocoon is a beautiful butterfly-sometimes we’re just moths…

  107. I love this blog 🙂
    But I HATE:
    -people who are against interracial marriages. not a huge issue for me, up in the big cities of the Northeast, but this repulses me on a level that other social justice issues don’t quite reach in terms of visceralness.

    -people who believe that the economic approach is the only acceptable approach to problem solving, and the best answer is always the best economic answer.

    -similar to some traveling peeves above: people who go to a foreign country or faraway city and spend all their time SHOPPING. Dear people on the glee club trip to San Francisco in 9th grade: We HAVE a GAP in New York. Several, in fact. We also have Urban Outfitters, Banana Republic, Abercrombie & Fitch, etc. You’re in SAN FRAN-fucking-CISCO. God. See some sights!

    -Coldplay. My one music rule in my dorm is that if my roommates are listening to Coldplay, they have to use headphones, because otherwise I will kill them.

    -The fact that up till this year, I thought of myself as a pretty heavy sleeper, but oh! how my roommates’ alarm clocks have proven me wrong. Not to mention my roommates’ inabilities to hear their alarm clocks.

    -the chicken in my cafeteria. Every time I go home now, I eat real chicken, and then I weep with joy.

    -crossing streets in Cambridge. There are no fucking walk/don’t walk signs except on the busiest intersections, and there it takes forever to change and people are so used to the lack of them that the rules are all fuzzy anyway, so basically you have to walk into the street and pray, or try really hard to make eye contact with a car. Seriously, people, here I got honked at for NOT WALKING. WTF IF I’M NOT WALKING JUST FUCKING DRIVE YOU MORON.

    -my school’s schedule (we go to school later and let out later than everyone else, plus our winter break is way short and our spring break coincides with no ones, so my friends get together and party and hang out and put their cute pics on Facebook and then I come home and it’s like… yay. a week… by myself).

    -people who unironically use the word “slut.”

    -people who don’t watch Veronica Mars 🙂

  108. Except for that found in the Chicago area, of course. We are a virtual mecca of fabulous Mexican food dives.

    Exception made.

    Chicago is a mecca of fabulous foods of many varieties. It saddens me to know that, as a vegetarian, I will never again eat a Chicago-style hot dog or an Italian roast beef. But there’s still the wonderful Mexican food. And the pizza. Oh god… the pizza.

  109. I live in Wichita, we have fab Mexican food here.

    Things that should go away:
    Phill Kline
    Paris Hilton and her ilk

  110. Oh, and I forgot the biggest one on my list, which I don’t think anyone’s mentioned yet: As of a couple weeks ago, I hate, with the fire of a thousand suns, Anthony Kennedy. I want to kick him in the balls, and then be like, “What? You don’t care about my reproductive health and pain I might suffer; why should I care about yours?” And I don’t usually have violent thoughts.

  111. A couple that I’m friends with visited New York from Ireland this winter. And they did touristy shit and ate in chain restaurants exclusively. I tried to convince them to head away from midtown, but no dice.

    – people who think they can tell me what to wear on my fat body. Fuck you, buddy, you can have my hip huggers when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. *jiggles threateningly at you*
    – menstrual cramps
    – people asking me for directions
    – faulty technology
    – inconsiderate housemates
    – the fact that when I ordered dinner last night, I received regular fries instead of the cheese fries I ordered, and was still charged for the cheese
    – abortion debates
    – homework
    – this semester

  112. I hate eco-consumerism, at least as celebrated by the major fashion magazines. I hate being lectured to about the need to use organic roses at my dinner parties by people who take annual ski vacations to the Swiss Alps. If I promise that any and all roses at my dinner parties will be organic, will you stop pretending that your incredibly wasteful lifestyle is in any way good for the environment? Or acting like you’re better than people whose lifestyle is less-wasteful merely because they can’t afford to jet off to Europe or entertain in the way that requires one to buy lots of roses?

  113. 2) Indiana.


    -Bumper Sticker: “Made with tools, not chopsticks”
    -The giggly, mostly Asian girls so prevalent in accelerated classes. “OH EM GEE I’m so TOTALLY going to FAIL this TEST” *gets an A* *giggles* // “Ooohhhhmygawwwwd, I’m soooo dumb!” *fake pout for compliments and attention*
    -being heavy-thighed and short-legged. Makes jeans-shopping hideously difficult.
    -kitten sweaters
    -hot topic… such ugly ugly clothing

  114. It saddens me to know that, as a vegetarian, I will never again eat a Chicago-style hot dog or an Italian roast beef.

    Not true! Hot Doug’s has veggie Chicago styles and they’re excellent! And you can have a ball park veggie dog at Comiskey (though I’m a Cubs fan myself). As for the roast beef, I came up with a mean Italian non-beef that’s made with seitan. YUM! Let me know if you’d like the recipe. E-Z.

    Can you send some of those Mexican food dives to NY? The Mexican food here sucks.

    I’m so sorry, Jill.

  115. I’d say, though, that Northern Arkansas doesn’t count as Midwestern.

    True for most of the state, however, I’ve also had numerous dealings with Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois, and, aside from Chicago style pizza in a few places, nothing I ever had could beat this locally owned place in Fayetteville, AR called USA Pizza. But thinking back on it, I was had.

  116. Addendum:
    – People who whip past me when I’m already doing the speed limit. As in, NOT BREAKING THE LAW. Full stop. Even if I’m in the left hand lane. There may be a very good reason for me to be there, i.e., a left hand exit soon that is a bitch to get over to if you don’t get there early.

    (Yes, this is a comment on the above peeve about people doing the speed limit in the left hand lane. There’s a reason it’s called a speed *limit*. If you don’t like it, lobby to get it changed. I personally would rather see more cops and blinky lights.)

    – People yapping on their cell phones as they drive in really stupid and potentially suicidal/homicidal manners. If you are going to spend your life in your car on your phone, get a bloody hands-free device. Yeesh.

    – I could go off on the general state of driving, but I think I’ll leave it there.

    It’s not a real hummer unless it rearranges your internal organs and deafens you. What you’re driving and wasting so much gas on is something with shocks and springs and everything a military hummer does not have.

    ginmar, I think I love you. 🙂

  117. a girl that was there said “um (u know there gonna say something rude when they start w/ um) cat food is really bad for dogs”.

    Though I’m afraid I must agree with the annoying ones about the orange peel, this girl had things completely backwards: it’s dog food that’s really bad for cats. The only bad thing about giving cat food to your dog is that it will make your dog fat pretty quickly.

  118. I’m a bad person, so I kind of want this thread to degenerate into a shouting match about the goodness or badness of Bakersfield where everyone is actually talking about a different Bakersfield.

  119. Ok, a few things – what is the unbelievable pizza place in London because I am going in … 23 days. Yea!

    Now that the thesis is finished, I am hating things less and less, but let’s see:

    And Bolo, I do that too. I hate when people try to cut ahead when they know the lanes are merging. I sit in the middle of both lanes because I get so angry.

    I’ll probably get in trouble for this in the blog world, but teh and snark. But really, really, I hate teh. It’s not a word.

    I hate hate hate hate worrying about paying back school loans.

    i hate having to spend money on things like tires and lightbulbs.

    I hate that I am always always attracted to guys who are taken.

    I hate that I have a date tomorrow night and really don’t want to go. I don’t think I know how to date anymore.

    I hate cinnamon or pumpkin candles.

    I hate people who bitch about tourists, but I also hate the really bad, obvious tourists. I love to travel, but I attempt to not be extremely annoying.

    i hate when people are snobby about television. I haven’t had cable in three years, not because I think it makes me smarter but because I’ve been working on a freaking thesis.

    Also, I hate when people are snobby about food. I’m picky, but I still try new things. Leave me alone about it already.

    And last but not least, I hate that my university has things like officially unofficial deadlines that leave me using every available minute of my lunch hour all week running around attempting to get things done to have my thesis published only to find out that the official official deadline isn’t until next week. Thanks a lot.

    And thanks for having a bitch session. I love it. (Sorry if I sound narcissistic. I needed to vent.)

  120. They take a humvee into an older village. They also discuss the manufacture of the urban humvee, which is just crappier fuel efficiency and a lot of clunky fiberglass on a Tahoe chassis.

    Ha! Top Gear, the car designers worst nightmare. The “H2 in the Village” segment juxtaposes nicely with the “Toyota Hilux vs Everything” tests they did.

  121. Jill, I don’t know if you’ll see this now — perhaps I should start cursing in order to send it to moderation!! — but the nearest thing to authentic Mexican food in NYC is a place called El Paso Taqueria on 97th between Park and Madison. You can look it up on MenuPages.

  122. Just in case anyone is still watching this thread:

    1) Is there something shameful about Indiana that I haven’t heard about lately? Politically or whatnot? Or is the superabundance of cornfields getting on people’s nerves?

    2) I’m chiming in with the Jack Braff info request–why is he evil? I must know!

    3) Tex-Mex is delightful! Adding my voice to the Tex Mex love.

  123. Jill, I don’t know if you’ll see this now — perhaps I should start cursing in order to send it to moderation!! — but the nearest thing to authentic Mexican food in NYC is a place called El Paso Taqueria on 97th between Park and Madison. You can look it up on MenuPages.

    Oooh, thank you! I’ll definitely try it. Mercadito on Ave B is good, but it’s pricey gourmet Mexican — not particularly authentic or what one wants when one is craving Mexican food. Although they have delicious jalepeno margaritas.

    Now I’m excited. This is going to be my weekend trip.

  124. I’m chiming in with the Jack Braff info request–why is he evil? I must know!

    Oh jesus, where to start… Zach Braff is a narcissistic, whiny piece of crap. His movies are totally over-rated. I’m glad he made the Shins famous, but all of his films are about his own shallow soul-searching, and his female love interests tend to be incredibly obnoxious and cookie-cutter. I love — LOVE — Natalie Portman, but I wanted to hit her throughout Garden State. Also, see here.

  125. There’s a place on 5th Avenue in the Slope called Mezcal’s that got very good reviews from my Texan evil ex-roommate and other transplanted Texans. And there’s a couple of Mexican groceries in my neighborhood. But that’s all I got.

  126. My list:

    Drunk American football fans who harass anyone who happens to be young or female.
    Drunk men who hit on girls in gay bars and won’t take no for an answer
    Drunk people in general
    Fake Thai restaurants
    “burritos” with rice and tex-mex tacos (I like other tex-mex food, but it took me years to find out that I like Mexican-style tacos because I’d only had the tex-mex variety)
    People who use “life-style” to describe other people’s lives
    Would-be theocrats
    Small, over-bred dogs
    People who own terriers and forget that they were bred to kill rats and are naturally aggressive
    People who won’t take responsibility for their pets
    Bad drivers who don’t signal

  127. 1) Is there something shameful about Indiana that I haven’t heard about lately? Politically or whatnot? Or is the superabundance of cornfields getting on people’s nerves?

    Unfortunately, outside of chicago, california, NYC, and maybe miami much of the rest of america should be walled off.

    Maybe Miami too. Never been, but it looks kinda cool in movies.

  128. Jill, I don’t know if you’ll see this now — perhaps I should start cursing in order to send it to moderation!! — but the nearest thing to authentic Mexican food in NYC is a place called El Paso Taqueria on 97th between Park and Madison. You can look it up on MenuPages.

    I haven’t been to that restaurant, but by far the best “Mexican” food in NY, was at Chipotle’s.

    I don’t care if it’s not authentic or that it’s secretly owned by McDonald’s.

    Best. Burrito. Ever.

  129. People who whip past me when I’m already doing the speed limit. As in, NOT BREAKING THE LAW. Full stop. Even if I’m in the left hand lane. There may be a very good reason for me to be there, i.e., a left hand exit soon that is a bitch to get over to if you don’t get there early.

    i guess i should have stated that i was speaking about 3 and 4 lane highways in massachusetts, which i drive every morning and evening. we don’t have left lane exits here, at least on the roads that i travel (rooutes 93 and 128).

    i assume that you’re in california? i recently learned that left lane exits are common in CA. i never knew that.

  130. I haven’t been to that restaurant, but by far the best “Mexican” food in NY, was at Chipotle’s.

    I don’t care if it’s not authentic or that it’s secretly owned by McDonald’s.

    Best. Burrito. Ever.

    Hmm… Morningstar, you didn’t grow up on the West Coast or in Texas, did you?

    Chipotle, I hate to tell you, is horrible. Horrible! And, while I am a huge fan of the giant inauthentic burrito wrapped in foil, once you’ve eaten at Taco del Mar, you cannot stomach Chipotle.

    That said, I have consumed dozens of Chipotle burritos in my time, because when they first opened around NYU they gave out tons of free burrito cards, and my room mate and I probably had about 50. We lived off of Chipotle for much of our senior year. But I was never able to convince myself that it was actually good.

    Benny’s Burritos in the West Village is similar, but better. Heck, San Loco’s $2 tacos are better.

    (No offense to all the Chipotle-lovers out there, I know you are numerous. You are just wrong).

  131. No offense to all the Chipotle-lovers out there, I know you are numerous. You are just wrong

    Nah, some of us are just stuck without better options.

  132. Kristen:

    i guess i should have stated that i was speaking about 3 and 4 lane highways in massachusetts, which i drive every morning and evening. we don’t have left lane exits here, at least on the roads that i travel (rooutes 93 and 128).

    i assume that you’re in california? i recently learned that left lane exits are common in CA. i never knew that.

    Actually, no, I’m in Minneapolis, MN. 🙂 We DO have some left hand exits here, although not tons. I do drive in the left hand lane on one of the major streets getting to my house because the traffic gets weirdly bunchy sometimes and getting over to make the left hand turn can become … challenging. 😛 I honestly try not to drive in the passing lane consistently unless I’ve got the cruise control on and everyone else is driving *under* the speed limit — I stick to the middle lane where people can pass me, but I don’t have to deal with the on/off ramp traffic. (Oddly enough, I’ve discovered that the people in my town can neither drive *at* 55 or *at* 65 mph. They speed in the 55 mph zone, but then don’t get up to speed in the 65 mph zone. And they don’t know how to keep their speed consistent on hills. But I digress….)

    I *do* get annoyed at people who whip past me like I’m standing still when I’m doing the damned speed limit, especially when I get one on either side at the same time. *rolls eyes* I’d love to see more cops chasing those assholes.

    Sorry — I have an innate mindset that one follows the rules unless they don’t make sense. If they don’t make sense, try to get them changed. Don’t just disregard them, especially traffic laws, because doing so just makes everyone’s lives very, very interesting. And by interesting, I mean hazardous.

  133. “Though I’m afraid I must agree with the annoying ones about the orange peel, this girl had things completely backwards: it’s dog food that’s really bad for cats. The only bad thing about giving cat food to your dog is that it will make your dog fat pretty quickly.”

    but i threw the peel in the dirt! if it was a parking lot or something then i could see that since itd just sit there getting gross…but an orange peel in a wooded area? heh maybe i shouldve elaborated.

    hah damn, she was wrong too! thats kinda funny.

  134. No offense to all the Chipotle-lovers out there, I know you are numerous. You are just wrong.

    Just like all those lovers of Chicago “pizza.”

  135. Commercials in the movie theaters just make steam come out of my ears. Time was I could appreciate NOT having to sit through stupid commercials like I would if I was watching on TV. No longer – now not only do they take up a good 20 minutes before the trailers, but they’re even longer and more annoying than on television. I’ll take the DVD, thank you!

    And Sallie Mae. Nuclear strike please. (not to get out of my loans, but on general assholeness…)

  136. Hmmm. How ’bout arrogant New York-centric lawyers?

    (Don’t worry, I’m going back to lurking now. )

  137. (an orange peel?! last time i checked it was biodegradable!)

    Have you ever made compost? A large pile, say 3 ft circumference and about as high, properly layered, can generate enough heat to decompose vegetable matter in a matter of weeks. That same pile randomly tossed together can take a few months to decompose. A small pile, as long as a year. That single isolated orange peel, well, I have no direct experience with single item composting, but I’m guessing the time scale is more similar to the small pile than the large pile. Yeah, orange peels are biodegradable, eventually. Until it decomposes, we all get to stare at it on the ground until the grounds keeper, provided the establishment has one, picks it up.

    There’s another side to not tossing edible detritus around. Say a little critter wants to eat it. Yay little critter, you get to live another day. Say a cat or red-tailed hawk want to eat the little critter. Yay, predators, they get to live another day, too, except that they have been lured into a high human traffic area where they could be intentionally or inadvertently harmed, and except for the part where house cats are imported, exotic species and have a huge impact on native critter, especially bird, populations, thus leaving nothing for the hawks to eat.

    Please dispose of your trash, even the biodegradable trash, in the appropriate receptacle.

    Fuck you, buddy, you can have my hip huggers when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. *jiggles threateningly at you*

    Sing it, Nomie. I’ll flaunt my visible iliac crests for a double gross out, then we’ll both retire for some cheese fries.

  138. Hmmm. How ’bout arrogant New York-centric lawyers?

    Yeah, god forbid someone talk about the place where they live as if they actually, you know, spend time there and enjoy living there.


  139. The only Hummer I’d drive would have a pintle-mounted .50 caliber machine gun. “Yeah, I just bet you let me into the next lane now, pinky. My codpiece kicks ass all over your codpiece.”

    I have similar fantasies about driving a main battle tank to work. And then firing HESH rounds into the goddamned enormous trucks some assholes parked in the parking spaces clearly marked “COMPACT.” And in my gimp-reserved spot. Fuck keying the side of his truck.


  140. Nah, nah, that’s cool, go on with your righteous show.

    What fascinates me is how you all can’t even hear it. Dipshit yourself. Sue me.

  141. Hummers merit a look of deep pity and a “Sorry about your/your husband’s penis.”

  142. Chicklet, I was treated one day during the drive home from work, to the the most gratifying spectacle I’ve seen ever. On the shoulder was parked a Hummer H2, its driver just beginning to trudge off carrying a plastic gas can.

    I swear, I almost came from the schadenfreude.

  143. No! Veselka across the street could be collatoral damage – and that would be a true catastrophe.

    The pierogies are amazing.

  144. Ha. Destroying Veselka would be sad — although you should try some of the random little Polish places on 2nd avenue also. Little Poland is a good one. They have great food, and it’s really cheap. Plus none of the hipsters who frequent Veselka, which is always a plus.

  145. Indiana isn’t so bad, is it? I mean, it’s pretty…

    Why do you love cities full of rundown factories, Jill?

    (No offense to all the Chipotle-lovers out there, I know you are numerous. You are just wrong).

    I think it all depends on how big of a meat eater you are. Personally, that’s pretty much all I eat, and in my expert opinion, there is something very addictive about Chipotle’s steak (which, actually might mean maybe it doesn’t taste as good as I think, and there is some sort of sinister ingredient in there)

    But it’s been very very good to me. I was disappointed by the lack of Mexican food in NYC, so I made the treck from SoHo all the way to the closest Chipotle near NYU.

    It did not let me down.

  146. frumious b-

    i have made compost (my family does, i still do it). ill have to say im not really buying either argument, but mostly because i didnt elaborate w/ the area i was in (which was a non city, wooded area). if orange peels cant go there then orange trees are shit out of luck then!

  147. Thanks for the info on Zach Braff! I’ll never be able to truly enjoy watching Scrubs again. Sniffle.

  148. Why do you love cities full of rundown factories, Jill?

    I can’t believe I’m about to defend Indiana, but it definitely is not all cities with rundown factories. The dunes and lakeshore in the Northwest are beautiful and an absolute treasure. It’s one of the few places known for its famous singing sand and on even a partly clear day you can see the Chicago skyline. There are other beautiful areas too, such as the area around Shades State Park and the city of Bloomington. It’s not all cornfields and despair.

    And please don’t ever tell a Mexican that you consider Chipotle to be anything even remotely resembling Mexican food. I believe that would be highly offensive.

  149. Random bits:

    Unfortunately, outside of chicago, california, NYC, and maybe miami much of the rest of america should be walled off.

    Maybe Miami too. Never been, but it looks kinda cool in movies.

    You’d probably get a fair number of people here in the Northwest to go for this plan. It would keep the folks here in, but more importantly, it would keep the rest of you out. Not that I’d support that, but regionalism is strong here.

    Indiana isn’t so bad, is it? I mean, it’s pretty…

    I never lived there for any length of time, but I’ve visited the place and liked it better than I was told I would.

    Maybe I’m oversensitive to it and really shouldn’t give a shit, but I find that expressions of regionalism are often exaggerated. That’s not to say people aren’t allowed to have preferences or criticize places they’ve been to (I do both myself), but I’ve travelled enough in this country to find that there are a lot of exceptions to the common perceptions about a lot of places. Of course, my experiences are shaped by the fact that I’m not a marginalized person by any means, and I’m aware of that, too.

    Ha. Destroying Veselka would be sad — although you should try some of the random little Polish places on 2nd avenue also.

    I would like to see more places here in the NW that serve good Eastern European food…it’s a little hard to find.

  150. The Bun Says:Or leave North America
    May 3rd, 2007 at 6:04 am

    While we’re venting, I hate the yakitori that looks like chicken, but is actually skin or cartilage (!!!). I can’t fathom people who prefer that to actual meat. Weirdos.

    Actually, Bun… That IS authentic yakitori. In any yakitori place in Tokyo or Kyoto, you can order a whole stick of nothing but skin, or cartilage, or hearts, or any other part of the bird. You can also order meat. Actually, if you don’t like weird food, don’t go to Japan at all.

  151. Things I hate:

    Outsourcing. (The reason WHY Indiana has swathes that are, indeed, “cornfields and despair”.)

    People who cannot carry on a conversation without referencing television shows. I do not watch them because we get three channels and two always come in crappy and the third comes in crappy about the time the show you want to watch comes on. I do not notice a huge lack in my life due to this, though I do miss some things.

    The local mouthbreathers who voted for Mr. “Baghdad’s just like Indiana” because, “he’s a good Christian man”.

    Getting paid not-quite-enough every two weeks.

    A hundred mile commute to work daily.

    Insurance and the lack thereof, and why don’t we have single-payer yet, really!

    Fibromyalgia, and the words, “But you look so healthy!” Yeah, I do. I wish I turned purple or something.

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