In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

WTF is up with college newspapers these days?

Yeah, this is going to be one of those “Get offa my lawn” posts from me, but seriously. WTF is going on with campus newspapers with the rape jokes and the antifeminism and the whining about women daring to go out in public?

The latest entrant in the Rape’s Really Funny! Really! God, Don’t You Have a Sense of Humor? Sweepstakes is whoever is behind this April Fool’s Article in the University of Western Ontario’s newspaper, the Gazette. For the paper’s annual spoof issue, a writer using the pseudonym “Xavier” (“Xavier?” That’s it? For a spoof issue?) started off with a sendup of Take Back the Night — Take Back the Nightie. Not terribly successfully, though — it’s both unfunny and confused. And seems to be targeting the Vagina Monologues more than Take Back the Night. And relies on transphobia and homophobia and whee! I can say “cunt” because it’s a spoof!

And then it starts getting bad.

Near the end of the march, chaos broke out when Ostrich’s vagina crawled from under flowing white nightie, stole a loudspeaker and went on a rampage.
“How dare you act like you know what I have to say,” the vagina screamed down Richmond Row.
“You don’t know me, bee-otch,” it squealed. “You can’t even see me through all this hair you’ve let over-grow. Think of me. I can’t even breathe down here!”
Upon seeing the chaos, London Police Chief Murray Faulkner stopped greasing his nightstick and intervened.
He grabbed the loudspeaker from Ostrich’s wild vagina and took it into a dark alley to teach it a lesson.
To Ostrich’s dismay, the vagina followed, giggling as it said, “I love it when a man in uniform takes control.”
Women were delighted to see groups of men standing on the sidewalks in support.

Oy, where to start? First, as we’ve seen from the debacle at Central Connecticut State University, satire is hard to pull off under the best of circumstances, doubly so when the topic is controversial. And, regardless of the topic, this just doesn’t work. It’s too thudding, too broad, doesn’t flow.

And it relies on the idea that women need to be “taught a lesson” by being raped. At least, I think it’s the woman and not the loudspeaker being taught a lesson — unclear antecedents are not your friends when you’re trying to do satire.

This, then, is the source of the “humor” in this piece — women who try to get airs about having a voice or being independent should be reminded that their proper place in society is under the heel of a man, preferably a man who’s an authority figure. And any protestations are to be ignored — those women, they all secretly want it even if they say no.

Oh, and shave those pubes like a good girl.

Here’s the “in my day” part: I honestly don’t remember any real anti-feminist or pro-rape opinion pieces from my college newspaper. And I worked there, so you’d think I’d have noticed something. About the only whiny-ass titty baby column I remember from the Michigan Daily was a piece from a grad student whining about how unfair it was that unmarried same-sex couples could get partner benefits under the university’s health plan. But make rape jokes? Hell, when a student was raped and the head of campus security said she shouldn’t have been getting her laundry out of her car, the paper came down on him like a ton of bricks.

Did I just lead a charmed existence, or were things really different 15 or so years ago? God knows, my university didn’t have a conservative newspaper back then, and now they do. Was it just that I went to college before the whole Dartmouth Review wave hit widely? Is the Foxification of the media trickling down to the campus level? Or is this part of a more general trend in society at large?

Boy, that Assholes tag is sure coming in handy.

H/T Alex.

47 thoughts on WTF is up with college newspapers these days?

  1. Satirizing rape?

    Mocking women? old.
    Making light of bodily integrity? Old.

    and WRONG.


  2. Er… the ‘omg’ wasn’t meant to come off as sarcastic.
    Didn’t know if maybe it read that way.

  3. I actually don’t think satire is that hard to pull off. Making fun of the victims of injustice isn’t satire, and it sure as hell isn’t funny. Sometimes there might be some question of whether the writer is mocking a victim of a crime or the callousness of people’s attitudes towards those victims, and sometimes people may disagree over who the victim “really” is (ZOMGANTICATHOLICBIGORYYYEEEEEEAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!), but in all the cases I’ve seen here, we’re just dealing with assholes who are too stupid to understand what satire is, and who therefore try to pass their 160-proof banal assholery off as satire.

  4. I’m an alumna of UWO, and it’s always been that bad, really. There was a case involving a rape accusation, which turned out to be false (for real) and practically every woman on campus was going around saying things like “That slut. She only said that to get back at some guy…” and so on.

    For some perspective on just how warped the place really is, a friend of mine was in the campus bar, The Wave, on the night the 2000 US election returns came in. Keep in mind, this is a university in Canada, and practically everyone in the joint was cheering…for Bush. *shudder*

  5. Thanks for posting this. I am a huge fan of making sure news has integrity and follow an ethical code (which constitutes more than “we write words and stuff and hope it is not all lies and stuff”).

    In this case, the whole staff should be thrown to the curb, the editors expelled and a whole new staff brought in. Talk about destroying the legacy of college newspapers actively pursuing some credibility.

    I don’t think this pursuit, or any fragment of an honor code, has been apart of the Gazette’s vision. Rape is never funny.

  6. …some thoughts from a Western student on the ugly front lines 😛

    “This, then, is the source of the “humor” in this piece — women who try to get airs about having a voice or being independent should be reminded that their proper place in society is under the heel of a man, preferably a man who’s an authority figure. And any protestations are to be ignored — those women, they all secretly want it even if they say no.”

    This gets even more true slash scary when yo uknow that the names of the two women in this article are very close to (very thin, recognizable pseudonyms of) two women who are very active feminist activists on campus — and that one of whom has been campaigning all year against the Gazette and its misogynist, racist and homophobic practices.

    Yep, you guessed it. She’s the one being raped here to be “taught a lesson.”

    To me, this takes it from the (already reprehensible) level of bad and offensive satire to outright threats and intimidation of an actual student. Not to mention that the intention behind this is clearly to silence us “uppity” women on campus and feminsit activism on campus in general.

  7. I’m another person who read that and for a moment was confused about weather he was taking the loudspeaker into the alleyway…
    You’d think that at least make sure the warped asshats knew how to write…

  8. Did I just lead a charmed existence, or were things really different 15 or so years ago? God knows, my university didn’t have a conservative newspaper back then, and now they do. Was it just that I went to college before the whole Dartmouth Review wave hit widely? Is the Foxification of the media trickling down to the campus level? Or is this part of a more general trend in society at large?

    I’m a few years older than you, and I find myself regularly wondering this too. I started my college career at a very, very small liberal arts school, so I was chalking it up to that. Only 300 students, the vast majority of whom were extremely progressive in their politics. By the time I transferred to NYU, I was already working full-time and finishing my degree at night, so I wasn’t part of the college social scene at all. I never saw stuff like this in the New College paper, and I spent a year working on that. I’m not in a position to say what got printed in the NYU school paper while I was there, because I never read it.

    But reading these musings from someone who went to a large school, I start to wonder again. Maybe it was just kept more under wraps at that time. Maybe the “shock jock” phenomenon has spread, and people think it’s “edgy” to print blatantly misogynistic, racist, and/or homophobic crap. A backlash to the “PC” movement (a movement that I just like to call “good manners”).

  9. The pseudonym thing bothers me. The writer chose to hide behind the innocuous name “Xavier” while naming the actual London Chief of Police and creating VERY thin pseudonyms for the victims of the rape (actual members of WIN were the basis). Where’s the parity in that?

  10. In a few months, I will be able to report on the University of Memphis in 2007.

    I shall try to get liberal comics published in the school paper if they aren’t already, and I will try to go to class on a regular basis. (I imagine that’s a part of the college experience?)

    About that exercept, fuckt the what man? I am half-asleep, cold pills are kicking in, my pain meds better be kicking in, and it makes no sense.

    You get arrested if you don’t shave your pubes? (That came out as pupes, but as I learned in 7th grade, “Kaitlyn you *can’t* have 3 dogs, you’re a girl, you have a cat.” *not getting it* “Down there.” “Oh.” *buries self back in book*, so are the guys shaving their pupes?)

    I tried that once, the razor got stuck and there were so many hairs, and I didn’t even touch the skin. Then I remembered how much it itched last time I shaved my legs and the hair grew back. That stopped me.

    And, gross-out time, I see a GYN. Wednesday, he did a (manual) vaginal exam. 3 weeks prior, he did the same thing. It hurt like hell (may have to try a uterine nerve block) but he never said anything about the hair.

    My vagina’s too busy puking up blood right now to talk, because “I’ve stopped bleeding. Since that means the Lupron (chemical menopause, no periods – a girl in the waiting room also on it knew I was on it b/c I ran outside to read for most of the waiting time in 50degree weather in a t-shirt) has kicked in, what should we do with the birth control?”

    “Stop it.”


    A million hours of pain later, I’m bleeding again (Saturday night) took a BC pill yesterday and today and now I am awaiting a call from the doctor.

    And the Uni’s disability services – she has to check with her director. If this shit isn’t fixed or at least tolerable, I’ll need their help.

  11. I never saw anything like this in college, but at my undergraduate institution, the student union had a “women’s lounge” and every year there would be men bitching in the paper asking where the “men’s lounge” was.

  12. There was a case involving a rape accusation, which turned out to be false (for real) and practically every woman on campus was going around saying things like “That slut. She only said that to get back at some guy…” and so on.

    Just curious; what is the appropriate response to a woman who makes a false accusation of rape (and yes, I know “slut” shouldn’t be part of it)?

  13. Mmmm, I attend a large university currently and the good news is that our school paper usually covers things like global warming and stop the genocide in Darfur.

    The bad news is that the vast majority of students, who don’t seem politically inclined, could have stepped out of a Girls Gone Wild video or a road trip in “Borat”.

    I’m an Asian woman, so you’d assume that people who hang out with me are probably less likely to be racist and sexist than those who wouldn’t. Well, when I used to dabble in the female chauvinist pig lifestyle, I had a couple of white male friends who would complain about racism against whites (because of the large Asian population at our school) and who made racist jokes about Asians. To my credit (whee!), I didn’t laugh along with them and got offended, so one of them apologized. Another time, this frat boy in my class would always make racist jokes about Asians (“chinks” and “squinty eyes”). Again, I would sort of roll my eyes, although this Asian guy would laugh along with him and another white guy would titter nervously and say things like, “oh, that’s kind of racist”, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. (Another time the same guy also made some vague comments about slutty women who lie about sexual harrassment.) A liberal male friend of mine another time whined about “feminists who always talk about rape”.

    The thing is, I seriously don’t think any of these people thought that they were being racist or sexist, which is why they were comfortable *making* racist and sexist comments to my face. Goodness knows what they say when I’m not around, or about other groups. At least I have a few quirky women friends who are interested in feminism and women’s studies.

    I chalk it up to the “anti-PC” movement, which is also alive and kicking among liberals. And I wouldn’t pin it solely on conservatives although they sure got the ball rolling – fdl and SN! would agree 100% about offending groups of people.

  14. The pseudonym thing bothers me. The writer chose to hide behind the innocuous name “Xavier” while naming the actual London Chief of Police and creating VERY thin pseudonyms for the victims of the rape (actual members of WIN were the basis). Where’s the parity in that?

    The pseudonyms we used for the Daily Scampus issue were all close enough to our real names that we could easily be identified if you read the paper regularly: Leaky Condom, Obscene Moron, Showing Cockring, stuff like that. And the purpose of the pseuds wasn’t to be able to attack people, it was just to have fun with campus events.

    I think one big thing that kept shit like this out of the paper was the active participation of feminist women as editors. They would have killed our EICs if they let anything like this run on the op-ed page. Though I can’t imagine Jim or Orin even entertaining the idea. I’m guessing there aren’t a lot of feminists on staff at the Gazette, or if there are, they aren’t listened to.

  15. No, this is not new. Overprivileged boys going off to college and learning OMFG they are not TEH KING of their little communities, and women exist who won’t fuck them? Yeah, some of them end up on the campus newspaper.

    I recall an editorial written by a guy whining about how a woman crossed the street when she saw him (walking alone at night), and how terrible it felt for him to be accused of being a rapist blah blah.

  16. I’m so proud of my college newspaper. Our women’s group, S.H.E. gets a lot of editorials and the editors cowed one of the fraternities into apologizing for a sexist Valentine’s day fund raiser. Plus, I (as a freshman) got to write an op-ed on why pacifism is important. And everyone thinks we’re the conservative university in Oregon.

    Anyway, I was one of the people who thought that the CCSU piece was satire (poorly written, though) and could have been very good, but this is beyond comprehension. It sounds like a frat boy got drunk on bathtub gin and wrote this. I wish that misogynists could at least be good writers so that I could understand them and refute their arguments, rather than just looking at them, dumbfounded by their idiocy.

  17. I agree with the, erm, thrust of this writeup. I must, however, quibble over a semantic point: I’m not sure if you could qualify the satirical story as “rape,” since it characterizes the vagina as being a willing participant.

    Even if we preclude–semantically, only–the glorification of rape, the point is still just as obnoxious, since it’s still arrogant and degrading and assumptive.

  18. It must be fashionable, these days. Not that long ago, the campus paper here printed an Op-Ed piece that basically said “feminism turns women into victims.”

  19. I’m not sure if you could qualify the satirical story as “rape,” since it characterizes the vagina as being a willing participant.

    The vagina, not the woman. And it goes to the “she says no but she really means yes” trope of date rapists everywhere.

  20. I must, however, quibble over a semantic point: I’m not sure if you could qualify the satirical story as “rape,” since it characterizes the vagina as being a willing participant.

    Read it again. “To Ostrich’s dismay”. The author’s point is that the woman is not a willing participant, but her vagina is an enthusiastic participant. It goes right back to the “she really wanted it, so it’s okay if you had nonconsentual sex with her.” You might as well endorse the orgasm==consent argument.


    I am a current Michigan Undergrad and sadly yes, the douche bag misogynist editorials are a part of our Daily as well now. The day after this article appeared in the paper a survivor came forth with her rape story and all of a sudden everyone thought it sounded “fishy,” and that she “could not possible be raped at 5pm.” Or worst, that F-word (the feminist organization on campus) paid her.
    After this original story there has been a wave of anti-feminist stories hitting the stands at Umich, so we decided to do a “I am a feminist” campaign. We asked a bunch of profs and student leaders to give us a statement about why they are a feminist. When we tried to get a statement from our schools president Mary Sue Coleman she didn’t respond. When my friend approached her about it during one of those lame “fireside chats” that students can attend to talk to their president, she literarily took a step back and said “is that for that feminist campaign, oh no–I am not giving a quote for that.”
    So at a school with a women as the President (who wont associate herself with feminism, but drops diversity like its hott) and ignorant misogynists as writers for the paper, I can say that yes times have changed at Umich.

  22. That piece was supposed to be satire? As in, ya know, funny?

    I can be non-PC if the joke can stand by itself, sometimes. But not funny. Maybe there is something to that “dumbing down” theory about American universities. May it please God that was not written by an English or Journalism major.

    Zuzu, I think the difference is that there have always been conservative drelbs at campuses but they stayed hidden under their rocks for they knew they’d be scorned off campus. Now it is the liberals who seem compelled to justify their views and existence. Consider it a sort of “Revenge of the Nerds.”

  23. Did I just lead a charmed existence, or were things really different 15 or so years ago?

    I think things are worse nowadays. I think the pendulum is swinging back.

    Of course, I could have just become old and curmudgeonly.

    I guess when you have lived through better days and then the pendulum swings back, it’s exasperating. Kinda like, “Didn’t we already set you jackasses straight about this issue?”

  24. “I guess when you have lived through better days and then the pendulum swings back, it’s exasperating. Kinda like, “Didn’t we already set you jackasses straight about this issue?””

    It’s par for the course, though. A segment of the populace finally gets a basic right, and then the rest of the populace spends 50 or so years trying to take it away again.

  25. Not to get into too much inter-school snobbery, but, indeed, by rep alone, Western would be voted the Canadian University Most Likely to Welcome the Girls Gone Wild Bus.

    My father’s an alumnus of UWO, and wanted me to go there. Shudder.

  26. I’m a current student at Western, and just to give a bit more background to the story, and so that everyone doesn’t think this is representative of the entire university…

    There was a pretty big backlash against that article and the April Fool’s issue generally. A lot of outrage and rightfully angry responses, accusing the paper of encouraging rape and hatred towards women. Unfortunately, the editorial staff then responded to it with a pretty lame response, spouting the general ‘get over yourself’ and ‘everyone’s too PC’ lines.

    Why do I think the student body’s response wasn’t bigger? Honestly, not because most people here thought it was funny, or are too lazy to engage in social protest. Mostly, I think it’s because noone I know really pays attention to the Gazette anymore. It’s gotten bad this year, really bad. And it was never a great student newspaper to start with. But its coverage and editorials have been particularly stupid this year, and most people I know just don’t even bother with it anymore.

    I also just wanted to throw out there that Western has an extremely strong Women’s Issues Network, and is also the university where The Miss G project was founded, an initiative to try and get women’s studies courses into Canadian high schools. So hopefully people don’t take the Gazette’s attitude as indicative of the entire school’s.

  27. I went to a large public university in the early-mid 90’s; and yep, i remember this sort of “humor” from at least one of the campus newspapers, although i don’t remember anything as specific or blatant as allusions to raping a particular person in an ally. but there were racist and homophobic and misogynistic “jokes” galore, slurs a-plenty, a lot of targeting of the womens’ center, and yep, the general attitude that fucking is an act of hostility meant to put women back in their place/whassamatta it’s just a JOKE.

  28. belledame, I bet if you complain about it, you’re accused of not having a sense of humor (while holding this month’s MAD) and being ‘politically correct’, a ‘feminist’, or, even worse, a ‘liberal’.

    Scare quote theirs of course.

    When I complain about religion with my family, I’m told I’m close-minded because they believe in god and are members of the church – but they don’t fucking go to services, Becky goes to youth, and mom’s glad because it’s a healthy activity (better than the mega-church). Why can I complain about the baptist mega-churches, Islam, Catholicism, but if I complain about Christianity in general, or ASK QUESTIONS, I’m attacking my sister and going to hell.

    My mom tells me to keep the feminist/atheist/liberal talk on the computer, she and my sister don’t want to hear any of it. “You’ll find your ‘nick’ at college in the fall.” both of us: “It’s niche mom.”

    Promise me I’ll find my ‘nick’ this fall.

  29. UC San Diego had an April Fool’s issue of The Guardian with a “news” story about the new “Intramural Rape Club.” I believe the Women’s Center photocopied that story (and plastered it around campus) and replaced IRC with “I Love NAMBLA” and asked at the bottom “Still think it’s funny?”

  30. Just curious; what is the appropriate response to a woman who makes a false accusation of rape (and yes, I know “slut” shouldn’t be part of it)?

    I usually say something along the lines of “While So-and-so may have made a false report, less than five percent of rape reports are unfounded accusations. Women who make those kinds of things up make it more difficult for true victims to come forward.”

  31. Ros, I disagree. I go to Western too, and all I’ve seen since I’ve gotten here is a pervasive attitude that it’s all about upper-class white privilege. I know that there are more exceptions to that statement than there are to the “i before e” rule, but in my experience, anyone who doesn’t fit that mold feels marginalized and isolated at some point in their tenure at this school.

    I hadn’t read the Gazette in a very long time, and I was sick, so I didn’t know about the article until a few days after it happened. But I’m sick and TIRED of going to a school that is so full of shit. I see no value in having a degree from this school, which is incredibly sad, because there are some really, really good professors at Western, Rushton aside.

    One thing, though: I’ve heard a bunch of people say that this is a product of “frat boy culture,” but the Greek community is such a small part of the Western population (about 500 students on a campus of about 30,000) that I don’t think that’s fair. Western students are perfectly capable of acting like drunken, racist, misogynistic fools without the support of a fraternity.

  32. I think things ARE different than 15-25 years ago, Zuzu.

    I don’t know WHAT’s wrong with kids today! I think it MAY have something to do with the fact tha “hippies” are seen as “Losers”, even though, they were right about absolutely everything.

    They jjust didn’t lie and steal enough to be rich and powerful, which is the societal measurement that our society still clings to. (See: Donald Trump)

  33. Elimy, “less than five percent of rape reports are unfounded accusations.”

    Don’t you get it? If any rape report is false, they’re all false! Just like if one person abuses welfare, they all do. And some teachers are bad – bad people, bad teachers, just bad – so all are.

    But it doesn’t apply to cops or politicians. This cop was selling drugs. This cop is so corrupt he murdered the judge and bought a not-guilty verdict. WHATEVER.

    My point is it’s only liberal things that must be 1000% pure – or even something that should not be a liberal thing, like defending rape victims, because it involves women.

    It sucks.

  34. I’m going to be a college sophomore (I hope) come the 2008 election. You bet your ass I’ll be working the democratic side.

    Even if it’s someone I’m not crazy about, get us out from under Republican rule!

    I also just left a message with Memphis Planned Parenthood. I’m planning (hardeeharhar) to volunteer there if I can. I would even if it wasn’t required for my scholarship.

    I’m also going to become a Big Sister and probably work at the Humane Society. My little sister is old enough to be a Big Sister and can do more than I can, because she’ll have her license in May. (Get off the roads now, Memphians!)

  35. Just wanted to add… I’m in an LJ group with a woman who attends Western Ontario, and she included the contact info for the Gazette’s editor in chief, and for the university itself. I am currently doing layout for the student newspaper at my *own* school, so once I’ve got that in order, I’ll fire off my own round of e-mails.

    Here’s the info. GIve ’em hell:

    Please also take a few minutes to take action by writing to the Gazette Editor-in-Chief, Ian Van Den Hurk at UWO also has policies on equity and human rights that we feel this article severely violates (more info here: You can email the equity services at Western at to complain and to draw their attention to this article.

    Your help in spreading the word about this disgusting article is greatly appreciated. (In short: we want the whole internets to hear about Western and it’s misogynist rapist paper.) THANK YOU.

    ps if you’re on facebook…

  36. I think things ARE different than 15-25 years ago, Zuzu.

    OK, I’m twenty-five and I find myself saying “wtf is up with kids/the world these days” all the effin time now. I maintain that our public discourse has seen a sharp decline in the past, oh say, six or seven years – a topic I cannot, apparently, think about without getting “Who let the dogs out (who? who who who?)” stuck in my head. I’m hesitant to believe that such pathetic leaders can bring down decades of cultural progress, but it really does seem apparent that Rove, Bushie & Co opened the gates on a lot of pent-up anger by coming to and maintaining power by such divisive methods. Anger that I think, if things had gone differently (read: if the Supreme Court had stayed out of ballot counting), would have continued to be dissolved by education, familiarity, and plain old habit.

    Remember the late nineties? Will & Grace and Queer Eye (at this point, even tokenism looks better by contrast) were crazy popular and America was getting used to having gay people in their living rooms. Overturning Roe was a batshit crazy idea some people in faraway, barely-populated states talked about. And unless I’m wrong, you sure as fuck didn’t write about the glories of rape in your college newspaper.

    Or, I’m wrong and should just admit to myself that I’m getting old.

  37. Not to mention the copyediting of the Michigan Daily has gone to shit. I still read it (I’m not sure why anymore) – but yes, I too can vouch for a distinct anti-feminist rhetoric coming out of the Daily nowadays. It’s getting some backlash in letters to the editor, but not enough.

  38. OK, I’m twenty-five and I find myself saying “wtf is up with kids/the world these days” all the effin time now.

    Me too! I don’t remember this shit in college, and I graduated all of 4 years ago. There was the occasional obnoxious woman joke, but nothing like this. Same with high school.

  39. UC San Diego had an April Fool’s issue of The Guardian with a “news” story about the new “Intramural Rape Club.” I believe the Women’s Center photocopied that story (and plastered it around campus) and replaced IRC with “I Love NAMBLA” and asked at the bottom “Still think it’s funny?”

    Oh man, more funny!

    Did the original article have pictures of smiling fratboy jocks giving a thumbs-up? I can just imagine a picture with two guys looking straight out an Aebercrombie catalog with a fake-caption “Jack Smedley and Ryan Durstman are top scorers in this year’s varsity Intramural Rape I Love NAMBLA Club”

    that’ll have me giggling for a while

  40. Hmm, apparently strike-through tags show up in the preview but not the final post? apologies if the previous post wasn’t clear, but the IRC reference was supposed to be inside the tag.

    But the real reason I made a second post was to link to this:

    I think there’s something else going on here, also linked to this Kathleen Parker/female soldiers thing, that plays into the Republicans’ Victimized White Male base and the narratives that appeal to such a base.

    People like this really do feel put-upon that they can’t give in to their basest instincts. They really feel like they’ve been somehow reduced because they’re not allowed to reduce others.

    And that’s what makes me want to stab all of them. The ones I went to school with, the ones I work with, the ones who get paid to write or say things in public.

    This sort of thing is definitely a problem. Satire isn’t actually that hard to do, but it’s used best when it’s used on yourself or to make yourself an object of mockery (see The Colbert Report, Moliere’s School for Wives). Unless “Xavier” is actually one of the women named in the article, then it just wasn’t appropriate. And the sense of urgency in these things, the sense that they’re entitled to do it because they’re so manfully brave and stoic about putting up with tolerance the other 364 days of the year, makes me wants Jesus to be real and resurrect them so I can stab them again.

  41. Imus thought he was being funny too. To make “jokes” like that you have to have an oppressed class and a conventional lie about their “real” character in order to keep em down with “humor”.

  42. DataShade:

    “Did the original article have pictures of smiling fratboy jocks giving a thumbs-up?”

    Well, yes, they actually did, sort of. It was a picture, likely of some other club with a banner, which, of course, the Daily Guardian photoshopped (or not?!) the words Intramural Rape Club. The expressions of the (white, frat-looking) guys were not crazy stupid (i.e., we’re in on the joke) so I am left to consider that the reporters (meh) took an actual pic from some club. I wonder how those guys feel about that. Ain’t on the web, BTW, only the “real” version of the Guardian is online.

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