In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Tell Us What You Want

I’m creating some new t-shirt designs for the Feministe store, and I need your opinions. Which ones will you buy?

Ask Me About My Agenda #1

Ask Me About My Agenda #2

Some of my best friends have vaginas #1

Some of my best friends have vaginas #2

Fuck the patriarchy

Mom, do you ever get that not-so-equal feeling? #1

Mom, do you ever get that not-so-equal feeling? #2

Member of the Radical Sexual Mafia

Cook your own damn dinner

Tell me what you want, Feministers.

54 thoughts on Tell Us What You Want

  1. I love #s 1 & 4 (comic lady saying ‘ask me about my agenda’ and comic dude saying ‘some of my best friends have vaginas.’ apparently, i’m big on the comic people).

    And the ‘fuck the patriarchy’ one, that’s awesome too. Maybe not so much for wearing to work, though.

  2. I’m all about Member of the Radical Sexual Mafia and Cook Your Own Damn Dinner.

    I think Ask Me About My Agenda #1 needs a slightly sharper image (and a slightly more formal font?), but then I’m there.

  3. We vote for:

    Some of my Best Friends #2;

    Mom #1;


    Cook Your Own Damn Dinner

    Guess we like cartoons, too. But we also collect progressive t-shirts and we CAN wear “Fuck the Patricarchy” to work.

  4. I like the simple #2 “Agenda” shirt. I love the phrase “Mom, do you ever get that not-so-equal feeling?” but neither of the images appealed much to me. I do like the “Dinner” shirt. Reminds me of Pleasantville.

  5. Have you ever thought about designing a shirt for us men who would similarly shout, “Fuck the patriarchy!”? It isn’t that some of these wouldn’t be just fine to wear, but I’d love some kind of shirt in the spirit of we men showing our brethren a thing or to.

    By the way, I usually lurk but I love the site.

  6. I can’t see them – the last time I tried flickr, my computer crashed. (shitty, shitty dial-up)

    But I like the “Mom, do you ever get that not-so-equal feeling?” and “Some of my best friends have vaginas” phrases, whatever the designs.

    Not that I can promise purchase in the near future, as I am broke, broke, broke and the only person in the house with money (my dear, patient mother) would probably not buy me one.

    But those are my favorite phrases!

  7. I have a fridge magnet that I think I’ve seen here at Feministe or at Pandagon or Feministing. It’s one of those 50’s looking designs with a little girl who says “Mom when I grow up, I want to smash the right-wing homophobic patriarchal bullshit paradigm too.”

    I would order in multiple colors.

  8. I’m with evil fizz in loving the Radical Sexual Mafia and Cook Your Own Damn Dinner ones. I also agree with belle that the not-so-equal slogan is fantastic, but maybe with a better image. Maybe a patriarchy-parody package of the “feminine hygiene” products the slogan alludes to?

  9. Longtime lurker, just coming out of the shadows to say:

    I love the second “Vaginas” one. The “Cook your own damn dinner” is a great phrase, but it’d be better if it’s a little cleaner or even a different cartoon. I’m not a graphic designer of any sort and thus my opinion may be moot, but I think that looking down to see the caption after cartoon dilutes the message, rather than having the text above the cartoon. I’d prefer it in the style of the rest of the Feministe cartoons, i.e. caption in speech bubble above head.

  10. agenda #2- the simpler the easier to fuck with people.

    i like vagina #2 because it is so subversive to use the father-knows-best dad in that sense.

    radical sexual mafia definitely, but i’d probably only get it if it was pink on black, or red on black. i like red and black a lot. but that’s just me.

    not-so-equal #1. definitely.

    i also think that the patriarchy t-shirt might be better as just a line of text.

  11. These are all lovely, but I’m especially fond of the not-so-equal #1.

    That’s not to say I will necessarily be able to buy anything right now because I’m broke as hell. But getting a shirt with this on it (maybe for my 12 year old girl, who’s just growing into her snark) will be right up there with an OTEP T-shirt once I do have the dough.

  12. I like Agenda #1, but I’m with Evil Fizz: it needs a higher resolution image to really look nice.

  13. Seeing that I originally suggested, “Some of my best friends have vaginas”, I’d have to go with either one of them. If forced to pick one, I’d probably pick vagina #1, because I love that logo. Vagina #2 is still awesome, however. Hope this helps you narrow it down.

  14. I really want a “Member of the Radical Sexual Mafia” – but not in that font. I really hate that font. I was imagining something more in the current gangster calligraphy…. I’ll see if I can put something together…..

  15. Not-so-equal #1 and cook your own damn dinner.

    William, what about the current designs seems woman-specific to you? I think a man could wear any of them.

  16. oh, and I forgot: Please make sure the text goes all the way across the chest and curves around my breasts to draw maximal attention to them.

  17. I like Vaginas #2 and Equal feeling #1. And I second what Frumius B says, make sure the writing is right across the breast. Make em look!

  18. Oh, but I’m broke, so I couldn’t afford anything for more than $10-15, including S&H.

    So I won’t buy any design if it’s, say, Cafepress.

  19. I had a look at the store: I love the “If I had a hammer, I’d smash patriarchy” t-shirts, and I’l love to get one. Does it say “Feminism” on the handle, though? I can’t quite make out.

  20. I love the Mom logo – but count me in as one who wants a different picture – maybe something with a youngish girl actually talking to her mother?

  21. I’m prudish with naughty language on Tshirts (think of the children!), so how about “Screw the Patriarchy”?

    Also, I’d like a shirt with that Italian church on it…went a little far into the photostream.

  22. As a male feminist, I really like “Some of my best friends have vaginas #2”. I’d wear it every chance I got.

  23. i like all of them, but ‘cook your own damn dinner’ is my favorite. but i really hate the font! something easier to read would be better.

  24. I love “cook your own damn dinner”, but I think I’d like it better if it were just text. I like it when the person staring at your chest actually has to think for a minute before they figure out that the context surpasses your typical Hot Topic tee.

  25. VULVA! not VAGINA!

    I’d like to think that on a feminist site fercrissakes, we can get beyond the weird terminology that limits a women’s entire genitalia to her birth canal. We don’t say that a boy is different from a girl because he has a vas deferens.

  26. I like the not-so-equal one, especially the retro version. I concur that a mom-and-daughter picture would be awesome.

    I may be the weirdest of the weird here, but wearing a shirt that says, “Fuck the Patriarchy” would give me mondo cognitive dissonance. The use of the words ‘fuck’ or ‘screw’ as negative words is part of that whole penetration = conquest = defilement paradigm, which I consider part of the toxic baggage of Patriarchy. So wearing that shirt would make me feel vaguely hypocritical.

    Please, somebody, tell me I’m not the only one with this weird linguistic hangup!

  27. I want one that says, “Self-proclaimed extreme liberal feminist.”

    This is one of the accusations my ex-husband included in his counterclaim for divorce, along with atheist, lesbian, pornography addict, spendthrift, and unfit mother.

  28. I’d buy “Ask me about my agenda #1” and “cook your own damn dinner” if they came in fitted styles that could manage a 42″ bust. Which, oh, they don’t. Because an “extra large” woman is apparently smaller than a “small” man despite the addition of mammary glands to the torso. Fuck that. I’m completely and utterly sick of all the tshirt pushers out there failing to offer anything other than muumuus to fit my tits.

  29. I would totally buy
    Ask me about my agenda #2
    Some of my best friends have vaginas #1
    Cook your own damn dinner (my personal favorite)
    Mom, do you ever get that “not so equal feeling” #2
    Member of the radical sexual mafia

  30. I love the Fuck the Patriarchy design, plus I am also partial to the “not so equal feeling #2” and ask my about my agenda #1

  31. I would quite like a more positive slogan, to be honest. Not to bag these ones but they’ve kind of been done to death.

    That being said I don’t actually have any real suggestions. All I know is I probably can’t think of anything that physically repulses me more than the vision of myself f*cking the patriarchy. I think he would be a bad lover.

  32. I like this:

    “Alarming Female Says:
    March 26th, 2007 at 7:58 pm
    I want one that says, “Self-proclaimed extreme liberal feminist.”

    This is one of the accusations my ex-husband included in his counterclaim for divorce, along with atheist, lesbian, pornography addict, spendthrift, and unfit mother. ”

    Haha, it is great. As are all the other names for that matter. Those are silly insults (if insults at all.)

    Make your own damn dinner is nice too.

  33. Alarming Female,
    You Rock! That sucks about your ex-husband being an idiot, but it’s funny that he said that. I would wear a t-shirt with that slogan and tell people the story of your comment. And Lauram, that would be a great great great t-shirt slogan that I would purchase for sure.

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