In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


A Feminism 101 blog! Called, appropriately enough, Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog.

It’s there for your basic questions about feminism, because we’re not here to school you in the basics.

Muchas gracias to tigtog, the Hoyden About Town, for putting this together.

13 thoughts on Finally!

  1. I love it! Now, a place to refer clueless or “acting clueless” trolls, without having to do much explaining. Or, just a good primer when people seem confused by the basics. Yea!

  2. Thanks for the plug, zuzu.

    Holly, exactly. I’m modelling it on USENet FAQs, with each post being an FAQ (or FWW) that links to existing excellent posts that cover that question. I’m not planning on furrowing my brow to answer the Qs myself when there’s already so much excellent material out there.

    Suggestions for FAQs/FWW that need to be included, and posts that address them with verve and clarity, are very very welcome.

  3. Thanks for those. I’ll consider all suggestions, but I don’t want the collection of links to become too unwieldy, so I may not have room for them all. Obviously posts which have generated heaps of comments are the most likely contenders, but feel free to nominate an otherwise excellent post that you feel has been overlooked.

    I’ve just put up an Open Suggestion Thread at FF101. Could further suggestions be added there please? It will be easier for me to keep track of them.

  4. PS. Even if I don’t pick up all suggested links for the body of a particular FAQ post, as long as the suggestions are added to the comments thread for that post they will be there for others to click through to anyway.

  5. I’ll definitely be using the five links posted above, even if the posts linking to them aren’t published yet.

    It’s really cool that 700 of you have dropped on by since zuzu posted this link (thanks again). You’re a quiet bunch though, aren’t you?

  6. I’m surprised no one’s mentioned the index to creationist claims, which I think of as the gold standard for FAQs against repeated “but I just don’t understand” trolling. Blogs that touch on evolution get a lot of junk from this angle, and yeah, I’m going to say it, they’re a lot more tolerant of it than feminist blogs are of their own version. (I don’t think I’ve seen an equivalent of “we’re not here to school you in the basics” bandied about on Pharyngula without an actual link to said basics.)

    I would be interested in a some good resources in regards to this comment I’ve just gotten.

    Sex is important to men. We love women (generally). Is it any surprise that we paint you, sculpt you, sing about you and generally express our desire for your physical beauty?

    I figure that I’ll explain something about unrealistic standards of beauty, about how putting an ideal of women on a pedestal essentially means throwing some obligations on women that they didn’t ask for, and which only benefit the pedestal-pusher, and about how the images aren’t only of women, they’re of submissive, accessible, nonthreatening women, either looking available or throwing themselves in batches at some guy.

    But it would sure be nice if someone had written up that sort of thing for me, because I know it’s already been said, and way more eloquently than I myself could say it.

  7. Come to think of it, that may look like I’m asking someone to do my homework for me. It’s not, and I’m certainly not asking someone to go reply to the guy instead of me. Also, my grammar sucks; that should be “interested in some good resources”, instead of what I had.

  8. Good point about the index to creationist claims, grendelkhan. I spent a lot of time on way back when so I guess that’s very much the sort of thing I had in mind. I’ll add an explicit link to it as a model to emulate, in part, for FF101.

    I’m tagging particular troll-claims in the category FWW (Frequently Whimpered Whines) as well as the FAQ category, in the hope that people will just be able to point to the archive-link for the FWW category when confronted by an obvious troll.

    Links to posts that address common troll arguments with reasoned dissection and refuting references would be especially welcome in the open suggestions thread.

    Posts that address your commentor’s question above would also be excellent links for the necessary sexual objectification post.

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