In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


The Moonie-owned Washington Times did a recent series on sex-selective abortion in India. Which, handled right, could be a great opportunity to discuss gender issues and the value of girls in a society like India, as well as the economic and societal pressures that lead to the strong preference for boys over girls (not the least of which, especially for poor families, is the dowry system, which still hangs on despite efforts to eradicate it).

But it’s the Moonie Times, so anything like this needs to be assessed carefully. I haven’t read the whole series, but Tracy Clark-Flory feels that the politics (and feminst-bashing) on display outweigh the reporting.

Where could this political bias come from? Right from the top, we come to find out. The reason the story was printed had a lot to do with the fear of horny brown men coming to America in search of brides:

The day before, there was a brief discussion on the foreign desk about a pending series by religion writer Julia Duin on the abortion of girls in India….In the discussion with colleagues on The Washington Times foreign desk, [foreign desk editor David Jones] said: “The reason we are running this story is that [editor-in-chief] Coombs thinks all the aborted girls means that Indian men will be immigrating to the United States to marry our girls.” That is an exact quote, what Jones told his colleagues on the foreign desk.

Coombs has told me and others repeatedly that he favors abortion because he sees it as a way to eliminate black and other minority babies.

And by “our girls,” they most likely mean “white Christian women.” Watch for the Moonie Times to begin (afresh) urging white women to outbreed the brown invaders.

15 thoughts on THEY’RE COMING FOR OUR WOMEN!!!

  1. I had a guy in one of my classes at uni try and run this line on me wrt Chinese men coming to Australia, claiming that we should set up immigration policy that Chinese men can only enter the country if they have wives. Unfortunately I was gobsmacked enough to lose my ability to speak, but in my head I was trying to tell him that he was surely born a century and a bit too late; we did this in the late 1800s.

  2. Coombs has told me and others repeatedly that he favors abortion because he sees it as a way to eliminate black and other minority babies.

    What? WHAT?

  3. Coombs has told me and others repeatedly that he favors abortion because he sees it as a way to eliminate black and other minority babies.

    I don’t think he’s the only winger that holds that position, quite a few do; they see it as the New Eugenics Program. Proty fundamentalism pro lifers generally only worry about white women offing blastocysts.

  4. Heh. The idea that Indian men would see white women as preferable brides is not only racist-stupid, it’s plain old stupid.

  5. That link to the George Archibald blog is worth reading, not only to find out what the editor of The Washington Times thinks about abortion, but also to hear how he apparently routinely physically threatens his reporters and editors for correcting his factual errors, etc.

  6. If we American women like the Indian men better than American men (as must be the case if we’re marrying them in dangerous numbers), isn’t that just the free market at its finest?

    If foreign women were marrying all the American men, we’d hear about how American women should change their personalities, not about how we should ban female immigration. Is my suspicion.

  7. I’m probably going to BREED with a member of the brown hordes. I’m like, their worst nightmare! Muahahah!

  8. If foreign women were marrying all the American men, we’d hear about how American women should change their personalities, not about how we should ban female immigration. Is my suspicion.

    Well, Olive, that’s sorta happening already…with the whole mail-order bride phenomenon. And apparently that’s because us American women aren’t pretty and subservient enough for some guys. Ew. But if I go marry an immigrant guy because he’s just a great fellow, I’m apparently destroying the fabric of society. As a woman, I “belong” to my race and country.

  9. If an Indian man is good enough for Elizabeth Hurley, he’s probably good enough for me. 😉 And Sendhil Ramamurthy is HOT!

  10. omg I knew someone who interned at the Washington Times. She took over the school paper from my partner, and outlawed all the fun office behavior. (No more Tuesday Night Dance Party or Nerf fights.) However, she also cut all the real writing out. (No more political editorials, to be replaced with talking about how theme parties r grate dewd and cafeteria food suxors.) Style over substance, man. We kinda hoped she’d become a Moonie, just for fun.

  11. Sorry for resurrecting all of these older threads — please refrain from posting topics when I am in a state of sickness. Thank you.

    Olive, unfortunately, the free market isn’t there so that the products can choose their consumers. Women are not purchasing agents in the nutwing philosophy, we are the commodities to be purchased, it would be like the Canadians complaining that Americans were coming over the border and buying up all the prescription drugs and not leaving any for the Canucks. It’s not the drugs’ fault that they were snatched up by pill-poppin’ Yankees.

    I think that there is something to the mail-order issue, but I really don’t see America as an Indian Man’s first choice to purchase a wife. Again, the free market would dictate that they go shopping in a country where the women are both abundant and cheap. So you need to go to a place that is less economically developed than you currently live (where the women are so desperate to get out that they’ll sell themselves as a wife, knowing they’ll probably be beaten and raped), and where a gender preference hasn’t created an imbalance of males to females. America isn’t the top of that list.

    I think I’d already mentioned once that I knew a guy who was convinced that China would use Y2K as an excuse to bomb/invade the USA for its women. And we all remember those horrible first few years of the new millenium when that came true.

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