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I Hate… well, everyone

Kenneth Eng is a real piece of work. A columnist for the San Francisco weekly AsianWeek — “The Voice of Asian America” — Eng recently penned a column titled “Why I Hate Blacks.” This follows other articles of Eng’s, “Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us” and “Why I Hate Asians.”

I’m embarrassed to say that Eng is a former NYU student who says he experienced racism after he “expressed my negative views on America, religion and African Americans.” Huh. Among Eng’s reasons for hating African Americans:

— “Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.”

— “Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.”

— “Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.”

Many in the Asian-American community are speaking out against Eng, and against the editorial decision to run this piece in the first place. Others, though, are making comments like “Rather than refute and bury this, we should be calling for a community dialogue to address this.”

Which is an interesting point. Yes, there are festering racial tensions between Asian-Americans and African-Americans, and among other racial groups as well (hello, Do the Right Thing). Yes, it would be valuable to have a productive conversation about these issues, and to flush them out and shine a light on them.

But columns like “Why I Hate Blacks” are not the way to start that conversation. What makes me nervous is that having a townhall discussion in response to hateful screeds lends those screeds a degree of legitimacy, and suggests that these kinds of conversations will only happen after an attention-hungry hate-monger kicks over a hornet’s nest. It justifies outrageously racist actions, from writing columns like this one to holding a Find the Illegal Immigrant hunt.

On the same token, it’s entirely possible to “refute and bury” off-the-wall hatred and still find a way to productively discuss issues of race and racism. I hope that’s what happens here. And in the meantime, I hope Eng is removed from his position and the editorial staff at AsianWeek uses better judgment in the future.

Thanks to Rizzo for the link.

UPDATE: An anonymous WSN source tells me that when Eng went to NYU, he applied for a position at the newspaper. One of his plans was to turn the opinion page into the science section, and run articles about issues like posthumanism, dimensional theory, string theory, and god knows what else. More than a year later, when the editorial staff had changed, he pitched the exact same column idea. The editor-in-chief rejected it, and Eng began making threatening phone calls to the office, calling her a “dumb white bitch.” It got to the point where security had to bar Eng from the building.

And according to his bio, he is the “youngest published sci-fi author in America.” For writing this. And yes, that is a dragon with an uzi.

24 thoughts on I Hate… well, everyone

  1. I’m embarrassed to say that Eng is a former NYU student who says he experienced racism after he “expressed my negative views on America, religion and African Americans.”

    Um, people reacting negatively to someone being a racist is now evidence of racism towards the racist person?

    My head hurts. I guess we can look forward to a series of lawsuits from the KKK complaining that they’re the victims of racism because they get a negative reaction whenever they express their views.

  2. David Lee of the Chinese American Voters Education Committee said Eng’s statement echoes the feelings of some Asian Americans. He said that rather than condemning the paper, black and Asian people should participate in a town hall-style meeting to address tension he said exists between the two communities.

    Uh, this makes no sense. Rather than condemning the paper!? How about we condemn the stupid paper for publishing an blatantly racist piece with vile slurs against black people during Black History Month, and then ALSO talk about tension between communities.

    I guess that’s basically what you said at the end of the post though. I feel like I ought to have something to contribute, as a multiracial person of Asian descent who grew up and went to school in a mostly black neighborhood in a big city. David Lee’s other comment, about “a segment that feels the way Eng does” makes sense, and I think there are some pretty big, somewhat invisible divisions in some Asian-American communities around this.

    One of the divdes that does sometimes get talked about is between generations… I feel like I’ve know a lot of Asian-Americans who are kind of horribly embarassed and uncomfortable at how racist their parents are, to the point of not wanting to mention it, trying to laugh it off or dismiss it, etc. Dealing with your own parents’ racism is difficult for anyone, I think, and there’s a tendency to be like “well, they’re old and set in their ways… the next generation will be different.” But of course, Eng is a good example of someone younger who is just as racist, maybe as a result of his upbringing, although he sounds like a nerdy, misanthropic faux-intellectual who just hates everyone, most of all probably himself.

    My sister and I just threaten to disown our mother and never talk to her again whenever she says something racist, so she mostly shuts up about it — and a little too much like Eng, she’s also just a curmudgeon who likes to upset people. Maybe I’m a little more tolerant of her since she’s a tough, 67-year-old woman who gets by with a green card and a sharp tongue, but it’s still only a patchwork solution to try and shut down the dialogue and ignore it.

    I think there’s also a divide between Asian-Americans who feel like we are more “cosmopolitan” or integrated into the rest of society, and Asian-American communities who are more insular, tied to non-American customs and language, etc. There is a lot of internalized racism that goes around in Asian-American communities about “FOBs” and so forth (that stands for “Fresh Off the Boat” in case you didn’t know) and although I can’t find Eng’s earlier articles I wonder if his vitriol about hating Asians who don’t have enough cultural pride are aimed at more assimilated / integrated Asian-Americans who are often the ones most embarassed by racist statements coming from people of the same ethnic background, want to sweep that stuff under the rug, etc.

    Of course, the flip side of the coin is that “assimilation” for many people often means being acculturated into much more acceptable, more invisible, more widespread forms of racism perpetuated by the mainstream white-dominant culture. Eng’s racism is notable because it “breaks the rules” unlike a lot of more subtle racism that happens all the time.

  3. Thoughtful post.

    When someone throws out the supposition “I Hate Blacks”, in my mind there is nothing to dialogue about. It just something that needs to be condemned and fought if necessary.

    From that point on maybe a discussion about Asian/Black relations can happen in schools, in the media and in the community.

    The thing is in these situations who are the “leaders”? The Black “leaders” at the press conference (quoted in the SF chronicle) on this issue were frauds like Amos Brown and Doris Ward, probably looking for some payoff as the official mediatotrs in this situation.

    The Fang family is part of SF’s upper class and they know the game, when busted like this. It’s time to break off some cash to some (civil rights) “representive” to get a pass.

    Generally the left lacks the ability to sort the fakes from genuine leaders who want to work on improving race relations.

  4. One of the divdes that does sometimes get talked about is between generations… I feel like I’ve know a lot of Asian-Americans who are kind of horribly embarassed and uncomfortable at how racist their parents are, to the point of not wanting to mention it, trying to laugh it off or dismiss it, etc.

    Actually, there was a nasty explosion on a bulletin board I used to frequent that was about half Asian when a non-Asian poster mentioned that one of her Asian coworkers (an older lady who was an immigrant) was constantly saying racist things at work. It got really ugly really fast, with the in-crowd calling the original poster a racist for bringing it up, and why was she so anti-Asian, etc. etc. etc.

    Yeah. There’s a reason I don’t post there anymore, and it ain’t the racial mix.

    And I know what “FOB” stands for, too — my Italian ancestors were the original FOBs. My paternal aunts got a lot of instruction in how NOT to look like an immigrant. They weren’t allowed to get their ears pierced, because that’s what the newer immigrants did. So, yeah, welcome to the melting pot. (“Wop” is actually an acronym for “without papers,” which was a common way for Italian immigrants to arrive.)

  5. The criticism snowballed the more people learned of it, and on Wednesday, Fang and the publication issued an apology and said that Eng’s pieces would no longer be used.

    From the article arielladrake linked. Good news.

  6. I’m new at NYU, and I’ve realized that it has some real crazies, not Washington crazies like I’m used to (the kind of crazies who never say exactly what they’re thinking for fear of hurting their chances in the 2032 Congressional elections), but crazies who don’t give a $#@& and say EXACTLY what’s one their mind, not matter how racist, sexist, violent, or just plain tasteless it is.

    Take the College Republican’s “Find the Illegal Immigrant” game.

  7. I’m an Asian-American with roots in Los Angeles, and yes, there was a lot of mutual racism between blacks and Asians.
    I think the problem with a lot of racist Asians is that they are “colorist” (for one thing, skin whitening creams are a big business in Asian countries and many of them also have histories of colonization, whether direct or indirect) – frankly, many of the ones that I know (I’m of Japanese descent) look down on southeast Asians, Hispanics and blacks, but think that white people are alright. I’ve also had at least one Asian make a racist comment about me because he thought my skin was too dark (more Penelope Cruz rather than Zhang Ziyi). Also some Asian countries are upwards of 90% one ethnic group, so they tend to be sort of xenophobic about other groups.
    That being said, I’m rather tired of racism by nonwhite groups being used as an excuse for whites to snicker at “look, they’re racist too!” and overlook their own racism.

  8. Jill, Holly, drydock, I agree: Asshat Eng aside, this David Lee person, whoever the hell he is, makes no sense and I really question what he’s doing in a leadership position in a civic organization. Seriously, as a Chinese American I’m thinking about calling for his head, he’s an embarrassment at this point. Saying that you hate an entire racial or ethnic community is NOT a path to inter-community dialogue. Duh.

    I suppose the good news is that Eng got fired after an overwhelming response from the Asian American community, with near-universal condemnation from all quarters and rapid mobilization. And unlike most “racial gaffes” among white folks, it didn’t take a Black mobilization to compel this action, it arose from within our community. Asian celebs didn’t rush to microphones to say, “The strange thing is, he’s not a racist!” Eng is not going to “rehab”. His ass simply got canned. Which is only as it should be. Of course it should be a given that articles entitled “Why I Hate [insert racial group]” should have no place in public discourse, but apparently not everyone is on board with this point. I think AsianWeek needs to go further and publish a report on how Asshat Eng even got hired in the first place (he’s a horrible writer, his fantasy work bears ridiculous titles like “Dragon: Lexicon Triumvirate”…what the…?!?!) and how his hate columns got through the editorial process; responsible editors should be fired and the process overhauled. Short of that, I’m set on agitating for the total collapse of that publication.

    Of course, since the rag is owned by the Fang family, they could probably just keep it running the operation out of their own pockets as a business front for another two decades without a single reader or advertisier, so I’m not sure exactly how to get to them. Especially if an actual Fang family member was responsible for these hate columns.

    Anyway, if you’re interested in hearing more (prepare for shameless plug), Carmen and I will be discussing the incident in the next episode of Addicted To Race, which will be posted at Carmen’s site Racialicious. I’ve also got lots of links on the matter at my pad, if ya wanna take a peak.


  9. Here’s a bunch of Mr Eng’s AsianWeek columns, archived for posterity.

    I would like to say that I think that “Diary of an Attack” is one of the great works of the last half-century.


    Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us

    Kenneth Eng, Nov 24, 2006

    White people hate us and will always hate us. Here is a simple list of evidence, going from the most obvious down to the least obvious:

    How many American films feature Asian heroes who are not stereotyped?
    If someone makes a negative comment about a black person, all of the whites get hopping mad. Make a negative comment about the Asian race and nobody cares.
    Most Asians know that everywhere we go, white/black/Hispanic people hurl racist remarks at us. I have already received about 10 racist remarks in the past three months and I have only been out of my home a handful of times.
    In 1982, Vincent Chin was killed by two white people, Michael Nitz and Ronald Ebens. Both murderers went free, as the judge claimed that they were not the type of people who deserved to be in prison.
    Chai Vang righteously killed six white people after they approached him with guns first. Unlike the “men” who murdered Vincent Chin, brave Mr. Vang was sentenced to life.
    Asian civil rights activities receive virtually no media attention. Yet Rosa Parks was pretty much honored as a hero just because she refused to give up her seat. This is curious because Vincent Chin died to defend his race. Why hasn’t he been given an award?It is quite naïve to think that all of this can be explained by claiming that whites are not “enlightened” or that whites lack awareness of our issues. It is even more immature to think that things will get better if only we continue to protest peacefully through lame marches and letters to the producers of (insert any American TV show here). Animals, through evolution, are intrinsically developed to detest organisms that are different; the obvious reason being that conformity to a certain level increases the chances of a species’ survival. Since humans are part of the animal kingdom, it should be no surprise that whites have evolved to hate Asians, who have a strikingly different appearance than them.
    Furthermore, we do live in an age where “political correctness” and anti-racism are in vogue. Why then, are there virtually no Asian heroes in the media? This is solid proof that we are enemies in the eyes of the Aryans. If even in an epoch where equality is an important matter they still do not treat us as equals, then what hope is there that they will ever treat us equally?

    More importantly, why should we care? We vastly outnumber them. When you have a disobedient child, you do not give him gifts to make him abide to your will. You show him the cane.

    Why I Hate Asians

    Kenneth Eng, Jan 12, 2007

    It seems like an odd title for an article written by an Asian Supremacist, but there are very good reasons why I hate many of my own kind.

    The first thing I hate about Asians in America is how so many of them want to suck up to whites. I have had fistfights and verbal altercations with many who discriminated against me and my people. Sadly, however, the Asians who witness or hear about these battles often hate me for being “hypocritical,” and tell me that “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Do these sycophants think it’s “cool” to mindlessly side with whites and blacks? Is it not enough that we have to fight against discrimination? Now we have to fight amongst ourselves as well?

    The second thing I hate about Asians is how little pride most of them have. This may be the result of societal brainwashing, but whatever the cause, it must stop. I am repulsed when I see Asian guys speak with British accents in an attempt to sound sophisticated. British people can’t be all that sophisticated if they don’t yet understand the concept of dental hygiene. I am also sickened when I hear Asian people imitate Negro slang in an endeavor to sound “ghetto.” Am I supposed to be impressed that such a person emulates the attitude of a supposed slum resident? More importantly, whatever happened to being yourself?

    The third thing I hate about Asians is how apathetic many of them are in terms of honor these days. If I saw an Asian being stereotyped in a movie theater, I would immediately stand up and shout incessantly at the screen so that none of the white audience members could enjoy the film. When I saw a white man yelling at an old Asian woman a few months ago, I walked up to him and hollered slurs right back in his Aryan face. But most other Asians, I am disappointed to say, would rather just chuckle at their own stereotypes on screen and ignore the problems of their brethren. At the risk of sounding corny, whatever happened to the days of the samurai? When honor meant more than life? Whatever happened to the age of Sun Tzu when we used to kick ass?

    Don’t get me wrong. I love the Asian race, but every race has its inferiors.

    Why Non-Violent Protest Will Never Help Asians

    Kenneth Eng, Dec 22, 2006

    Johnny Blockhead, a German American senator, walks into his office one day, only to find a letter from an Asian American Man. It kindly outlines evidence that Asians are still not being treated fairly in the United States and what Mr. Blockhead should do to help improve Asian American activism. Blockhead, rather than considering the proposal, writes a letter in return, asking for more details. However, he does not care about the Asian Man’s rights. He just wants to laugh at how silly it is to think that writing letters like an 11 year old will make him take time out from more important issues, like supporting the wretched church.

    Meanwhile, Vinnie, an Italian American filmmaker, gets a letter from MANAA, the Media Action Network for Asian Americans. It claims that his films are very unfair toward images of Asian Americans and asks kindly that he change them. Vinnie tosses it in the trash and continues making his film, which features hundreds of Asian people being slaughtered by the white hero. Afterward, he arranges a media interview in which he espouses the notion that he loves Asian cinema. All of the whites in this country instantly believe that his film is pro-Asian and reject any views to the contrary.

    In a city subway, a number of black students are poking fun at an Asian student. However, the Asian student does not fight back. No, he was trained by his teachers (who are also white) that non-violence is mature and that he should always try to reason with people. So he tells the black students that they are being rude. They chuckle at the top of their lungs and punch him. He then finds some cops and reports the incident to them. However, the black kids all lie to the cops and declare that he was the one who attacked first. The cops, resigned to a life of agreeing with the majority, arrest the Asian student.

    Yet, in the street, an Asian mayor negotiates filming location rights with a Caucasoid studio businessman named Mr. White. White thinks he can have his way with any Asian person, and so he behaves very disrespectfully, demanding that he can shoot his film anywhere in the mayor’s city. The Asian Man, however, knows how to handle this maturely. He grabs Mr. White by the blonde hair and punches him in the face. White, shocked that a politician could ever attack him, widens his blue eyes in total terror. The mayor knows he risks being locked up, but also knows that ethics are sometimes more important than pragmatic affairs. He continues beating the Caucasoid until it runs away. Fortunately, by the time Mr. White returns with police officers, all the witnesses have left. The mayor simply lies to the police, and since they have no evidence that he was the attacker, they cannot make an arrest.

    The mayor is the only Asian man that goes home happy.

    Diary of an Attack

    Kenneth Eng, Feb 02, 2007

    December 21, 2006:

    I was walking down the street in Bayside, Queens, when I was confronted by 6 to 8 white youths that ranged from ages 15 to 18.

    One of them called me a gook. I immediately marched toward them and told them that they were conformist white whores. Insults were traded. Threats were exchanged.

    At last, I challenged their alpha male, a 6’2″ teenager who had a lanky build to a fistfight. He struck first, hitting me twice on the right side of my face.

    Before I could counterattack, he had somehow knocked me off my feet and kicked me a number of times in the chest.

    Two white schoolgirls, who were part of their gang, looked on.

    White and Hispanic police arrived on the scene with both me and all of the attackers present.

    I had visible facial injuries, including blood from my mouth.

    However, instead of arresting any of the attackers, they had me sent to a hospital.

    Not because I was injured, but because they thought I was insane. (I have a voice recording of one of the officers admitting this.)

    Notice also that in this fight, I was unable to get any shots in.

    January 4, 2007:

    After two weeks of calling the police precinct and getting no response, I ran into the police officer who was one of the officers responsible for this injustice.

    I scolded her and demanded to know why the attackers were not arrested.

    She threatened to arrest me for disorderly conduct.

    That would have been ridiculous.

    There is no law against shouting, especially in a country that supposedly advocates freedom of speech.

    She called in an Italian lieutenant who, to my understanding, was the one who gave the order to have me hospitalized.

    I lectured him as well about how he should perform his duties, and then I commanded that he tell me why nothing was done.

    Instead of giving me an answer, he (not surprisingly) called the hospital again to have me institutionalized.

    He and his groupie friends proceeded to call me “dragonmaster,” referencing the subject matter of my published books.

    Neither of these times was I deemed insane.

    In fact, the hospital workers expressed some annoyance that I was sent to the hospital at all.

    I have attempted to take legal action against these “people.”

    But many professionals are telling me that for many reasons, nothing will happen to these officers and the youths who attacked me.

    NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Incident 1

    Kenneth Eng, Dec 08, 2006

    The following is an account of an incident that occurred when I was a student at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, or as I call it, School of the Farts. Regardless of what you may believe, it is entirely true to the word.

    In September 2003, I was enrolled in an advanced production class in NYU’s film school. The teacher was Kelly Reichardt. We were asked to present our scripts for possible production into films, but before we started, Reichardt gave us one warning — “Don’t use stereotypes.”

    The next week, a black student presented a script with (what do you know!) stereotypes of Asian people.

    In her story, an Asian woman with a foreign accent gets robbed by black kids, who are treated as heroes. The Asian character is shown absolutely no dignity.

    When asked to read the script aloud, a white girl gladly imitated a clichéd “Asian” accent. I, being more polite than I should have been, did not interrupt.

    After the reading of the script was done, I was waiting for the teacher to denounce the stereotype.

    However, neither she nor the white students even brought up the issue.

    A homosexual Asian student finally asked very kindly for the black student to remove the offensive material, she said, “Yeah, but it’s pretty much true. I do live in an African American community.”

    As the whites changed the subject, I raised my hand to retort, but was ignored.

    In fact, I had to wait until the discussion was almost over before I was given the chance to speak (even though I was nice enough not to interrupt their discussion).

    I said, “I don’t think an Asian would be dumb enough to do that. I think you should use a Negro.”

    The class instantly went into an uproar, with one student even uttering, “I can’t believe he just said that.” The teacher then scolded me for “making insults.”

    I replied by claiming that the black girl insulted my race, to which Reichardt said, “I cannot IMAGINE any way in which [the student] insulted you. And even if she did, you have no right to insult her back!”

    I was subsequently removed from the class.

    I could not dispute the matter because all of the witnesses, who were white, had refused to acknowledge any discriminatory remarks made against Asians.

    NYU is arguably the most prestigious film school in America. If the white populace of this institution, which is supposedly the top 1 percentile of the nation, is not intelligent enough to see something so obvious, how can we realistically expect the majority of their people to?

  10. That being said, I’m rather tired of racism by nonwhite groups being used as an excuse for whites to snicker at “look, they’re racist too!” and overlook their own racism.

    As am I. Is that what you think is happening here?

  11. If you want to see more of Eng-related hilarity, check out this interview:

    “What are you still determined to learn to do?
    Resolve the paradoxes that belie the quest for perfection. I must determine how to infallibly alter any reality of the Multiverses to my bidding, while maintaining cosmic perfection and symmetry. Even Dennagon, albeit he is omnipotent, does not have the answer to this riddle.”

    This is a joke, right? His whole public persona, one bad practical joke?

  12. I have already received about 10 racist remarks in the past three months and I have only been out of my home a handful of times.

    This person is obviously disturbed, I’m sorry to say.

  13. Jill – No, I don’t, but I sort of wanted to head it off before the comments veered in that direction (surely you’ve seen trolls who advance that line of attack). I mean, any time that someone discusses Prussian Blue, the white supremacist band, then some white person will say, “but why aren’t you upset about rappers?”
    And also, a lot of left wingers dislike Asians because they think that we aren’t the poor oppressed brown people in distress that they prefer minorities to be. Many people all over the political spectrum think that Asians are considered white and shouldn’t be allowed to complain about any racial matters. People always bring up Asian ethnocentrism as being equally bad as, or even justifying, white supremacy in the West.
    One more thought about Asian racism, some Asians in the US tend to buy into the model minority crap, so they are racist against blacks and Hispanics and look down on them because they’re “bad” minorities whereas Asians are “good” minorities.

  14. How weird. That “youngest published” is hard to believe, insofar as that lame “Eragon” book came out when its author was 17.

    I guess it’s the “scifi” part that makes it different? Eragon is fantasy (horribly derivative fantasy, but fantasy nonetheless). Sounds a little like when the week after a movie opens to mediocre box office, the commercials start saying things like, “The number one comedy in the country!”

  15. Eng’s out of his tiny little mind. He’s a furry who wants to become an anthropomorphic shark; he wrote a self-published wankfest novel titled “Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate.” And, according to his Amazon blog, he thinks Moses and Abraham are the same person.

    I can’t stop laughing. Seriously, read the interview X. Trapnel linked, it’s comedy gold.

  16. Wow. That is some fucked-up, repugnant shit – hard to pick the weirdest point. However, I love this:

    He’s a furry who wants to become an anthropomorphic shark.

    A scaly?

  17. No, I don’t, but I sort of wanted to head it off before the comments veered in that direction (surely you’ve seen trolls who advance that line of attack). I mean, any time that someone discusses Prussian Blue, the white supremacist band, then some white person will say, “but why aren’t you upset about rappers?”
    And also, a lot of left wingers dislike Asians because they think that we aren’t the poor oppressed brown people in distress that they prefer minorities to be. Many people all over the political spectrum think that Asians are considered white and shouldn’t be allowed to complain about any racial matters. People always bring up Asian ethnocentrism as being equally bad as, or even justifying, white supremacy in the West.

    Agreed on all counts.

  18. well shit, if we’re counting self published as ‘earliest’, i did an AMAZING book in 6th grade for a project. i had a hardback AND softback version (one of each). It was about a lightbulb with a people eating pink-n-purple blob in it. it was a epic tour de force (i got rave reviews in tee 6th grade nerd demographic).

    it had ILLUSTRATIONS even!

  19. Jill, Holly, drydock, I agree: Asshat Eng aside, this David Lee person, whoever the hell he is, makes no sense and I really question what he’s doing in a leadership position in a civic organization. Seriously, as a Chinese American I’m thinking about calling for his head, he’s an embarrassment at this point. Saying that you hate an entire racial or ethnic community is NOT a path to inter-community dialogue. Duh.

    I suppose the good news is that Eng got fired after an overwhelming response from the Asian American community, with near-universal condemnation from all quarters and rapid mobilization. And unlike most “racial gaffes” among white folks, it didn’t take a Black mobilization to compel this action, it arose from within our community. Asian celebs didn’t rush to microphones to say, “The strange thing is, he’s not a racist!” Eng is not going to “rehab”. His ass simply got canned. Which is only as it should be. Of course it should be a given that articles entitled “Why I Hate [insert racial group]” should have no place in public discourse, but apparently not everyone is on board with this point. I think AsianWeek needs to go further and publish a report on how Asshat Eng even got hired in the first place (he’s a horrible writer, his fantasy work bears ridiculous titles like “Dragon: Lexicon Triumvirate”…what the…?!?!) and how his hate columns got through the editorial process; responsible editors should be fired and the process overhauled. Short of that, I’m set on agitating for the total collapse of that publication.

    Precisely, Kai.

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