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You Know What I Want?

I want to live on a boat.

What do YOU want?

114 thoughts on You Know What I Want?

  1. I want to be able to fart glitter.

    And yes, I’ve considered the repercussions of that. I think lucizoe and I would argue, though, because I’d be one of those g-litterbugs.

  2. I want to be over this absolutely ridiculous snotty sneezy coughy wheezy drippy stuffy achy stupid cold/flu/sinus thing. And I want to be immune to all such recurrences of stupid debilitating humiliating illnesses for the future.

  3. I’ve done the live on the boat thing. Kinda cramped. And sound travels. I didn’t need to know what kind of sex noises my stepmother makes.

    There are good sides to living on a boat, but I don’t think it’s my thing.

  4. I want to stop being depressed and get an Engineering degree and then go help people in Africa.

    And I want a tail, so I can tap people on the shoulder with it and then pretend that it wasn’t me.

  5. I want to go to school forever and never have to work… only volunteer. And travel the world learning everything I can.

  6. I want my partner to move his arse over to the UK quickly, and I really REALLY want the daycare I visit this morning to be nice. Otherwise I’m screwed because I’m meant to be starting my new job on Monday. :o/

  7. I want to have enough money so that I can live off the interest, I want to live in a treehouse, yurt, or small cabin, I want to lose 30 lbs, and I want to knit faster.

  8. I want to have a decent time at college and then I want to graduate and leave the east coast and get a tiny apartment in San Francisco and use my degree in statistics to be a good journalist who knows what she’s talking about when she discusses the experimental design of a medical study and live a quiet life of truthful reporting and enjoying my job but not letting it take over my life volunteer work and exploring and friends, old and new, far and near, and seeing movies and shows and having time to read lots of books of all sorts and be creative.

    Maybe I can also get a cat.

  9. Ever seen Secret Window? Yeah, I know it sucked, but the big cabin on the lake devoid of neighbors! Whooho! Sign me up!

  10. I had an uncle who lived on a boat for years and years. Then he sold it and three weeks later it sank.

    I’ve been looking for the moral of that ever since, but it may just be, if you want to live on a boat, make sure you can afford a damn good surveyor.

  11. I want to live on a boat too. A sailboat in the Britsh Virgin Islands to be specific with an annual trip down the coast of South America for entertainment.

  12. I want to travel nonstop and have time to read and drink good wine with people I enjoy.

    On a another note, I want my damn thesis to be finished and good and intelligent without me having to sit at my computer for ONE MORE minute.

  13. I want my landlord to suddenly change his mind and allow cats. I also want candy to contain all the nutrients of vegetables.

  14. Tigi, you stole my comment.

    I’d be happy to settle for a straw-bale house with a greywater system and a cistern.

    Or a really good massage.

  15. What kind of boat? I lived on a 27′ sailboat for about 6 months. It’s a rugged life, no doubt, but I really loved it. If I had had more money and a better-equipped boat I would have stuck with it.

    Now, I just want to see my son live to be a well-adjusted, functioning adult. Note to parents: control is an illusion!

    And a camper. I would like a family-sized camper, please:)

  16. I want to stop being depressed. I want my drive back!

    I would also like a deep-fried cinnamon bun. And a new paintbrush.

  17. I want about $1.5-2 milion in investments outside of my primary home. With that I wouldn’t have to work for money. I would still work, I’d just insist on 5-8 weeks of vacation a year, like civilized people get. I have a long way to go.

  18. I want to have a cat even though I’m gonna be traveling 50+% of the time for my new job.

    Also, I want to move to New Zealand and play with the kiwis (all three kinds).

  19. I want rock-hard abs without ever having to do a sit-up.

    I want the book in my head to write and publish itself.

    I, too, want a pony, as well as a Great Dane and a Savannah cat.

    I want to find a new job without ever having to look.

    I want my conservative Baptist family to like me again, and not act as though someone has died every time I enter the room.

    I want someone to invent an intravenous coffee drip. I will love said person forever and also marry said person even if said person was a woman (though we may have to wait a few years yet), although I’d want said person to get her genitals tightened first, because if I am going to make it with a lady, that better be one PERFECT vagina, is all I’m sayin’.

    (BTW, there’s an “answer” book out there to “The Vagina Monologues” called “Cock Talk” and one of the survey questions to women was, “What is the strangest penis you’ve ever seen?” and one (very smart) lady responded, “I’ve never seen a ‘normal’ penis.” The same could be said for our hoo-has, I think. Although mine is normal. Completely. Actually, it’s pretty much the coolest vagina EVER. I think I’ll have a model made of it for those doctors to keep in their offices and ask their patients, “Does YOURS look like THIS?”)

    Okay, done. That’s all I want…

  20. I want to land a big research grant and do cool science and Win The Respect Of My Peers
    and I want to grow a herb garden
    and I want to knit socks for all my friends
    and I want to learn how to make choux pastry and bubble tea
    and I want to get enough exercise and sleep and still have time to play with my cats
    and I want to go on holiday with my wonderful boyfriend
    You can keep the pony though, I have nowhere to keep it

  21. Tigi:
    Will you go out on the ocean on your boat?
    And if you have a pony will you ride it on your boat?

    The logistics of that worry me, but you’ve got to love the song.

    I myself want a) the tide of fundementalism to turn and b) there to be such a thing as the Beer Fairy.

  22. I want to travel all of Time and Space with the Doctor, and I want my son to come, too.

    I want people to get over themselves and chill out, already!

    I want to leave the world better, and prettier, than I found it.

    I want my hair to be naturally red, so I can stop dying it. It’s not my fault genetics fucked up and gave the red hair to my cousins instead of me!

    I want a whole bunch of other idealistic stuff that involves world peace and free education and health care and love and meritocracy and compassion and all that happy horseshit.

    I want to dazzle you all with my Hippie Rainbow Magic.

    I want what I want and I want it now!


  23. I want a maid.

    I want an unlimited budget to decorate my house.

    I want to be able to afford to get my hyperthyroid cat the radioactive iodine injection that would mean no more pills.

    I want an unlimited budget to go back to Paris.

    I want to be a size 10 without counting calories or exercising.

    I want to win a huge lottery so I can quit my job, live off the interest, and write only what I feel like when I feel like it.

  24. GreyLadyBast, I wanna travel with the Doctor too! Either that or get a job with Torchwood.

    I want my ex-girlfriend to get back together with me, or fall in love with someone just as deeply.

    I want to get that summer internship.

    Honestly, I just want to not fuck up.

  25. I want a Real Job that pays well and has benefits, and to not lose my apartment when someone buys the house.

    Though travelling with the Doctor is definitely up there.

  26. I’ll second the above poster about going back in time. In my case, 15 years back in time would be plenty.

    Other than that, I want my educational debt to be erased.

  27. I want to trade my old chevy sedan in for a scooter-accessible van with a ramp. then I want every single place in the world that I want to visit to be wheelchair/scooter accessible. And then I want to travel for years, then settle down in someplace like marakesh or a greek village on the meditteranean sea, someplace with a lot of sun and a casual lifestyle. I want to take guilt-free siestas on a regular basis. And I want marijuana to be legalized.

  28. Attend graduate school in either England, Scotland, Australia, or Canada. Remain in one of those countries after graduation, find a career, get a small one-bedroom one-bathroom apartment outside of a major metropolitan area in one of those countries (that allows large dogs), and never return to the U.S., save for visiting family.

  29. Adrienne, Scotland isn’t all its cracked up to be, though the immigration is lax.

    On that note, I want my Scottish boyfriend’s immigration to Canada to be complete.

    I want to go to Japan.

    I want my University to care about Arts.

  30. I want my body to stop falling apart (I’m only 25!).

    I want to pay off my student loans.

    I want my Mom to find a job where she can be happy and respected by her peers.

    I want to stop being afraid.

    I want people to stop finding delight in the pain and suffering of others.

    I want my Dad back.

    I want my boyfriend’s Dad back.

    I want to be able to sleep through the night.

    I want a car, an apartment with a kitchen larger than a postage stamp, and closet doors that stay closed.

  31. PseudoAdrienne, come live here (Canada) good food, lots of snow (in the winter) lots of lakes and Toronto (I love my city)!

    I want to travel with my boyfriend around the world (so I can point everything out to someone who won’t get annoyed). I want to get an internship without having to apply and I want my essays to write themselves so I can finish my undergrad without becoming a hermit.
    I would also like a horse so I can ride to school instead of walking (and rescue pretty men and women from dragons)

  32. I want to be famous and fabulous so I can do more interesting things for work and get well-paid for it. (In the arts, celebrity seems to be what brings that on.)

    I want a man. *sigh* Or to not want a man. I’m undecided on this.

    That thing about the rock-hard abs, too.

  33. I want a deserted island all to myself. Except with Internet access and a grocery store. A good grocery store.

  34. HRBarrister, I love that song!

    I want a puppy. A puppy that will grow up into a wonderful, sweet-natured dog. A wonderful, sweet-natured dog that will finish my dissertation.

  35. I want a job, preferably in archaeology, since I just spent years and a shitload of money getting my degree.

    I want my loans to disappear.

    I want new knees.

    I want a dog.

  36. Themes so far:


    -Travel (time or otherwise)

    -New jobs/careers

    -Getting work accomplished without doing actual work

    -Beauty in relationships

    -My vagina

    Yep! That about sums up happiness for me! 🙂

  37. # Tak, the Hideous New Girl Says:
    February 23rd, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    I want one night with John Barrowman.

    Invader Tak: Sweet Fancy Jesus, who doesn’t?! Personally, while we’re wishing, I’d like his charming company for a week. A week in a remote, snowed-in cabin with plenty of supplies and absolutely no entertainment besides the fun we made for ourselves.

    Ahem. Now for what I meant to write, before Tak derailed my brain.

    I want the degree I was never able to finish getting.

    I want my yellow belt in Wing Chun. (that one should actually happen quite soon, if I don’t screw up royally)

    I want my right knee to last until I’m 40 without surgery. (not a chance, see above)

    I want a new boss. Or a new job that pays as much, closer to home.

  38. I want to own a huge chinchilla rescue ranch, with large air-conditioned barns filled with happy chinchillas, chewing and running and playing. I will be among them, and I will know peace.

  39. I want my boy’s (fulbright J-1) two year home return clause to vanish, so they don’t boot him from the country upon occasions like our getting married.

    then, I want the novel I am writing to be a massive bestseller, so we don’t have to worry about getting academic jobs in the same university and can have a nice comfy cabin in the woods near a lake with big pine trees around, and a large guest area for friends to come visit. we can sit and do philosophy all day long, and ride our bikes into the local coffeeshop for an afternoon chat.

    or, I want to find out that one of my friends has, since we last spoke, become an expert in immigration law and can help us sort out the J-1 crap. anyone out there?…

  40. I want a sweetie who lives in the same city and isn’t going to move away, unless it’s with me.

    I want to find my lost panda mittens.

    Living on a boat would be cool too.

  41. I want to visit Sydney, Australia.

    I want a dog, a big dog, but first I want a house and a backyard for said big dog (don’t like the little ones).
    I want to work in an environment where I am considered an equal.

    I want an overhaul of our current government on both parties. I want an absolute separation of Church and State and an amendment that makes medical privacy for everyone a right.

  42. I want to be independently wealthy, and then I want an acreage somewhere with hills and trees, and a little house that’s off the grid except for high-speed internet, and an assortment of cats and dogs, and two or three horses, and a fireplace.

  43. I want to see (and kiss and hug and snuggle) all of my pets who have died. (I’m basically agnostic, but my love of my animal friends makes me hope for an afterlife.)

    I’d like to win a really big lottery jackpot (80 million or so should do it) and use the money to help animals and poor people.

    I’d like to be a technical director (TV) or photo editor, something semi-creative – unlike what I’m doing now.

    I’d like to get over my social phobia/anxiety, and then maybe have a nice relationship.

    I’d also like to lose 50-60 pounds, too. Yes, so I can look better and wear the fashions that I love. But also just to feel better.


  44. I want to be able to afford to get my hyperthyroid cat the radioactive iodine injection that would mean no more pills.

    About how much is it?

  45. I want to be a professional ballerina renowned world-wide for brilliant technique and evocative artistry.

    I also want to be able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight.

    And of course, all that good stuff for the rest of the world – like peace and no hunger and an end to sexism and racism and stuff. But we’re talking our *personal* wants, right?

  46. I want a reliable, convenient source of good pot. And to eventually retire and still be able to leave the pizza delivery guy a decent tip.

  47. I want a job in publishing. Preferably working with comic books or graphic novels.

    I want my cat to be a lap cat, and to stop randomly biting and scratching me.

    I want a huge three-bedroom apartment to share with my boyfriend.

    I want my best friend to be able to make a living with her crafts.

    I want to get my foot in the door and start auditioning (and get parts!) for voice acting.

  48. I want to work in fake news.

    I want to go back and redo my childhood minus the religious cult stuff.

    I want everyone else here to get what they want.

    Great thread, all.

  49. I want to run a bed and breakfast on the Amalfi coast.

    I want to have enough money to not constantly worry.

    I want a teacup Yorkie named Olivia and a little white puppy named Elliott and a golden retriever named Buckley.

    I want to be 5’8″ and have long legs.

    I want to get accepted to a study abroad program in Buenos Aires or Florence.

  50. I want a teacup Yorkie named Olivia and a little white puppy named Elliott and a golden retriever named Buckley.

    No schnauzer named Munch? No whippet named Casey? And I thought you were a true fan.

  51. I want to have enough money to do what I want, when I want because I will have enough free time on my hands. I will probably spend all of this free time travelling. I’m working on getting it right now.

  52. Some good friends of mine just bought a houseboat and are renting a berth on the Thames. They’re piloting it to England from Holland this weekend. If you’re really nice you can come to visit their boat!

    Me, I want to live in Japan.

  53. I want my friggin’ dissertation to be friggin’ DONE.

    And then I want a job near the other half. And a real paycheck so I don’t have to decide between heat and food. That’d be nice.

    But I’ll settle for the dissertation being OVER.

  54. I want a hose that doesn’t fall apart every time I turn around.
    I want a Siberian Husky puppy.
    I want my house to be clean without me having to do it.
    I want my son to consistently sleep through the night. Getting up in the middle of the night is getting old.
    I want to move somewhere warm that doesn’t also have hurricanes, earthquakes or an abudance of scary snakes.

  55. what do i want? i want some gigs in the seattle area. preferably somewhere i can get to by bus with my amp and guitar.

    coffeehouse gigs will do, but i can do the clubs too.

    oh – and an audience. anything larger than zero would be fine.

    thank you.

    ps – oh yes, and i want to be able to download kung fu like they do in “the matrix”. in addition i would want to download the onstage dance moves of nancy wilson, guitar player for Heart.

  56. # nexyjo Says:
    February 23rd, 2007 at 3:18 am

    i wanna go back in time about 30 years.

    20 would do it for me, although 25 would be awesome. years ago, that is.

  57. I want the letter of acceptance/exchange to arrive from the Canadian university.

    I want my job situation to not be as painful – I enjoy some of the kids but I can’t stand a lot of the people and ESPECIALLY the arsehole management.

    I want money to grow on trees – not to one of those arsey rich people but to be able to limit the amount of time I spend in the hellhole of my workplace.

    I want The Boy to at least communicate with me.

  58. I want to be able to walk the fifteen feet to the bathroom in less than five minutes. Stupid fucking sled.

  59. I want to be able to move back to Melbourne, or at the very least a bed in my workplace.

    Oh yes, and a girl who can rock a pair of docs.

  60. I want to pass my math class.
    I want to come into a large enough sum of money that I could quit work and just attend school while still living comfortably.
    I want a house, with a large fenced yard, and pets: a great dane, a bulldog, and a golden retriever. Also, a cat that my current cat wouldn’t hate. I want that house to be on acreage with a field, and near the ocean. With high-speed internet and Tivo.
    I want Veronica Mars to stay on the air for years more and for Battlestar Galactica to run at 9pm instead of 10pm on a school night.
    I want my marriage to continue to be awesome.
    I want people to stop asking me when I’m going to have kids. Especially my mother in law. Am I really just a walking womb?
    I want to travel, a lot.
    I would also like a pony, and to be President.

  61. I want to go to college. Do something along the lines of sociology or pshycology. Maybe major in something involving women’s studies, race, or class issues.

    I want to travel around the world, I want to learn and teach and grow.

    I want to do everything.

    I am rather hopeful when it comes to life. I hope I stay that way.

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