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New Fascination

For some reason, I’ve been getting really into Cash in the Attic on BBC America. I do love Alistair Appleton (he’s my gay BBC boyfriend), but I think it’s the stuff that really draws me in. Brits have the coolest crap lying around the house.

You know you’ve been watching for a while when you start to recognize the auctioneers from earlier episodes.

7 thoughts on New Fascination

  1. Not only recognize the auctioneers but plan trips based on visiting the auction rooms…guilty! (she says with a sheepish grin)

  2. I don’t understand why Paul Hayes is always dead on on his auction estimates for Cash in the Attic, but on Bargain Hunt (this other show where they give a couple 200 pounds and have Paul going around with them advising as an expert), he always bullies them into buying something, saying it’ll go for 100 pounds at auction, and it always goes for about 5. I’ve never seen anyone make money on Bargain Hunt or not make enough on CITA. Same guy, similar items, drastically different success rate.

  3. As a Brit (albeit now living in Ireland) you guys are welcome to come and ferret through the crap in my attic any time you want.

    Oh and I just checked out Alistair Appleton’s blog and he’s talking about visiting the Buddhist monastery at Chithurst. My mum and my ex-husband attend there and I used to get the same family pressure about not going to their sessions as ex-Christans do about not going to church. Although I was never a practising Buddhist myself. Looking at the pictures makes me rather homesick for Sussex :-(.

  4. That’s a really good point. Hey, there is an American version of CITA on HGTV now, give them a call to clean out your closets. 🙂 They have had some people on there with pretty cool American junk.

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