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13 thoughts on I *Heart* Frances Kissling

  1. Frances Kissling has been fighting the good fight for years and years, and she’s put up with slings and arrows from the likes of Donahue since before some folks ’round these parts were born. I heart her too.

  2. Citing one source to support an argument should not be considered sufficient evidence. I dont think either Politico’s or Alternet’s articles can be substantiated as evidence of either disdain or support of Edwards decision to keep Amanda by the Catholic “left”.

  3. By gosh, countryKyle, you’re right.

    Just like William Donohue’s apoplexy can be substantiated as evidence of disdain of Edwards’ decision to hire Amanda and Shakes by Catholics.

    Thank you for playing.

  4. zuzu,

    Such a hostile and aggressive undertone.

    The logic of your argument is inherently false. I introduced Argument A (there is not enough evidence to show “disdain” of Edwards decision to keep Amanda by the catholic left in either of the 2 articles cited) and Argument B (there is not enough evidence to show “support” of Edwards decision to keep Amanda by the catholic left in either of the 2 articles cited).

    Your response is erroneous in that:
    1. Your point is in regards to the catholic right and
    2. Your position is discussing the decision on hiring Amanda (not keeping her in Edwards employ).

    If you would like to discuss the outcry of the Catholic right on hiring Amanda, I’d be more than willing.

    Sidenote: I think Amanda’s hiring by Edwards is his prerogative and that nobody should be calling for her job unless she demonstrates some type of incorrigible behavior as an Edwards employee.

  5. Look, CK, zuzu’s point was just that Kissling doesn’t speak for some monolith called “the Catholic left,” but neither does Donohue speak for some monolith called “the Catholic right.” So both opinions are either equally irrelevant or they cancel each other out. In fact, however, my guess is that Kissling speaks for and is listened to by far more who would identify themselves as on “the Catholic left” than Donohue is by Catholic conservatives. My guess is that most of the latter, if they’ve heard of him at all, consider him to be a tiresome windbag and publicity hound.

  6. Thanks Heraclitus. Outside of their position on abortion and marriage, I dont closely follow the wide array of catholic politics. From what I do know of the 2 individuals mentioned, I tend to agree with your assesment.

  7. Such a hostile and aggressive undertone.


    Actually, Heraclitus, Donohue represents himself as speaking for all Catholics, not just the Catholic right.

  8. That’s a different set of issues, born mostly out of conservatives’ desire to be an oppressed group. Jews decide that Palestinian civil rights are the height of anti-Semitism, rich people think they’re subjected to class warfare, Catholics argue that disagreeing with Papal social policy means you hate Catholics, and WASPs complain they’re the only group that’s not allowed to have its own dedicated organizations.

  9. Catholics argue that disagreeing with Papal social policy means you hate Catholics,

    Not really, considering that about 95% of baptized, self identified Catholics disagree with some facet of Papal social policy; whether is on sexual issues, immigration, peace and justice, etc, and have no problem saying they do.

    I think the biggest way to offend Catholics as a monolith is to knock them “culturally”, not necessarily doctrinally. Say “the church’s teaching on gays/masturbation/contraception/abortion/premarital sex/stupid doctrine of choice is ridiculous, and most Catholics will either agree with you or say “Masturbation is supposed to be a sin? Whatever.” And most Catholics not only can take, but throughly enjoy a good, slightly sacreligious Catholic Joke (“Crakers o’Christ, anyone?) Use ethic slurs and stereotypes, say mean things about Jesus and Mary on a personal level, or something nice about Oliver Cromwell, and then you just might get an ass-whuppin’.

    Bill Donohue doth not speak for all Catholics. Dane Cook probably speaks for more friggin Catholics than Bill Donohue does.

  10. What I love about Kissling is how she drives wingnuts to apoplexy. She’s the Left’s equivalent of “Feminists for Life.”

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