In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Get Your Pre-Orders In

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to be published July 21.

Update: Via Misty at Shakespeare’s Sister: apparently, some parents are up in arms over Daniel Radcliffe’s upcoming appearance in a production of EQUUS on London’s West End. Because he’ll be NAKED!!!!! And Harry Potter can’t be NAKED!!!!

Look, people: Daniel Radcliffe is an actor. He’s not Harry Potter. Poor kid’s probably trying to avoid being typecast, and he’s a much better actor now than he was when he started playing Harry Potter. Don’t like the idea that he’s going to be naked and having a sex scene? Don’t bring your kid to the theater. It’s not like he’s fucking a horse on TV during primetime.

41 thoughts on Get Your Pre-Orders In

  1. Well damn. Now when my friends ask me why I read feminist blogs, instead of talking about the insights and the news and the liberalness-not-exclusive-to-feminism and the wit and the fact that I have too much time on my hands, I can be like “because they tell me awesome things like the release date of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!”

    ….eeeeeeee. I can’t help it, I’m so excited! *dorks out*

    Glad it’s in July, that way I have lots of time in between getting home from college and the release to reread books one through six….

  2. I know. I can’t help it. I’m thrilled myself. I’m just glad it will only come out after thesis is finished, bound, and turned in. Otherwise, I’d be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

  3. Woohoo! And like the first three commenters, it comes out just in time for me to be finished with school.


  4. Unfortunately, I’ve been spoiled by an absolutely fabulous fanauthor (who, writing a chapter a day, finished years one through seven in just shy of two years and just over three million words) and I’m not looking forward to the conclusion of the “real” series half so much as I would have been otherwise.

    *shameless plugging*

    Even if you don’t read another fanfic, read Saving Connor by lightningonthewave (or simply lightningwave). This amazing woman takes all the tired old tropes — Harry has a twin, Harry isn’t the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry ends up in Slytherin, Harry/Draco slash, Harry’s parents are still alive, etc., etc. — and crafts them into this absolutely marvelous tour de fan force that, by the end of even the short first year looks nothing like the original series and it just keeps on getting better.

    *end shameless plugging*

  5. If it’s out there, I admire the beauty of nature. (snicker) After all, it’s not like I’m going to jump his bones or anything.

  6. This is wonderful! I can’t wait until the last Harry Potter book comes out. I have read all six books up to the final installment. I love JKR and any books about magic and stuff that the religious right opposes because they think its “satanic”!

  7. You can preorder starting today.

    Radcliffe is getting kinda hot (cheekbones for days), but I’ll wait to see if he makes it to 20 without drug, drink or law troubles before I get fangirly on him.

  8. I read an interview with Radcliffe when the show started – I forget the exact quote, but when he was asked how he felt about showing off all his privates on stage his response was something like “The way I figure it, everyone on earth either has one or has seen one, so it’s really no big deal”. Excellent.

  9. I read an interview with Radcliffe when the show started – I forget the exact quote, but when he was asked how he felt about showing off all his privates on stage his response was something like “The way I figure it, everyone on earth either has one or has seen one, so it’s really no big deal”. Excellent.
    On the one hand, awww. On the other hand, STOP FEEDING MY INAPPROPRIATE CRUSH ON DANIEL RADCLIFFE.

  10. This is so cruel I can hardly stand it! It comes out three days before I have to take the bar exam.


    P.S. I am suddenly very disappointed that Daniel Radcliffe is 17. I feel kinda sleazy.

  11. Oh, no kidding. 17 ???? I have to stop and remind myself that I’m a lot older than that now, and that I am not allowed to have crushes on teenagers any more. I had much more of a thing for Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood), again until I realized he’s younger than my little brother. Ew ew ew!
    (at least he’s old enough to be entirely legal, though)

  12. Argh. I found the article about it with the quote, but I can’t access it because my subscription ran out. This is all they’d let me have.

    October 30, 2006, Newsweek, U.S. Edition
    By –Sean Smith

    Stars: Revealing the Whole Harry Potter

    Before you see Harry Potter on screen next summer, you’ll be able to see him naked onstage in London. Daniel Radcliffe, 17-year-old star of the “Potter” franchise, will make his West End debut next year in the Tony-winning drama “Equus.” The role–a troubled young man with a religious-erotic obsession with horses–requires Radcliffe to be nude for one scene. What was he thinking?

  13. Re: the Newsweek article
    I’m thinking it means he’s a serious young actor. As I recall, “Equus” is quite the challenging play, nudity aside. Intense, disturbing, the whole nine yards. And he’s tackling the role at 17. Wow.

    So the parents need to chill. This is so not not NOT the kind of play you’d take a youngster to go see anyway — seriously, if plays were given ratings, this would be AT LEAST NC-17 for disturbing imagery and “sensual content” (if I recall correctly — I don’t think I ever actually read the whole thing, and MY theatre department sure didn’t do it). More likely an R. I can think of some very mature high school students who would probably be able to see it, but mostly you need a tad more maturity to get past the “OMG naked guy on stage!!!” and “he did WHAT with horses?!!? EW!!!” reactions. And the great thing about stage plays is that they are unlikely to ever make it to DVD that your kiddos can watch at a friend’s house w/o your knowledge. 🙂

    So….inappropriate crushes. Yeah. I just realized today that, at 17, young Mr. Radcliffe is of an appropriate age to be my SON. I need to go lie down now….

    As for a confirmed release date — SQUEEEEEEEEE! *happydance happydance happydance* And if I get it near the release date, I’ll have something to take with me on vacation. Yaaay!

    Hey! This IS serious feminist discussion!! 😉

  14. Good grid. I think my kids can cope with the fact that the guy who plays Harry Potter is, like, you know, AN ACTOR. It’s not like you are required to take your kids to see Equus before you are allowed to purchase a copy of the new book.

    Deathly Hallows is a new luxury apartment complex aimed at wealthy Goths.

  15. Radcliffe is getting kinda hot (cheekbones for days), but I’ll wait to see if he makes it to 20 without drug, drink or law troubles before I get fangirly on him.

    Don’t forget the potential for unsightly facial hair.

  16. Oh, I hadn’t remembered that Onion story! Classic.

    Here are more play pics from the official website.

    Can you imagine the parental heart attacks when a cute little 11 year old girl googles Daniel and finds those? And if someone manages to get a cellphone camera into a performance….

  17. evil fizz – don’t worry about the bar exam. Book #5 came out about a month before I took the bar, and I considered HP important enough to skimp on bar prep. It happens. 😉 (And I passed, too.)

  18. Ok, well, I thought you were all nuts because I’m never usually attracted to younger guys – but then I checked out the link to the pics car posted. He looks amazing … and I officially feel gross.

    And mythago – great pickup on the apt complex name.

  19. Oh no. It’s like I’ve become one of those pervs who were counting down to the Olsen twin’s 18th birthday.

    Damn you, Daniel Radcliffe!!!

    And those complainers are what gives parents a bad name: the entire world need not sanitize itself to a G-rating because your precious baby might hear or see something about teh sex.

  20. I think it’s interesting that a little male near nudity pops up on the Internet, and the world collectively loses it’s mind. Meanwhile we’re so desensitized to female nudity that it doesn’t seem at all out of the ordinary. Somehow I don’t think similar pictures of Emma Watson would have quite the same impact. There’d be a buzz, but not the same level of intensity.

  21. evil fizz – don’t worry about the bar exam. Book #5 came out about a month before I took the bar, and I considered HP important enough to skimp on bar prep. It happens. 😉 (And I passed, too.)

    Heh. HP6 came out a week before I took the bar, and reading a couple pages here and there was a great way to relieve all the stress. I passed as well. 🙂

    I’m glad that the 7th book comes out right after my honeymoon and not during it — otherwise the fiancé would have to visit Pisa alone.

  22. P.S. I’ve been lurking here for months and wanted to say hello. I’m constantly impressed and awed by the caliber of writing and humor on this blog. Thanks for making me think and laugh equally hard.

  23. Cute kid and all, but he needs to fill out a little. I saw the bit about the outraged parent squad in the Chron this morning, and had to giggle. Hello, the character blinds horses, he gouges their fuckin eyeballs out, and what these automatons squeal about is that he takes his pants off?

    Yet another instance of No Wonder Kids Are Fucked Up About Sex. Somewhere down the line from GI Joe Has Great Big Guns But No Naughty Bits At All. (Rather like Barbie, now I think of it, assuming she can borrow the guns.)

  24. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to be published July 21.

    Oh, hell.


  25. hah! did anyone see that strange video of him 1)creepily hitting on an older woman 2) accidently flinging a condom onto an old lady’s head and then her turning around and telling him the proper way to say “prophilactic” or something

    it was pretty good. and he cussed! oh my!

  26. Somehow I don’t think similar pictures of Emma Watson would have quite the same impact. There’d be a buzz, but not the same level of intensity.

    I disagree. The people who are attacking Radcliff for being nude in a mature play would label Watson a slut. Where the guy’s actions are attacked the girl is attacked directly. They would call for Radcliff to stop appearing in such risque productions whereas they would call for Watson to be replaced in the HP movie.

  27. Electrodot:

    hah! did anyone see that strange video of him 1)creepily hitting on an older woman 2) accidently flinging a condom onto an old lady’s head and then her turning around and telling him the proper way to say “prophilactic” or something

    I can’t tell if you meant video, like, “Ooh Lindsey sneaking out of rehab someone caught it on tape” or video as in video clip of something scripted. The clip you’re referencing was for the show (Extras on HBO) that’s written/headed (?) by Ricky Gervais. The point being, that was definitely an acting thing, not a Daniel Radcliffe thing.

  28. Haha, and, elektrodot, my apologies for the blantant mangle-ization of your name.

    I realize I’m actually too old to stay up past midnight and be coherent. Aw, so sad.

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