In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Put away dem titties, PurityGirl!

Why, oh why, did I have to stumble upon this website? I could be doing, say, work. Or something productive. Instead I’m stuck reading their forums and getting sucked into their strange — but interesting — world.

Let me put it out there that first and foremost I feel really bad for these kids. Some of them seem like they have it together, and are making the decisions that they think are best, given their moral code. Some of them argue with the premise that girls must “protect” boys by being modest, and assert that men have to take responsibility for themselves. It’s pretty awesome. Most of them are pretty smart, and even if they have fundamentalist religious beliefs, they’re able to discuss and dissect those beliefs to a degree that would be impressive in most adults.

But not all of them seem so self-assured.

Example A: A girl starts a thread with the question “Does turning heads equal causing guys to sin?” The answer, as expected, is “not if you’re dressed modestly.” Which, by implication, means that if you aren’t dressed modestly — and note that there isn’t a universally agreed-upon idea of what “modesty” is — then it is your fault if the boys sin. Some of the girls on the forum took issue with the premise that girls are supposed to protect boys from dirty thoughts, but they were shot down. What struck me, though, is the initial poster’s reason for asking:

Hmm, I see. I was thinking of this past week. I was at a weeklong christian conference and with our church, there’s a big separation between guys and girls. No dating is an unspoken rule (someone once said that asking “want to go out for a coke?” equals “will you marry me”.) So for the most part, guys don’t talk to girls and vice versa. We’re all there for the Lord so there really isn’t any boy girl stuff going on…

So, I was usually talking/laughing/walking with my girlfriends but I noticed that practically half the guys I’d pass or be around would be looking at me. It seems like any time I’d look up there’d be some guy(s) looking at me… ???

For the record, I dress as modestly as I know how, I usually check with the Lord before putting anything on and my dad’s ok with my clothes. It’s just that someone somewhere mentioned that turning heads = causing sin and I thought I’d better check with ya’ll because I really don’t want that.

And along those same lines, how much does a girl have to take responsibility. I mean, if a girl gets whistled at it’s not always her fault right?

You can imagine where I’m going with this.

Men have a choice to whistle at women or not. It’s not an uncontrollable physical response to seeing an attractive female, as a boner may (very arguably) be.* And as any woman who’s walked down the street in a city like New York knows, the whistle has very little to do with how attractive or seductive you are, and very much to do with a culture of male bonding over women’s bodies, male entitlement to public space, and assertions of male power over women who cross through that space. I’ve been whistled at, stared at, told to smile, told I was pretty (and then yelled at for not saying “thank you”) by complete strangers on the street, often when I’m in sweatpants or a long coat or generally looking like a ragamuffin. I was constantly harassed when I visited Cairo, even though I was covered in loose-fitting clothing (including a long skirt, not pants) from ankles to neck to wrists.

It’s not about how physically enticing you appear. It’s about entitlement and power. What else does that sound like?

Putting responsibility on women to behave in a way which will stop men from harassing them or physically assaulting them is beyond irresponsible. The way that women and girls dress is not a deterrent or an attraction for men who have already decided that women are unworthy enough to be publicly objectified, and who believe that women exist primarily for their pleasure.

Not surprisingly, someone tells this girl that if a guy turns his head to look at a girl whose body isn’t fully covered, then yes, it’s her fault.

This is the kind of mentality that breeds rape apologism — “I couldn’t help it, she was dressed so sexy!” It also teaches these girls that if a man does something which is sex-related and unwanted, she did something to tempt him and should be sorry.

Girl sins, shame on her. Guy sins, shame on him. Girl can cause guy to stumble, guy can cause girl to stumble. What is ridiculous?

We don’t ask women to wear burkas, only to dress modestly so as not to make it hard for the guy who is legitimately standing in front of a female when she leans over (or other similar situations where the guy must fight not to look at what the female is showing).

See, ladies? Be happy! We don’t make you wear burkas!

Likewise, we ask guys not to say things that can cause issues for females, like teasing about marriage or being the one, or saying things to make the female desirous.

So what is ridiculous? Everyone struggles and has weak areas. Society tries to play on the weaknesses of most men, and makes them all the more vulnerable/weak. Society doesn’t play on female’s weaknesses as much, though I won’t pretend society has passed females over in the least. The ample number of romance novels itself attests to that; society plays the female’s desire to be held, touched, cherished, and loved (and I note this very topic is being discussed in a public topic presently).

No, it isn’t your responsibility if a guy looks at you and lusts. It isn’t my responsibility (as a guy) if you desire to be held or touched by me (which can be or can lead to lust). It is your responsibility not to do things that will lead that guy to stumble.
[quotes scripture]
So long as we do our part not to encourage sinning, we bear none of their sin. But if we encourage sinning, either by our neglecting or our intention, then we bear part of the sin. So, whether it is another’s problem depends on what you are or aren’t doing.

So it’s not your fault, except when it is.

Men apparently feel desirous over titties and booties. Women feel desirous over wedding rings and romance novels. Huh.

Oh but it gets better:

i’ve been reading in the newspapers about the amish way of life (after the terrible tragedy when a deranged man shot some of their children).

it seems a good way for children and teens to be raised without all the pressures in secular society.

girls wear no jewellery or make-up and wear skirts no shorter than eight inches from the ground. They also wear push-down bras to hide their curves.

boys and girls are segregated at school from an early age, and as children get older, they are not allowed to spend time alone with a member of the opposite sex.

dating is only permitted after the age of 18 and consists of a boy taking a girl home in his horse-drawn buggy.

dates also often chaperoned and young couples are not permitted to hug, kiss or hold hands.

they are only allowed to chat and are banned from spending time together in the dark. touching is banned. any single Amish youngsters taking holidays are chaperoned and are not allowed to share rooms with a member of the opposite sex.

sex education is not taught in Amish communities, and flirting is frowned upon.

Push-down bras and sexual ignorance? Sign me up!

Then there’s the question of what’s allowed before you’re married. The idea of sitting in laps is apparently the worst thing ever:

Did I say anything about a guy raping a girl because she sat in his lap?? That’s great that your boyfriend can control himself and not rape you. How are his thoughts though?

However, we are talking more about purity of THOUGHT. So… in THAT case – is sitting in your boyfriend’s lap helping him any? Is it helping YOU?

~NOOOOOOO!!!!! It makes me sick to see girls and guys sitting on each ther’s laps.

Sitting in laps? Oh yeah, lets just invite satan to come in and party, EW.

about sitting on laps – my church used to insist on boys putting a wooden board across their laps if a girl was going to sit on their lap.

What’s the point of all of this? Marriage. Which is taken so seriously that these kids are proposing to each other at 15. And 7. And 5. And making sure that the boy asks the girl’s father for his permission. It starts out with the story of a 15-year-old girl getting proposed to by a 15-year-old boy. Other commenters then toss is their proposal stories (curiously, none of them seem to be actually married). In addition to the teenage charm of getting proposed to via text message, there’s a whole heap o’daddy issues involved:

I got “proposed to” when I was around… 6? 7?

Actually my parents were taking care of some of our friends from church while their parents were on a weekend trip. The day they left my wonderful dad (who I really DO love) lined the three of us up, looked at the little boy (who was about 4 or 5) and said “Okay, which of my daughters do you want to marry?”

And he pointed at me.

How quaint. And by “quaint” I mean “fucking creepy.”

One girl is apparently engaged for real. I can’t figure out how old she is, but the comments point to “not very.” Example:

Does 15 count as a Spinster? Just wondering! lol!

Other comments talk about the legality of getting married at 14. But, hey, they say they want the newest model…

They also do the predictable “guys are hunters, girls are hunted, and when the hunted go out and act like dumb sluts they ruin the whole hunt” thing. Although, at the very least, they’re straight-forward about why sexual experience is a no-no: If you have sex with someone other than your spouse, you might have some idea that sex can be good. If you only do it with the person you marry, you’ll never know any better:

I somewhat forgot to add this earlier, and othershave echoed it one form or another, but if you both are virgins, your spouse won’t know any different, so you will give her the best (s)he has ever had (and hopefully, the only (s)he will ever have). If your spouse is not a virgin (of heart mind you), then obviously either you are being foolish, or the Lord is leading, in which case either (s)he willl be able to teach you (if you are behaving foolishly) or intecourse will not be a high priority as the Lord will be working on hearts through you.

So, no matter how you as a Christian look at it, the lie of ‘experience’ fails dismally.

Now, what to make of those “experienced” girls? One girl who “messed up” shares her story:

I agree totally!!!!! God is gonna write my love story!! The thing is, that when you do mess up, it’s hard to forgive yourself! I have never had sex outside of marriage,(Thank goodness!), but when I was younger, 5,6,7, I kissed a guy. Not on the lips, but it still leaves a scar. I knew better than that then too! I didn’t know how it would effect me in the future obviously, and I didn’t totally know all about purity, but I knew not to go around kissing boys! I feel soooo bad now, and it is soo hard sometimes to forgive myself for it! Purity is sooo important, and whether you can see it now or not, even something as small as a kiss can effect you!


That is one of the saddest things I’ve heard in a long time.

Where is the virtue in a world view which guilts five-year-olds for playground kisses, and raises children to believe that a kiss has scarred them for life?

Then there’s abortion:

And you speak specificly or rape, but non rape situations, the woman gives up her privacy when she lets the man in.

This is a fascinating concept. Having sex means you give up your right to privacy? Or does it only count if you’re the person who is penetrated?

but about your rape situation abortion still isn’t the answer. My question to women who want to have an abortion after being raped is “Why punish the child”? Now i can’t imagine having to carry a child for 9 months from someone who were to rape you. It would be horrible, but why kill a baby because of your own selfishness?

Selfish rape survivors, not wanting to be forced to carry their pregnancies to term! As for the whole double standard thing that people like me often bring up, they address that, too:

Pike actually has a point (not one I like though) about the guy being able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. The only requirement is that the GIRL be a virgin on the wedding night. Not the guy. Nice, huh? Trust me, this came up at a courtship class at our church and all of us women got real riled up but even our pastor (who is a big advocat for abstinence until marriage) quietly reminded us that it wasn’t what HE said but what God said. God never said that the guy had to be a virgin.

Deuteronomy 22:
22 If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death—the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you.

If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

My opinion, based on the verses staring me in the face…all in context of each other and the rest of Deutoronomy would be that God wants us to have sex. He wants us to be committed to the person we have sex with. If we aren’t, we better get on board with that, but if you have sex with someone who’s already in ANOTHER commitment? You get owned. So does she, and if the girl breaks her commitment to sex as a part of marriage AT ALL anywhere, she gets owned.

Really, for the girls…it is clear, for the guys it isn’t. Girls can’t have sex before marriage without sinning. Girls get sex with one guy in marriage, period. You’re right, that is clear.

Guys, though…Guys get as many as they want, whenever they want, so long as they aren’t some other guy’s girl yet. At worst, they pay some money for rushing the timing. I’ll provide verses for this if necessary, but Solomon, David, Exodus 22 *with the whole rape thing and the fining* pretty much is where I’m coming from.

And that’s without getting into the distinction between marriage and wedding and what constitutes a marriage, the daughers father’s approval, and whether or not all of those roles and customs are constant.

Now there’s a healthy view of sex. Also, immodesty will kill you, especially if you’re uncivilized:

In Africa, it’s the tribes that are immodest. Every civilized area is modest. None of those tribes are Christian. And if you want to equate the immodesty of Africa to relevance, Africa has the highest AIDS rate on the planet.

Later, gay people are compared to serial killers. And then there are those uppity women:

Feminists, i.e. those who think men are worthles, women should run everything, and men try to hold women down.

Yes, either feminism caused this trend of men being feminized (in order to understand the suffering a woman goes through), or whatever caused feminism has caused men to step back, or to feminize.

I won’t try to say it was the chicken or the egg, but I do know, at least in the US, rebellion unpunished against authority allowed people to express themselves more freely, and both allowed abused/suppressed women to speak out, and allowed men to take advantage of women “free love”. I.e., I speak of the 1920s to 1960s. The time when dating became the norm, when God was kicked out of (public) school, the time when family became a broken and restitched entity (divorce, remarriage), and the list goes on. All of this is what allowed the creation of rock n roll, cohabitation, drastic increase in unwanted pregnancies (and thus abortions) and now, the homosexual and feminist movements.

All this has been a long time comming. It started when our grandparents were young, and it was something they did not realize would allow such issues. The problem is, while our grandparents see the problems now, and perhaps our parents, we don’t always see them. They see ‘the experiment’, intentional or not, failed. Yet we, young and knowing it as the only way of life, often see what has proven to succeed, as ‘strict, booring’.

The only way to solve the issues are to return to the point were the wrong turn was made. Some people are doing this, but the genie is out of the bottle. Short of a revival, this country will only continue to slip as people continue searching for what was lost when their grandparents were young.

We need to strive to be men and women of God, honoring Him and serving Him. It isn’t always easy, but it is the only way. No, things won’t be perfect, but they will be better. We must strive for the best God has to offer, not jsut what we can get away with having.

One of the main reasons that men are being “feminized” is because women are taught to be aggressive, and masculine. We are stealing the men’s job, and honor of leadership. Due to the fact that two people can’t “wear the pants”, men are being forced into a feminine role. I know a family where the wife is a doctor. Her husband stays home all day, keeps house, homeschools the kids, cooks, and plays the role of wife. They recently divorced. It just didn’t work. The kids weren’t getting the love and attention of a mother, she rarely got to see her kids due to long hours, and her husband had no self esteem, I mean really, his 4ft 5 wife was supporting him. Not a very good place for a guy. God gave us men to be leaders, for multiple reasons. Now I’m not against a woman getting a good education, and a great job, in fact I encourage it, however, when the roles switch, there is a problem. Honestly, the fact is, women can’t do everything men can. We weren’t created to. Likewise with men, God gave us each unique abilities, we need to embrace them, and not try to steal someone else’s.

Women in Leadership- ok?
I used to not believe in it, but it seems that in some cases it’s ok, while in others it’s not, and it seems to me it would be one way or the other based on Scripture. So I’m starting to question what I was grown up believing, which is that women pastors aren’t ok. However, it seems that the same people who said that isn’t ok, believe that it’s ok for a woman to get up and share her testimony in church…and all the Bible says is that women shouldn’t speak in church at all.

Then there are other passages which have women prophetesses and Priscilla teaches over a man…so it’s all very confusing, and I could see it going either way.

Can women teach small groups/Bible studies where men are present? I used to think no- but then, I do speaking engagements there are guys present that I’m trying to “teach” about purity…It all seems very contradictory, I’m so confused!!

I think that in general, women should not be above the men. But if there is no one BUT a women, then I think that if God is truely calling them, that they better do what he is telling them, and not be concerned about a rule that was obviously not brought about by God. I think that if God called a single woman to go to a foreign country and be a leader there to a village or something out in the middle of now where, that would be fine, but only b/c God called her to do it. God used women in the bible, and I believe that God can still use women if there is no one else to be a leader for God. If a guy is less spiritually mature than you, as a girl, then I don’t how him being up there would be any better than you being up there. I think that, although guys should generally be in charge, if no men are willing to come forward, then women should come forward.

No woman pastors! I agree with what Andrea09 said….

I do think it is okay for women to teach other women,and children, but men are still the biggest leaders, and should be. That is how God created them.

I believe that it is wrong for a woman to be in leadership of a church, and would prefer that they not be solely in charge within businesses/organizations… but that is a different matter.

Why? Well, first of all, coming from experience, men are more doctrinally sound because they focus on facts, while women are less so, because they allow emotions to influence them. Second, because it is implied, and stated in the Bible: women should not lead men. Where? Well, there is in Genesis, the account of creating man– Adam, and then Eve… leader, then follower, and later when sin had entered the world, the statement that Adam would rule over Eve was made. Right there, we see an establishment of who should be in charge. Also, we have the judge, Deborah– she led the men, because she was the only one available to do it… and while doing so, stated that they should be ashamed of themselves, as they were not willing to follow God’s call, thus the people of Sisera would be defeated at the hand of a woman. In the New Testament, we find statements saying that the husband is the head of the family, and that the women should be silent in church.

What then would I say a woman should be permitted to do?
– Teach Sunday school
– Lead a ladies Bible study
– Offer leadership to her home (under the authority given to her by her husband)
– Speak on matters that are not spiritual in nature (ie, talk about a missions trip, rather than preach on a passage)

I’m sure there are more things that a woman could do; I just have not got them in my head. 🙂

What I would say they definitely should not do:
– Preach to the church (men & women together)
– Lead a church (be head or assistant pastor)
– Be a deacon, warden, or other leader in the church which would require leadership of the men

Exception: If there is no male person available to do the job needed, then a woman could step up to the job needing to be filled, and fill it until a man is available to do the job.

I’m really hoping I was clear enough that people will understand what I’m saying– not that women can never lead, but that as a general rule, they shouldn’t be leading a church/Christian organization. 🙂 (And, the organization should just be not on their own– a male could co-lead with a female… just not just allow a woman to run the show.)

It’s quite an interesting read.

Here’s what stands out: These kids are smart. And thoughtful. They’re forthcoming, interesting, and respectful of each other. They discuss these issues, but have such dogmatic starting points that it’s interesting to see them grapple with the inherent contradictions — like the fact that they believe women shouldn’t be in positions of authority and shouldn’t teach men, and yet the person who founded and runs this chastity-education site is female.

I suspect that many of these kids are smart enough to eventually break out of their narrow religious confines. Not that they’ll necessary renounce Christianity, but that perhaps they’ll realize that the Christianity they held at 14 — which precluded even holding hands, discouraged dating, and relied on Dad for everything — isn’t the same religion that they’re comfortable practicing at 18, or 25, or 40.

I certainly hope so.

*Note: An erection may be a response to visual stimuli, or to nervousness, or to certain thoughts, or to stress, or to just being a teenage boy. The erection is natural and normal. The idea that the erection causes the boy to do something violent is not natural or normal, or anywhere near true.

123 thoughts on Put away dem titties, PurityGirl!

  1. It’s a game. Set down the rules, see who can embody them in the most extreme way. Ignoring the actual human condition gives you extra points – she’s crying on her wedding night, but you’re so committed to God that you’ll go ahead and consummate the thing, for your sake and hers.


  2. In fact, there are more than a few Christians like this who think of Reason as heresy – Reason is an Earthly distraction from God. God gives Truth, any other source is Satan.

    Generally, I back away when people start capitalizing every other word like that. It’s not a good sign.

  3. First of all, I was raised an evangelical Quaker, so I know from evangelicals…or thought I did.

    In 31 years, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard tell that guys aren’t meant to wait for marriage. I mean, obviously the patriarchal ones ACT that way, but the lip service was always “just nobody fuck till you get hitched, allright?”

    This leads me to believe that there is a very, very good chance that the pastor in question in this passage:

    Trust me, this came up at a courtship class at our church and all of us women got real riled up but even our pastor (who is a big advocat for abstinence until marriage) quietly reminded us that it wasn’t what HE said but what God said. God never said that the guy had to be a virgin.

    is up to something, and it isn’t a rec basketball league.

    Also glaringly missing, as usual among the wackos, are any New Testament references. You know, the part from whence they take the “Christ” in “Christian.”

    The playground kiss, too, seems to me to be a lot more “neurosis and possible mental illness” than “specific church teaching”, although I can’t possibly rule anything out. Would like to meet the girl’s dad. Preferably while holding a pool cue.

  4. Wow, that was a seriously disturbing read. I don’t even know what to say. Except maybe… I don’t get it even in a Christian mindset. If boys have to be “protected” from all this temptation flying around everywhere, how can they ever resist sin and learn to overcome their “baser instincts?” Isn’t that what’s really “good” at least in some versions of the whole temptation and overcoming temptation thing? And if you’re sheltered, can you ever really do that?

    And as any woman who’s walked down the street in a city like New York knows, the whistle has very little to do with how attractive or seductive you are, and very much to do with a culture of male bonding over women’s bodies, male entitlement to public space, and assertions of male power over women who cross through that space. I’ve been whistled at, stared at, told to smile, told I was pretty (and then yelled at for not saying “thank you”) by complete strangers on the street, often when I’m in sweatpants or a long coat or generally looking like a ragamuffin.

    I was really confused by this kind of stuff (why is that guy harassing me when I look like hell warmed over) until I realized that my incidents of getting unwanted attended, especially certain kinds of aggressive catcalls, more often than not coincided with when I was feeling really down and vulnerable. And I’m not alone amongst my friends in arriving at that conclusion, at least for some kinds of predatory jerks looking for someone to exert their power over.

  5. “The ample number of romance novels itself attests to that; society plays the female’s desire to be held, touched, cherished, and loved (and I note this very topic is being discussed in a public topic presently).”

    Er, clearly this guy hasn’t actually read a romance novel. They’re doing a hell of a lot more between those covers than hugging. I’m almost tempted to send him a book by Susan Johnson or Robin Schone to really freak him out.

    “sex education is not taught in Amish communities, and flirting is frowned upon.”

    Even leaving aside the tradition of rumspringa, Amish kids grow up on farms. With cows, sheep and horses. Trust me, you can’t grow up on a farm and NOT get a pretty detailed sex education from intercourse straight through to childbirth.

  6. “For the record, I dress as modestly as I know how, I usually check with the Lord before putting anything on and my dad’s ok with my clothes. It’s just that someone somewhere mentioned that turning heads = causing sin and I thought I’d better check with ya’ll because I really don’t want that.”

    I have to say, it was horrible and traumatic enough to be in a public school in a secular world and be the first girl to develop large breasts.

    I can’t even the nightmare it would have been had I grown up in a fundamentalist world where the mere fact that I was a C-cup at 13 would mean that I was deliberately “leading boys into sin.”

  7. I read about halfway through all of that… but then it started to hurt my brain too much.

    I just hate to think about these girls who seem to spend so much of their time and energy worrying not just about their own sins, but those they may have accidentally caused in others! What a stressful and guilt-ridden way that must be to live.

  8. “Exception: If there is no male person available to do the job needed, then a woman could step up to the job needing to be filled, and fill it until a man is available to do the job.”


  9. Even at my kookiest (right around 14 through 16), I was never this bad. Probably something to do with my real problems with the prescribed gender roles.

    Isn’t that a fun site? I was reading it last night too. The men = logic, women = emotion meme infests it like salmonella on warm chicken.

    Oh, and I see you missed the very best thread of all, where I learned about a new word: the “rape-cuddle.”

  10. I wonder how many of these teenage girls would respond “yes” if asked “do you think that the act of physically losing your virginity would be comfortable and/or pleasurable?”

    I wonder how many of those girls would respond “yes” if asked “do you sometimes imagine your honeymoon night, and do you think of it as romantic, fun, and enjoyable?”

    I wonder if any of these girls have given any thought to the fact that men who so easily “stumble” at the sight of a bare arm woman may not be the most trustable in the fidelity department?

    A whoooole lot of f’ed up marriages, to be sure. No amount of covering up will solve that.

  11. A man can’t control himself?

    Personally I like to frizzle their minds with this question: “If women are temptresses and men can’t control themselves, how come strippers aren’t gang raped every night?”

    [And don’t tell me the security thugs stop them. Are thugs any better at controlling themselves or are they all gay?]

    Tilt. Smoke. It’s usually a pretty good show.

  12. I don’t get it even in a Christian mindset. If boys have to be “protected” from all this temptation flying around everywhere, how can they ever resist sin and learn to overcome their “baser instincts?”

    No, no, you’re looking at it from the position that people should be raised to be autonomous adult self-regulators, with some degree of self-mastery and an internal sense of moral authority. It’ll never make any sense if you look at it that way . . .

    This leads me to believe that there is a very, very good chance that the pastor in question . . . is up to something, and it isn’t a rec basketball league.

    That was my reaction, too . . . hold on, there are evangelical Quakers? Is this a midwestern thing?

    the “rape-cuddle.”
    Oh, lord.

  13. Mnemosyne,
    on ‘early development’–I feel queasy all over recalling how that sort of thing was handled in my southern baptist church growing up. Predictably, those girls were automatically sluts; predictably, they fulfilled the role they’d been given and were ostracized socially, even as sermons went on and on about accepting ‘sinners’. Jesus only loves small-titted women, I suppose, unless they’re born with an ace bandage pre-wrapped around the chest.

  14. It’s not directly related to this thread, but I think there’s a lot in common and it sickens me…

    Father Kills Daughter, doubted Virginity

    AMMAN, Jordan – A Jordanian man fatally shot his 17-year-old daughter whom he suspected of having sex despite a medical exam that proved her chastity, an official said Thursday. The man surrendered to police hours after the killing, saying he had done it for family honor.

    See where your purity gets you with a fundamentalist who views you as property that can be spoiled.

  15. I won’t try to say it was the chicken or the egg, but I do know, at least in the US, rebellion unpunished against authority allowed people to express themselves more freely, and both allowed abused/suppressed women to speak out, and allowed men to take advantage of women “free love”. I.e., I speak of the 1920s to 1960s. The time when dating became the norm, when God was kicked out of (public) school, the time when family became a broken and restitched entity (divorce, remarriage), and the list goes on. All of this is what allowed the creation of rock n roll, cohabitation, drastic increase in unwanted pregnancies (and thus abortions) and now, the homosexual and feminist movements.

    I have to believe that this is some talking-points troll. How many 14 year olds can there be oth there who are still resenting the creation of rock n roll?

  16. I think it’s very sad that these kids, who seem very intelligent for their ages, have been brought up in a way that there is only one way to live, one way to think, and only one thing to live by: the bible. I have no problem with the bible. But when people who bring their kids up in such a way that keeps them from having different perspectives in their lives, it makes me very glad that religion has no place in the public schools anymore.

  17. Oh, it get’s worse.
    35% of them said that they would consider an arrainged marriage.
    They all seem to believe that gays go to hell.
    They debated the topic of if women should be allowed to talk.

    The one person who claimed to be a feminist was banned.
    It is explicitly against the rules to say “OMG”

  18. This post is bringing back the trauma of my awkward conservative Christian teenage years. My first break with it was when my youth group leader actually told me that what I wore was “inviting” the guys to sin. When really, and I told her as much, I wasn’t inviting those boys anywhere. Ew.

  19. That was my reaction, too . . . hold on, there are evangelical Quakers? Is this a midwestern thing?

    There are a lot of evangelical Quakers. It’s not a midwestern thing as such (in fact, some midwestern meetings are what’s called “conservative” – which is complicated to explain and doesn’t mean the same thing when describing Quakers as it does otherwise – rather than evangelical). It is, however, something that’s found more in the US than in Europe. And also in, for example, Africa, where it was evangelical Quaker missionaries, not liberal Quakers, who wound up with converts. Where I live, in California, evangelical Quakers (who go to churches, with pastors) belong to California Yearly Meeting, and the non-evangelical, silent meeting with no clergy type Quakers, like me, belong to Pacific Yearly Meeting. But there are also a couple of Quaker churches that I know of which are on particularly good terms with nearby Quaker meetings (not sure if they consider themselves evangelical, as it’s my understanding that not all Quaker churches actually think of themselves as evangelical Quakers).

    My variety of Quaker is totally out of step with all this purity and modesty stuff, and we agreed decades ago to recognize same-sex marriage in our meetings, so we’re not exactly sexually conservative.

  20. Mighty Ponygirl – he shot her in the head *four times*?!?!

    That really shows an “honor killing” for what it is – unrestrained rage at the perceived violation of the patriarchy (and, by extension, the family patriarch himself). You don’t shoot someone in the head four times unless you’re really fucking angry.

    If you have a morbid curiosity like I do and like to hang out at sites like Free Republic just to see what those crazy critters are up to now, you see them constantly bash Islam and use the notion of honor killings to justify the tacit plan of total Western (read: Christian – oh, sorry, “Judeo-Christian”) hegemony. But what they fail to see is that they embrace a system of values that, taken to its logical end, will produce the same result. Fundamentalism is fundamentalism. Having a society based on voluntary female submission (Western fundamentalist Christianity) is just a mosquito’s eyelash away from a society based on forced female submission (Fundamentalist/militant Islam).

    Incidentally, though I’ve previously been squicked out by the feminist embrace of the word “slut” before (having watched so many friends have messy personal lives due to, in my opinion, sleeping with people they shouldn;t have, and as a result been rather restrained myself), after reading all these posts in recent days on the purity/integrity ball business, I suddenly feel it’s really important to embrace sluttiness. You know why? because to those people, since I have had sex with more men than just my husband (however few they were compared to friends’ sex lives), and more to the point I *don’t regret it* and do not feel broken and used and in general believe in sexual autonomy, I am in fact, a slut. Bring it on. Sign me up for the slut ball. Better a “slut” than “pure” by their standards.

    Can’t wait to see the expression on my husband’s face when I go home and announce I’m a slut. Actually he’ll probably be stoked.

  21. Caro Says:

    I just hate to think about these girls who seem to spend so much of their time and energy worrying not just about their own sins, but those they may have accidentally caused in others! What a stressful and guilt-ridden way that must be to live.

    Well, yeah…but I lived both ways as a teenager – I converted to fundamentalist Xtianity at 15, to the horror of my feminist Mum – and looking back, it was such a relief to be only worying about this kind of modesty problem. See, I liked everything sexual but wasn’t ready for penetration. And guys called me a cocktease, which was the worst thing you could be called, way worse than slut. And I had bought into the whole thing about ‘you musn’t hurt a guys feelings, ever,’ and I had zero vocabulary to ask for what I wanted, so I ended up with a face sore from blowjobs and getting really badly and painfully finger fucked. And lying that yeah that felt great. And worrying I was frigid. And stressed out and guilt ridden about that, at 14 and 15!

    So – I loved discovering the joys of a fundamentalist boyfriend. We could both feel constantly aroused and guilty, we could actually talk about feelings and set boundaries (and break ’em), we had constant orgasms, ( and lots of discussions about how we’d never ever do that again) we had privacy ( he wasn’t going to write a review of my sexual abilities all over my locker, as was common) and I was with a smart guy who thought lots about how to be a decent person. Plus there was singing. The whole thing was delightful and only fell apart when he went off to xtian school, I couldn’t stomach any more talk of people going to hell, he got a strict-er girlfriend, and I discovered I liked girls too. But it was not the wost way to spend a few years.

    I hope the non xtian high school sex climate it so much better now. But I bet it isn’t. The only guilt I feel now is that I attached myself to a homophobic institution responsible for all kinds of oppression and pain for my own sexual pleasure. But you do some wacky stuff when you’re a kid.

    Sorry, long post…

  22. I can’t believe these are TEENAGERS talking.
    And congratulating a boy on his self-control because he didn’t rape his girlfriend when she sat on his lap???? What kind of an image of manhood is that? To them, men must be worse than dogs. And WE’re supposed to be the men-haters…

  23. I have to believe that this is some talking-points troll. How many 14 year olds can there be oth there who are still resenting the creation of rock n roll?

    Well, there was one guy who claimed to be a former member of a “hair band,” so perhaps they aren’t all teenagers.

  24. All of this is what allowed the creation of rock n roll…

    well, hallelujah!

    but seriously, I love this blog, but I have to stop reading for a few days, because my head is going to fucking explode! it really is the Taliban here on american soil.

    (and I still can’t get over the focus on – the obsession with – the old testament, from these people who clain Jesus Christ as their personal savior. what about Christ’s teachings? fucking hypocrites!)

  25. The utter revulsion expressed for lap-sitting is truly sad. The whole thing is sad, really. These kids are headed for horrendous early marriages and nasty divorces.

    I usually check with the Lord before putting anything on and my dad’s ok with my clothes.

    Hey, Jeebus, should I wear my beige sweater or my red t-shirt? Layer them? Excellent advice!

  26. I feel soooo bad now, and it is soo hard sometimes to forgive myself for it! Purity is sooo important, and whether you can see it now or not, even something as small as a kiss can effect you!

    I have never understood this mentality. I always thought the Christian God was one who forgave you when you screwed up (cause you’re gonna screw up). It seems to me that if you can’t forgive yourself for kissing a boy (not even on the lips!) when you were 6, you’re missing the point of Christianity altogether. But I’m an Episcopalian who supports the ordination of gays and lesbians, so what do I know?

  27. someone once said that asking “want to go out for a coke?” equals “will you marry me”.

    Where I went for undergrad, a lot of the other students came from cultures where dating was something that didn’t really happen until after your parents decided you would marry X, so long as you two were compatable, and dating was just the process of making sure your parents chose right (and the assumption was that they generally would). Thus, many people at my school internalized the notion “to date is to marry”.

    The problem was that, hey, people were in college, meeting hawt folks and wanting to hang out with them, etc. And indeed to date. So what happened? X and Y would go out and they felt they immediately had to decide whether they were compatable, lest they be seen as dating without marriage in the picture. The net result was a lot of possibly good relationships didn’t happen because person X didn’t realize that “I like you, but as a hawt friend” may very well be a good start to a relationship and a lot of people got stuck in bad relationships because they were dating and figured it would be socially unacceptable to stop dating, because they were practically married.


    OTOH, it is interesting that these Christians are so anti-dating in that it indicates, indeed, they do really have a traditional view of marriage. So many people have the idea that “traditional marriage” = “how things were done in 1950s TV shows”, however, in practice that view of marriage as being a love-based relationship between a man and a woman leads necessarily to the concept that a man who loves men should be able to marry another man, and a woman who loves women should be able to marry another woman. That is, to oppose gay marriage is necessarily to oppose the common idea of “traditional marriage” as well — but most people who oppose gay marriage don’t realize that. If these people provide a living example of what the “promote traditional marriage” camp is really after, then maybe more people will come to realize that allowing gay marriage will promote their view of marriage rather than hurt it.

  28. Like johanna, I am remembering past trauma.

    I wasn’t raised by conservative Christians – but I was shamed by them when revelations of abuse I once suffered came to light.

    You see, I was just a dirty temptress who brought this upon herself and who also liked it.

    I had caused someone to sin… My real crime was being female, of course.

  29. Interesting.

    Here’s a tidbit about teenagers growing up in certain kinds of religious environments (yes, I’ve been there):

    When you have been raised to believe in the “evils of the world” and are part of a group of young people believing the same (It’s the group that’s important, not the upbringing so much), peer pressure works to enhance displays of piety (or purity). I think this kind of thing is as much an example of teenagers in groups trying to impress each other as anything else.

    In other words, it’s cool to take your religious beliefs to the extreme. Pronunciations that you allow God to control your wardrobe or that you would never be alone with a boy give you the respect of your peers.

    And you’re supposed to be struggling with past sins, the more scandalous the better, so if all you can think of is a little playground kiss you’d better play it for all you’ve got.

    I think a lot of this is girls trying to fit in in their peer group (why their peer goup is like this is a different question). It’s the kind of things that many teenagers grow out of as they gain more experience and meet a wider variety of people. (Of course they don’t all grow out of it, and the process of growing out of it can be painfull, but those too are other questions)

    And a point about the Amish. I grew up in Amish country and the difference between their rules and what they actually do is quite noticeable. Sunday night is courting night. This involves (as all the neighbours know) driving up and down the side roads in buggies with blaring country music and copious amounts of alcohol. I guess it counts as “driving her home in his buggy” but with less “purity” and more intoxication.

  30. on ‘early development’–I feel queasy all over recalling how that sort of thing was handled in my southern baptist church growing up.

    Jessica Simpson (who is, to put it kindly, not the brightest porch light on the block) has said that she left her church choir and started singing professionally because the pastors constantly chided her for having big breasts. Because telling a girl that having big breasts is sinful is going to make her magically shrink them. Or something.

    When you have been raised to believe in the “evils of the world” and are part of a group of young people believing the same (It’s the group that’s important, not the upbringing so much), peer pressure works to enhance displays of piety (or purity). I think this kind of thing is as much an example of teenagers in groups trying to impress each other as anything else.

    Though it’s not the greatest movie, I suspect a lot of people on here who were raised in fundamentalist/evangelical churches would find Saved! to be quite amusing. Mandy Moore is great as the school’s Queen Bee who is (quite literally) holier than all the rest of you less popular dweebs.

  31. ” You don’t shoot someone in the head four times unless you’re really fucking angry.”

    That isn’t true. much has been learned in treating gunshot wounds, cartridges are cheap, and a lot of military calibers are designed to wound/maim instead of kill. But wow, that’s a perverse tangent.

    What sucks here is that girl died, not how many bullets did it. What sucks here is that gender inequality combined with conservative attitudes on sex (as usual) equaled a magnent for mental illness and violence….and this isn’t the end of it, by a long shot.

  32. In response to Penny

    That’s a really interesting perspective that I hadn’t thought of. I can understand how in some ways it could feel better and easier to be part of a crowd where sex is prohibited, rather than feeling pressured to do a lot of sexual things you aren’t comfortable with. I sympathize, because in high school and the beginning of college I really wasn’t personally ready to have sex, and sometimes I felt like a “cocktease.”
    But I think this just goes to show how in a system where you’re either a “prude” or a slut, there’s really no way for teenage girls to win… there’s gotta be a middle ground where girls can just be okay with doing whatever they want to do and are emotionally ready for, and not be judged for having completely natural sexual desires and curiosity.

  33. Jessica Simpson (who is, to put it kindly, not the brightest porch light on the block) has said that she left her church choir and started singing professionally because the pastors constantly chided her for having big breasts. Because telling a girl that having big breasts is sinful is going to make her magically shrink them. Or something.

    And now her creepy father runs around talking proudly about how big her breasts are. Which just underscores the idea that women’s bodies are considered public property.

  34. What struck me when I clicked the link to the site was how much the site was obviously about sex, sex, SEX! I’ve seen erotica that was less obsessed with sex.

    IMHO, if you really want teenagers to have/think about sex less you need to 1. give them something else to think about (as opposed to having them spend their whole day on the issue of whether they are being too immodest or “sinning” by looking at someone) and 2. demystify sex and the opposite* gender by casual exposure to people of all genders and sexualities and a clear understanding of what sex is all about.

    The “purity girls” movement is really a recipe for early, foolish marriages, lots of children (who won’t be taken care of very well because they won’t be really wanted) and miserable lives for both the men and women involved.

    *For 90% or so of the population, the opposite gender is the sexually attractive one so exposure to people of the opposite gender will help about 90% of the population. The rest are going to be so badly screwed by the fundies that their relative ease with their own gender won’t help them all that much.

  35. But wow, that’s a perverse tangent.

    What sucks here is that girl died, not how many bullets did it.

    I think you missed the point, which was not the number of bullets used, if you’d read the first part of that sentence:

    That really shows an “honor killing” for what it is – unrestrained rage at the perceived violation of the patriarchy (and, by extension, the family patriarch himself).

    Wishy Washy was pointing out (correctly, too) that messing with the patriarchy and taking away its power isn’t fun and games to fundamentalists. To them, it’s serious and threatening and worthy of extreme violence. He didn’t shoot his daughter in the head four times because he was crazy. He shot her in the head because she challenged his authority. Frankly, it sounds like a pretty run-of-the-mill domestic violence case; it probably only ended up in the paper because the guy was an immigrant who did it for “weird” reasons.

  36. On the “rape-cuddle” thread, notice that they think that there are “TONS” of STDs that effect women and not men. Um – are they counting pregnancy as an STD or what?

  37. On the “rape-cuddle” thread, notice that they think that there are “TONS” of STDs that effect women and not men. Um – are they counting pregnancy as an STD or what?

    Not sure, but in truth there are a number of STDs that produce syptoms in men and not in women. Gonarrhea is the best known one. That’s not to say that they don’t effect women, of course, but they don’t necessarily produce symptoms.

    In general I’m struck by how ignorant these poor kids seem to be. Even their grammar and spelling are generally terrible. I don’t like to pick on people’s grammar or spelling, partly because it would be just asking for mine to be criticized too, but the consistent poor usage of what must be their first language is telling.

  38. Random thought on “purity”: Purity and sexual modesty are all in the head. Depending on the situation, full nudity can have no sexual component at all and a booted toe peaking one centimeter out from under a burka can mean “I want you NOW!” So trying to enforce purity through clothing is futile at best.

  39. girls wear no jewellery or make-up and wear skirts no shorter than eight inches from the ground. They also wear push-down bras to hide their curves.

    Which evidently doesn’t stop their fathers, uncles, brothers, or cousins from fucking them. You’d be horrified at how many Amish men sexually abuse the women in their families, and the women (being isolated from modern society) have no one to turn to. Best of all, if the guy gets caught, all he has to do is confess and repent in church, and he *must be forgiven*, no matter how many times he does it.


    Repression. The drug of choice for sexual deviants everywhere …

  40. OT:

    Frumious — I will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid using affect/effect in my writing because I never got a good explanation of when to use which one.

    Me: “So, one’s a verb, and one’s an adjective?”
    Them: “No.”
    Me: “OK, fuck it.”

    I hereby propose that we use the written word “Uffect” to say “I’m not sure if I’m using Affect or Effect, and frankly, the difference between them is so miniscule that either one would probably do in this case.”

  41. Frumious — I will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid using affect/effect in my writing because I never got a good explanation of when to use which one.

    The big difference (according to my dictionary) is that “effect” is a noun and “affect” is a verb. So you can have an effect that affects a large number of people.

  42. What I don’t get is… what benefits do the girls get from being considered the evil lesser sex? My mom used to spout a lot of this crap at me, and it never made any sense. She had to do the crappy “man” part (i.e., work a 9-5) but she wasn’t allowed to hold certain positions in church, was supposed to disguise her T&A in modest clothing and be sexually frustrated (even after you’re married, because all you are allowed to have is missionary* with the lights off; heaven forbid he should go looking for your dirty dirty clit… especially not with his MOUTH).

    What’s in it for them?

    *Not knocking a classic, but variety is the spice of life!

  43. Effect as a verb means “to cause.” As a noun, it means a result, i.e. what was caused.

    Affect as a verb means “to influence.” Affect as a noun means an emotional expression.

    In the example in question, STDS cannot effect women, because they do not cause women. They affect women, because they are an influence on them.

    In another example, I might effect a change in rules. This would mean I caused the change in rules, i.e. I made it happen. However, I might affect a change in rules, in that I might have influenced it, but I wasn’t the one who literally made it happen.

  44. dont men have to not have sex before marriage becuase that would be causing xtian girls to “stumble”? Or is ok as long as they just stick to us heathens?

  45. They’re young, they’ve been kept from anything like useful information, they’re horny (pardon me–“boy crazy”) and they’re trying to figure out how they are supposed to behave and how the world works. It’s unsurprising that all those posts are so fucked up.

  46. But I think this just goes to show how in a system where you’re either a “prude” or a slut, there’s really no way for teenage girls to win…

    But given those choices, and only those choices, I can definitely see the appeal of the “virgin” role. If my only choices are never getting to say yes, or not getting to say no to what and whom I don’t want, well, convent, here I come!

    On the “rape-cuddle” thread, notice that they think that there are “TONS” of STDs that effect women and not men. Um – are they counting pregnancy as an STD or what?

    I’m thinking it might come from the fact that there are certain STDs where men show symptoms more readily than women, therefore get treated more readily, and therefore there are special warnings directed at women on how they might be infected and not know what it’s doing to them. Or possibly the fact that one hears warnings about how STDs can cause infertility in women, without hearing parallel warnings for men.

  47. Exception: If there is no male person available to do the job needed, then a woman could step up to the job needing to be filled, and fill it until a man is available to do the job.

    Ha, ha, ha. I wonder what the Catholic Church would have to say about that! Because that logic, coupled with the fact that fewer and fewer men are entering the priesthood… I think the contradictions between the different Christian denominations are often just as interesting as those within one denomination itself.

  48. I wish the writer of that editorial would realize that it’s up to us as adults to realize that 14 year olds can be silly, and there’s no excuse for bad behavior on the part of adults because of that

  49. Years ago, I read an article about a Christian commune where everyone would periodically gather so that the men could criticize the women to their faces for tempting (or, in their idiom, “stumbling”) them: “Sister So-and-so stumbled me when she bent over and I saw her breasts!”

    Of course, the guys never were criticized for looking.

    As for the website in this thread, the pukiest part for me was when the question was raised about how modest girls have to be in their own homes so as not to incite lust in their fathers and brothers.

  50. Oh look, they’re based in Colorado Springs. What a surprise. The front-page picture of the girl in the sexy skirt, from the waist down only, sitting on a pole, seems a bit inconsistent with their message.

  51. What’s the point of all of this? Marriage. Which is taken so seriously that these kids are proposing to each other at 15. And 7. And 5. And making sure that the boy asks the girl’s father for his permission.

    I’m from a very, very fundamentalist town (gosh, it was fun being the only Jew) and sure enough, my best friend broke up with his first girlfriend because she wasn’t willing to bring Christ into her life so they could get married. A year later, he proposed to his second girlfriend, and she accepted. At the time, they were 17 and 16; they got married at 19 and 18. And now they have two kids.

    The two of us don’t get to talk much at this point, largely because of him moving pretty far away, but as he said last time we chatted, “Being 22 and having two kids and a wife kind of kills your social life.”

    Gee, who’d’ve thunk.

  52. Sexual repression is a common characteristic of repressive regimes, political or religious. George Orwell acknowledged that principle in 1984 (remember, Winston Smith’s wife was a member of the Anti-Sex League and preceded connubial relations with her husband by words about doing their duty to the party/Big Brother). If you control sexuality, one of the primary human motivations, you control a great deal. These girls would be very pleased to go outdoors only with a male relative in a burkah had they been born into the Muslim traditions. It would be interesting to find these young women in 20 years or so to see how their “purity” worked out for them. The males participating in the site forum sounded like control freaks, very uptight. What a crashing and unctious group of bores they must be.
    Bitter Scribe’s observations of self-criticism among the wingnuts is so reminiscent of such sessions among Communists, particularly the Red Chinese, in the ’50s and ’60s.

  53. heres what I want to post on that forum:

    “It must be hard trying to figure out all the “modesty” rules the Bible requires you to follow — what about some common sense people? God didn’t set down a bunch of complex rules about what to wear that everyone has to follow or they’re automatically sinners. Girls, if a guy looks at your bottom because you have on jeans and a nice behind does that mean YOU are the sinner? Is that right or fair? Stop trying to follow a bunch of silly rules and labeling others as whores if they don’t follow them and instead follow through on loving thy neighbor as thyself. Obsessing so much about “purity” and “modesty” implies an unhealthy fascination with sex. Sex is a small but important part of life. You shouldn’t spend days trying to live up to some imaged “purity” standard but intead form loving (friend, not sexual) relationships with others WITHOUT JUDGMENT. Then maybe you will someday find a spouse who you can place your utter trust in and have a wonderful and loving sexual and emotional relationship.”

    I mean, really, it is just so sad that these kids are going through this torment. They are drawn like a magnet to the oppositve sex (perpetuation of the species, hormones anyone?) and taught that such thoughts are evil. Then when they give in to their natural urges, as many will, they are taught that they are evil sinners and worst of all they probably didn’t use protection b/c no one taught them anything about sex. And that their ideas about gender roles are so freaking midieval. How do they handle the cognitive dissonance of the women in leadership positions that they see in everyday life? They really are getting close to fundamentalist Islam. I agree that they seem smart and maybe will break out of it someday. I HOPE SO!!!!!!! My sister was like this for a while but broke out when her college church group told her that she was going to hell if she didn’t come to FRIDAY NIGHT meetings.

  54. A lot of them eventually WILL break out. For many, its a teenage/college phase, and takes on the intensity that comes with all variety of youthful phases. Instead of rebelling against the authorities in their lives, they are rebelling against their mainstream peers and what they percieve as “the Culture”, and their particular form of rebellion as a bonus has an air of moral superiority that they can wave around to mark their status in thier particular clique.

    Been there, done that.

  55. The big difference (according to my dictionary) is that “effect” is a noun and “affect” is a verb. So you can have an effect that affects a large number of people.

    Actually, effect has a verb definition and affect has noun definition.

    effect, v., to bring about, to cause to happen, eg, Feminism has effected positive social change.

    affect, n., the physical expression of emotion, eg, Her affect showed distress.

  56. It’s times like this that I love my youth pastor even more than I already did. My youth pastor, whose name was Dale, was a wonderful guy. He did believe in abstinence until marriage and had walked the walk himself, it wasn’t something he just spouted off about to the “lesser women”, it was something he was passionate about. He also didn’t subscribe to the belief that sex before marriage soiled women or anything crazy like that, because his wife had two children from a previous relationship who he adopted and raised as his own. We had “true love waits” rallies a couple times a year, but it was equally aimed at both the girls and the boys, and never were girls accused of being stumbling blocks or temptations. We were all challenged to own our actions and behaviors, meaning if you chose to have sex you didn’t blame it on your girlfriend’s low cut blouse. We were taught to respect ourselves, to truly respect each other, not just as someone else’s future property and it was well known within our group that having sex wouldn’t get you ostrasized. We were taught to both set and respect sexual boundaries. We were encouraged to spend time with members of the opposite sex, we were encouraged to date and not settle down with the first person we ever dated and we were given safe spaces within our respective genders to discuss things. The result was pretty simple… I actually know a fair number (although a minority of the group) of people of both genders who waited until they were married to have sex, but approached it with a realistic view and were excited to begin this part of their relationship. Most of us still had sex before we were married, but we tended to wait until we were older (I think most of us were 17 or 18) and ready, not just because we were being pressured or because everyone else was. It worked out really nicely in fact, and I think if the church wants to teach abstinence until marriage, this would be the model to follow as opposed to “girls are property and men should respect some other guys future property”. Most kids will still make up their own minds and either accept abstinence of their own choosing or reject it, but it just seems like a much healthier way to teach abstinence. Also, with very few exceptions, all our parents were realistic enough to know we needed accurate sex education and none of us got pulled from sex ed at school or anything crazy like that. My father is a whole different story in terms of what he expected and taught us at home, but our church was great.

  57. Mnemosyne,

    ” think you missed the point, which was not the number of bullets used, if you’d read the first part of that sentence:

    That really shows an “honor killing” for what it is – unrestrained rage at the perceived violation of the patriarchy (and, by extension, the family patriarch himself).

    Wishy Washy was pointing out (correctly, too) that messing with the patriarchy and taking away its power isn’t fun and games to fundamentalists. To them, it’s serious and threatening and worthy of extreme violence. He didn’t shoot his daughter in the head four times because he was crazy. He shot her in the head because she challenged his authority. Frankly, it sounds like a pretty run-of-the-mill domestic violence case; it probably only ended up in the paper because the guy was an immigrant who did it for “weird” reasons.”

    Well, aren’t you a piece of work.,,

    Perhaps you didn’t catch on.

    I get wishy-washy’s analysis. It is written in plain english, no?

    I’m simply challenging her assertion that anger explains the 4 gunshots here. Perhaps he wanted to kill her as quickly as possible, Perhaps he thought he was justified, even obligated and did it with remorse. Perhaps he was scared. Perhaps he liked it. Perhaps he was indifferent, melancholy, had a combination of any emotion, whatever. Unless you are a trained psychologist with sufficent data, you are just guessing. And presenting guesswork as fact is otherwise called quackery.

  58. Ha, I was tooling around in the forums and I found this gem in one of the “child out of wedlock threads”:

    Quote (05C.5U1C1D3 @ Jan. 18 2007,02:20)
    It’s like going into Planned Parenthood and talking about abstinence. I agree with abstinence. Preaching it in a PP though?

    — ————
    Actually I had a friend who went there to get tested for STDs and the nurse told her “You better stop slutting it up or you’re gonna come in here with something I can’t help you with.”

    Wow, I really hope that never happened at a PP.

    Anyone else notice that the only self-proclaimed feminist was banned? The one that suggested in the modesty thread that it was the guy’s problem if he chose to “sin” and look at her in an “immoral” way?

  59. I’m simply challenging her assertion that anger explains the 4 gunshots here. Perhaps he wanted to kill her as quickly as possible, Perhaps he thought he was justified, even obligated and did it with remorse. Perhaps he was scared. Perhaps he liked it. Perhaps he was indifferent, melancholy, had a combination of any emotion, whatever. Unless you are a trained psychologist with sufficent data, you are just guessing. And presenting guesswork as fact is otherwise called quackery.

    Hey, maybe magical elves appeared, took the gun out of his hand, and did the shooting. It’s just as logical as thinking that a father with a history of abuse whose daughter was only coaxed back into the home when he signed a pledge promising he wouldn’t hurt her again was remorseful and melancholy when he put four bullets in her head.

    Maybe you should, you know, read the story before you decide people are drawing unwarranted conclusions.

  60. hmmm… I have a problem with a lot of the comments on this thread (the post was basically fine).

    Perhaps some of you readers are really just hearing about the purity thing for the first time (are these concepts really new to you?)… in that case, I can understand the outrage. But sweet lord, I sure hope you don’t confront the purity girls in your lives with these attitudes. Can I point out the hypocrisy of being just as dogmatic and “holier than thou” as the evangelicals touting purity?? (hint: “yeah but the fundies are wrong and I’m right” will not strengthen your case.) I’m just sayin’. Dogmatism exists on both sides of the fence, and either way, it ain’t pretty.

    Not to mention that in these comments, I’m not always sure whether you’re criticizing the patriarchal system that produces the oppressive rules and beliefs or the girls who are buying into them (or else being told to follow them or face the consequences). Haven’t we learned yet not to blame the victim?

    I wish I could be more articulate about this issue at the moment. Maybe I’ll just paraphrase a Muslim inter-faith worker I know who has called evangelicals the last acceptable prejudice among liberals. As an ex-evangelical, it makes me sick. I know it is easy to be smug when commenting on a progressive blog, but experience shows that the same attitude is often carried into conversations with real, live, evangelical friends… and it generally makes them run in the other direction. Way to go.

  61. look, Mnemosyne, This is the third time You’ve brought up not reading as a way to barb somebody. It’s not that clever. BUt hey, I’ll help you make sure everybody remembers how you beat that brat christina sue in the accellerated reader contest back in third grade if you drop it, k.

    a serious note, “The crime is the first “honor killing” this year in Jordan, where many men consider sex out of wedlock to be an almost indelible stain on a family’s reputation. On average, about 20 women in the country are killed by their relatives in such cases each year. Women have been killed for simply dating.”

    20 out of 5,906,760 people in Jordan killed for this reason.

    and, whom, after all claimed this was an ‘honor killing’?

    ” The man surrendered to police hours after the killing, saying he had done it for family honor.”

    The murderer.

    Some people believe anything in print, dear Mnemosyne

  62. Lisa,

    This is an important point. “Haven’t we learned yet not to blame the victim?”

    But here, I cannot see wisdom:

    “Can I point out the hypocrisy of being just as dogmatic and “holier than thou”

    They are backwards and oppressive. Their dogma is toxic.

    But is this dogma toxic? I don’t think so, I think It’s correct, that people should live without structures of oppression and nightmares of injustice and that no matter what,we will never soften our position for consumption by our enemies that we stand tall against all forms of injustice and shout death to oppression, death to the oppressive ideal!!!!

    May their propaganda rot in the bed of their inequity, may our ideology stand tall, shining in the rigid and eternal armor of justice.

  63. Some people believe anything in print, dear Mnemosyne

    I’m really not getting your point. Are you arguing that this was something other than a domestic violence case? That the father had a perfectly good reason to kill his daughter and I’m just too stupid to understand it? Because that’s the only place I can see you going with this, especially since you seem eager to downplay the fact that she’d fled from his abuse several times before and very interested in downplaying the violence of the killing. Why is that?

  64. Lisa,

    I agree dogmatism exists on both side, but as someone whose lived on both side of the fence and danced on top of it, I can say that my sexually active, liberal friends out here on the East Coast are a hell of a lot more tolerant of my sexual choices (ie, staying a virign so far) than anyone at my conservative Catholic college was of even my halter tops. If any of my old college friends knew I was making out in my underpants regularly with a guy that barely ever goes to Mass they would flip their lid at me and give me all sorts of “exhortations”. If they bothered to speak to me at all.

  65. Not to mention that in these comments, I’m not always sure whether you’re criticizing the patriarchal system that produces the oppressive rules and beliefs or the girls who are buying into them (or else being told to follow them or face the consequences). Haven’t we learned yet not to blame the victim?

    Right. Because talking about how sad it is that these girls are forced to be paranoid about their own bodies is just like blaming a rape victim for bringing it upon herself!

  66. Ugh…this all makes me sick, for several reasons:

    1. Fundamentalists have a skewed view of the Bible as literature. The Bible (with Jesus as protagonist) actually has a very high view of women if you look at it as you would any other piece of literature (which they don’t, and which is unfortunate), at least in the New Testament. (Again, they don’t view the Old Testament with literary critcism in mind.)

    2. As a result, “purity” as an ideal is held high above all other forms of righteousness. In fact, if one can be “pure”, being racist, hypocritical, judgmental, and unforgiving (and the list goes on) is acceptable, because at least you’re not having sex outside of marriage (incidentally, the key verse always used in those conferences is one that touts that “the marriage bed is pure and undefiled”…a quote that usually goes toward purity before marriage, rather than the intended meaning of purity during, which we can all agree makes sense, right? Let’s not whore around on our spouses?)

    3. Also, as a result of misinterpretation, men are not only the “leaders”, but they are also viewed as more highly animalistic, and the woman is suddenly responsible not only for her actions, but for his, and she’s reduced to becoming a servant on all levels. When I went to Christian college (what I’ve dubbed “the best worst experience of my life”), I was always viewed as “less” of a Christian because I:
    a) Had opinions and shared them
    b) Thought teas and conferences were ridiculous
    c) Was loud and had a sense of humor
    d) Loved to play basketball with the boys
    Oh yes, and I had nice legs and was told that I shouldn’t “wear those white shorts anymore”.

    The bottom line is, their dogma is misplaced, because it’s not founded on correct thinking and study. This is why, Lisa, people on this forum can get so riled up about fundy views, not because of the fact that they’re evangelicals, but because of the fact that they are so clearly misguided in their facts and thinking. Sure, the kids on that forum are “thinking things through”, but it’s producing the same kind of results you’d get in a science lab if you started with the wrong chemicals in the first place.

    Look, as a person who’s been through it (meaning, I felt like a “spinster” at twenty, married the first guy that came along, am now divorced and am now facing the rather cold shoulder of my fundamentalist family), I can honestly say that that culture sickens me with their blinders to anything that’s not middle class America (if you look closely at evangelical America, it is STRONGLY built on the fundamentals of coporate America…just with more Bible thrown in). In reality, Jesus was a pretty cool cat (man, they hate when I say that) who had lunch regularly with prostitutes…

    …who, I’m guessing, probably didn’t “cover up” when he came over.

  67. Boy, Alex, you’re sure looking to get banned with the snottiness and the ad homs. And I haven’t banned anyone in ages.

    Shorter me: settle down, Beavis.

    Lisa, welcome to the site. Take a look around; you’ll find plenty on purity. It’s not a new concept over here. And unless you have a very strange definition of “blaming the victim,” I’m just not sure I understand what you’re getting at. Where is it you’re seeing victim-blaming?

  68. interesting that the anti-feminist fundamentalist types have a lower view of men than the so-called “man-hating” feminists.

    i have heard plenty of SNAG hipster men basically go along with the “she wore a tube top/winked at me/gave me her number-so-that’s-consent” rape excuse. why don’t they have a forum on “what can we do not to rape women” instead?

  69. Lisa,
    I know it is fashionable right now to have oh-so-much “respect” for everyone’s culture, and opinion, and belief. But guess what? Opinions can be wrong, culture can be outdated and out of touch with reality, and beliefs can be nothing more than fantasy. Even so, as long as you mind your own business, nobody here is suggesting you do not have a fundamental right to have whatever bizzarre, unreal, fantasy belief or opinion you want. However. Many, many of these people are actively interested and working towards making their fantasy reality. They want to impose their fantasies on everyone else, to limit people’s lives so that they are only able to act in approved-of ways, to strip certain classes of people of their basic human rights. Those are actions, and they are indefensible, cruel, and frequently at odds with reality.

    Nobody here is blaming these poor kids for the messed-up state of their heads, and nobody is suggesting that they are other than free to believe whatever crap they want. We are upset because these kids arrived at this state because other people forced them to.

  70. “I’m really not getting your point. Are you arguing that this was something other than a domestic violence case? That the father had a perfectly good reason to kill his daughter and I’m just too stupid to understand it? Because that’s the only place I can see you going with this, especially since you seem eager to downplay the fact that she’d fled from his abuse several times before and very interested in downplaying the violence of the killing. Why is that?”

    ‘Stupid? um, no…thats probably the last thing I can accuse you of, considering your politics.

    My point is that this criminal case hasn’t been solved. To me, the evidence presented in the article was suspect, and see if you agree here, the girl passed the test. She wasn’t doing what he thought…

    so my hunch is that It looks like a simple murder, then the father gave the ‘honor killing’ as a BS nonsense excuse to save himself from justice…but I don’t know that,again that’s my hunch.

    My point is that we don’t know why this guy did it,really, but it benefits us politically to tie this down to patriarchy, even though, we really don’t know.

    And in such cases, it’s good to let the storm pass, so to say, lest another piece of evidence comes along and the opposition uses our guesswork to discredit our ideology a la Tawana Brawley. Not to mention, the correlation between islam, violence and anger is a bit overplayed as of late, no?

  71. “Boy, Alex, you’re sure looking to get banned with the snottiness and the ad homs. And I haven’t banned anyone in ages.

    Shorter me: settle down, Beavis.”


    ok, Zuzu, I’ll cool it.

  72. biosparite, I agree with your sentiments, but one quibble: This wasn’t self-criticism, it was men criticizing women. IIRC (this ran in Psychology Today a looooong time ago), the article didn’t mention the women’s reaction, but I’m guessing they just bowed their heads and took it.

  73. Alex, Sarah, yes, I agree that their dogma is toxic. But I’m not talking about the message here, I’m talking about the method. I’m an educator, so maybe I’m coming at this from a different perspective than some. In my work with girls, the point is not to shut them down or expose all their errant beliefs; these tactics are alienating. Instead, we work with youth, teaching them to empower themselves and get to a healthier place with our support. Evangelicals do an excellent job of framing us as dangerous enemies (war language at the pulpit is another issue), and in some ways, a lot of us put that target on our own heads. We may also consider this to be a battle, but my personal strategy here is subversiveness. A friend is more persuasive than an enemy.

    So Ethyl, I’m not at all suggesting that people mind their own business on this one. Again, I’m talking about tact in taking action. Now, while I hope that you’re right that no one is blaming the purity girls, I think that the sarcasm in some of these responses isn’t always clearly directed, so I’m just not always sure. Maybe this is to be expected- these are comments and not fully substantiated essays, after all. But I will say…

    Zuzu- I went back and looked at all the posts again. With a second read, I felt more confident that the comments were appropriately directed. I would like to highlight the early comment that “neurosis and possible mental illness” describe the majority of the evangelicals known by the commenter. Now, I’m not trying to invalidate personal experience, but there’s a danger of others interpreting that statement on a larger scale. Something like 25% of Americans identify as evangelicals these days, and it would be ludicrous to say that 2/3 of them are mentally ill.

    Thanks for the chance to dialogue, all.

  74. Alex — it’s not uncommon for fundamentalists, once convinced that a girl is a dirty slut, to not be swayed from that belief no matter what evidence is presented. His daughter could have spontaneously ascended into heaven in front of him and he’d probably be calling a filthy whore and tried to pot-shot her out of the pillar of light on her way up.

  75. ” His daughter could have spontaneously ascended into heaven in front of him and he’d probably be calling a filthy whore and tried to pot-shot her out of the pillar of light on her way up.”

    dammit, mightyponygirl, why do you have to be so funny?

    I can’t compete with that, (it’s too good) sorry.


    “Alex, Sarah, yes, I agree that their dogma is toxic. But I’m not talking about the message here, I’m talking about the method.”

    So was I. Softening our position for consumption by the opposition is unacceptable. They are losing this cultural war (I believe their loss is called ‘aniome’) and they know it, so there is no need to for soft propaganda here, in my view.

    “I’m an educator, so maybe I’m coming at this from a different perspective than some. In my work with girls, the point is not to shut them down or expose all their errant beliefs; these tactics are alienating.

    That’s a nice way to say such tactics are friviously ineffective, no?

    “Instead, we work with youth, teaching them to empower themselves and get to a healthier place with our support. Evangelicals do an excellent job of framing us as dangerous enemies (war language at the pulpit is another issue), and in some ways, a lot of us put that target on our own heads.”

    Fair enough.

    “We may also consider this to be a battle, but my personal strategy here is subversiveness. A friend is more persuasive than an enemy.”

    That’s sneaky.

    Politically speaking, they know you are an enemy of their religion. And If you believe in heaven and hell, they also think you are trying to damn them…

    but hey, they do have a nice little saying,that applies here:

    ” don’t cast your pearls before swine”

    er, that was mean, I’m sorry…I’m trying to say this: the cost of converting one evangelical is too high when those same resources could go into harvesting political support in places that aren’t so thorny.

  76. My point is that this criminal case hasn’t been solved. To me, the evidence presented in the article was suspect, and see if you agree here, the girl passed the test. She wasn’t doing what he thought…

    so my hunch is that It looks like a simple murder, then the father gave the ‘honor killing’ as a BS nonsense excuse to save himself from justice…but I don’t know that,again that’s my hunch.

    Christ on a cracker, what further proof do you need? He admitted killing her, he said he did it for reasons of family honor. That says something about him, not about her. Just like, say, Andrea Yates’ belief that her children were possessed by the devil or whatever she hallucinated said something about her, not about her kids. Just because the reasons someone says they killed someone are quite clearly imaginary or unfounded doesn’t mean that they weren’t that person’s motivations.

  77. I wonder how many of these teenage girls would respond “yes” if asked “do you think that the act of physically losing your virginity would be comfortable and/or pleasurable?”

    A whoooole lot of f’ed up marriages, to be sure. No amount of covering up will solve that.

    My ex was raised in a fundamentalist christian household. Like, ‘the apocalypse is coming any moment now, so kneel down and pray, boy!’ That kind. So you can bet your ass that they did the whole ‘zomg purity thing!’ and slut-shaming (his sister had sex with a lot of people when they were younger and he *still* calls her a slut because his entire family thought she was one).

    This is how I understand his story:

    When he was 17, he got himself his first ~*real girlfriend*~. They decided it’d be a good idea to have sex. Except neither of them knew what contraception is. So she gets pregnant after a few months.

    He ended up marrying her, in part because he figured it’d be the best thing to do for a child, but a lot because it would maintain their, uh, integrity I suppose. He felt a lot of pressure to do it and thought it’d save him and her from humiliation or something. So they get married, they can’t stand each other, he’s divorced by 19. He either doesn’t think so or won’t admit it, but being married that young fucked him up in a lot of ways.

    Eight months later he meets another woman and marries her sometime later.

    He’s about 24 now and he still can’t stand sex. I thought sex with me weirded him out because we weren’t in a, you know, relationship recognized by God or something, but he won’t have sex with his wife unless she pesters him about it for a long time. Most of the time after we’d fuck, he’d go into some weird dissociative episode and ramble incoherently about having to pray to god to forgive him for his sins. Um, needless to say, I stopped having sex with him. And he makes himself sick thinking that his wife had sex with anyone outside of marriage, an irrational thought process that was a side-effect of his upbringing. So this is his second marriage and it’s almost as miserable as the first one.

    So much for raising a kid into valuing purity…

  78. You know, Alex, this isn’t all political. I’m glad there are people like Lisa, apparently, who are trying to help these girls being raised in evangelical homes. It would be unfair to simply let them ‘fend for themselves’ just because of politics.

    Maybe I misinterpreted your comment, though.

  79. Quoting Bitter Scribe’s quote, because it summarizes the problem so nicely:
    “Sister So-and-so stumbled me when she bent over and I saw her breasts!”

    What ever happened to “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out?”

    And yeah, I can see the rhetorical mangling that one would get. Still — when did Jesus ever tell women what to wear? He did tell men not to “look with lust,” though, if I recall correctly.

  80. Wow Alex, why are you so unfeeling to the evangelicals? You are pretty much dehumanizing them. I suspect you are trying to get people to agree with you so you can can then say how horrible and evil feminists are.

    ‘Stupid? um, no…thats probably the last thing I can accuse you of, considering your politics.”

    Just too pat. Intelligence has nothing (or very little) to do with politics. Some very smart people are conservatives and some liberals are right idiots. Applies across the spectrum.

    dare I use the “t” word?:)

  81. Eh, most of these kids seem okay.

    I mean, kids are stupid; It’s not something to hold against them.

    That said, I’m actually fairly mean to religious people in real life.

    You see, I’m prone to very emotional religious experiences in church settings. The problem is, they take on a highly unChristian form.

    At its core, the language of Christianity demeans all non-Christians; The whole “Pagans are a bunch of idol-worshipping retards” theme is so pervasive in the bible that you can’t really abandon it without basically declaring that the bible is incorrect not just in terms of details, but in terms of fundamental assumptions.

    Even my extraordinaraliy liberal family feels perfectly happy to talk in front of me about “what god wants me to do”, and expects me to be respectful of that, while at the same time telling me that MY conversations with god are obviously just figments of my deranged mind.

    Well, no, fuck you. If you’re going to go around telling me that my version of god is stupid tripe, then I, too, have the right to do it to you.

    Fascinatingly, in what little religious arguments I’ve had, I’ve found that religious fervor tends to impress people. While I’ve no doubt that it can be a blockage to understanding in some cases, I’ve found that often expressing your convictions in absolute religious terms can also serve as a way to open up conversations.

    I don’t know why.

  82. “Wow Alex, why are you so unfeeling to the evangelicals? You are pretty much dehumanizing them. I suspect you are trying to get people to agree with you so you can can then say how horrible and evil feminists are.

    ‘Stupid? um, no…thats probably the last thing I can accuse you of, considering your politics.”

    Just too pat. Intelligence has nothing (or very little) to do with politics. Some very smart people are conservatives and some liberals are right idiots. Applies across the spectrum.

    dare I use the “t” word?:)”

    Amy, that is an interesting perspective.

    But unfortunately, your analysis is deformed at the point where you accuse me of plotting with the patriarchy.

    See, I am not unfeeling towards evangelicals and I am not ” trying to get people to agree with (me) so (I) can then say how horrible and evil feminists are”

    My hunch is that this has little to do with either, and that rather, your paranoid accusations here were provoked by my stark rejection of your beloved relativist fantasy concerning intelligence, as seen here:

    ” Intelligence has nothing (or very little) to do with politics. Some very smart people are conservatives and some liberals are right idiots. Applies across the spectrum.”

    But this isn’t about ‘conservative’ and liberal’; this about the struggle between women and patriarchy.

    In my judgment, a woman who works against women’s rights or works in collusion with organizations that seek to combat women’s rights… idiot. Now that’s not to say that she wasn’t misled, brainwashed, or born into such idiocy, it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib….

    Now, to conclude, Amy, I’m not offended or anything, I’m just a bit curious as to why you chose to accuse me of the things you did..

  83. it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib….

    “Women’s lib”? Oh, please. Where did you get your political talking points from, 1975?

    You know, there are formatting buttons up there for a reason. I suggest you get familiar with the use of the “quote” button, which will blockquote text and make your responses far more readable. And when I say “suggest,” I really mean, “use the button or I’m going to send your posts to the mod queue until the formatting can be fixed for you, that is, if we have a mind to let them through at all due to that snottiness I warned you about earlier.”

  84. Just to jump in on the honor killing thing in Jordan, I can sort of see a reason why a man would say he did any sort of murder for honor reasons – the reason is that he knows that in that society it will get him off with a lot less jail time than if it was a murder for any other reason. In spite of the fact that they recently changed the law in Jordan as the article says, it’s quite possible that the father in question does not know about the change.

    That said, I really can’t imagine another reason for this Jordanian man to shoot his daughter at all….so I would still tend to assume that this was indeed the motivation.

    In Egypt I would hear stories about people who killed daughters/wives for reasons of “honor” practically getting off scot-free with tiny sentences like 6 months, because the judges felt sympathy for them.

    I think it has a lot to do with the shame vs. guilt issue – which is a culture difference – more than the particular religion. I lived in Egypt for many years and I lived in a Christian neighborhood for 5 years and the Christians tended to be much stricter and harder on their girls than the Muslims. Though the girls did not cover their hair, in many ways their movements were more restricted.

  85. Alex. Saying a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is opposing women’s liberation is like saying a rape crisis counselor is helping rapists.

    I seriously have no idea wtf you’re talking about.

  86. “. Saying a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is opposing women’s liberation is like saying a rape crisis counselor is helping rapists.
    I seriously have no idea wtf you’re talking about.

    ok, I’ll try to explain:

    I am not “Saying a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is opposing women’s liberation ”

    (that’s crazy)

    look at comment #84:

    “I’m trying to say this: the cost of converting one evangelical is too high when those same resources could go into harvesting political support in places that aren’t so thorny. ”

    So,to rephrase your example, I’d say that ” a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is doing the right thing by helping young women. I am proud of her and appulad her good efforts. but I know that she could help even more by helping young women who are less resistant to her message”

    does that make sense?

    Does that make sense?

  87. Lorelei.

    Saying a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is opposing women’s liberation is like saying a rape crisis counselor is helping rapists.I seriously have no idea wtf you’re talking about.

    ok, I’ll try to explain:

    I am not “Saying a woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is opposing women’s liberation ”

    (that’s a batshit crazy idea)

    look at comment #84:

    I’m trying to say this: the cost of converting one evangelical is too high when those same resources could go into harvesting political support in places that aren’t so thorny.

    So,to rephrase your example, I’d say that

    A woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is doing the right thing by helping young women. I am proud of her and appulad her good efforts. but I know that she could help even more by helping young women who are less resistant to her message

    does that make sense?

  88. er, sorry zuzu, I tried with the blockquote tabs…However I butchered them..that won’t happen again, I get the picture now.

  89. but I know that she could help even more by helping young women who are less resistant to her message

    Oh, I see. You’re concern trolling. “Why are you worrying about X when Y is still a problem?”

    And who died and named you the Grand Poobah of Feminism, able to say what will help young women and what will not, and what is “opposing Women’s lib” and what is not? You’re hardly the heir apparent of Andrea Dworkin or Betty Friedan.

  90. so uh, evangelically raised girls just don’t deserve to be helped out because of something that was rather beyond their control. that’s kind of what i got out of that.

  91. Zuzu,

    “And who died and named you the Grand Poobah of Feminism, able to say what will help young women and what will not, and what is “opposing Women’s lib” and what is not? ”

    Spare me. You are just pissed because you disagree, so you are looking for a pretext to ban me.
    ‘troll’, pfft.

    “so uh, evangelically raised girls just don’t deserve to be helped out because of something that was rather beyond their control. that’s kind of what i got out of that.”


    There is no reason to strawman me.


    “girls just don’t deserve to be helped out because of something that was rather beyond their control”

  92. Spare me. You are just pissed because you disagree, so you are looking for a pretext to ban me.
    ‘troll’, pfft.

    Yeah, right. Don’t flatter yourself. I still can’t figure out what the hell it is you’re trying to say, because you keep changing your story.

    So, what the hell *are* you trying to say? Do you think it’s anti-feminist to help out evangelical girls because other girls might be helped “more”? If so, why?

    And remember your tags.

  93. That said, I really can’t imagine another reason for this Jordanian man to shoot his daughter at all….so I would still tend to assume that this was indeed the motivation.

    An abusive father could probably have all kinds of motivations (most of which boil down to “I’m justified in hurting my kids whenever I’m angry about something,” granted).

    Abused girls I’ve known, and why their parents tried to kill them: he couldn’t find a dollar he’d left on the dresser and thought she’d taken it; she didn’t finish her chores; she didn’t do her chores well enough; she got less than perfect grades in school; she went to school when he told her not to; she was supposed to collect the soda bottles for the deposit and lost one; she was four years old, one of her friends smeared dog poop on her, and she came home dirty; he raped her and was afraid she would tell; he raped her and she got pregnant; he suspected his wife cheated on him and she wasn’t his kid; she couldn’t carry enough firewood; he thought she was possessed; she mouthed off to him; she spilled something; she dropped something; she looked at him in a way he didn’t like; she asked for more food when he was in a bad mood and holding a machete for brush-cutting; because he liked the idea and thought it would be fun.

    Basically, anything or nothing.

    There’s also a phenomenon I noted in the Philippines. Men who raped their stepdaughters or adopted daughers were considered less bad then men who raped their biological daughters, even if they’d raised the girl from birth. So a lot of men who raped their daughters and got caught would “reveal” their “secret, lifelong suspicion” that the girl wasn’t really their daughter, which more often than not would earn them some sympathy with the judge and jury and result in a diminished sentence. This wasn’t even an act most people approved of or particularly understood; it was just considered less horrifyingly bad in that culture. So if honor-killing is treated with a fraction of the tolerance it sounds like, it wouldn’t surpise me if every man or woman who killed their own daughter made that excuse.

  94. ” you keep changing your story.”

    show me.

    So, what the hell *are* you trying to say?


    ( I.e. bickering with each other in the comments section of this blog is a questionable use of resources for both of us b/c the resources we spend bickering on this blog could have been better spent)

    So, I am and was talking about the opportunity cost of outreach towards thorny groups and individuals; saying that Evangelivcals are really hard targets for outreach, even compared to the run of the mill conservative republican MASP.

    That’s all. I’m not queen of anybody, I’m not trying to tell people what to do… I’m just observing a situation and trying to convince people that my observation is valid. (is that ok?)

    “Do you think it’s anti-feminist to help out evangelical girls because other girls might be helped “more”? If so, why?”

    It’s not anti-feminist to help….it’s inconvertably PRO-feminist to help.

    Even I can’t fathom where ya’ll are getting the idea that feminist outreach is somehow anti-feminist, even if directed towards mr. Dobson himself….where did I screw up and send that message?

  95. Even I can’t fathom where ya’ll are getting the idea that feminist outreach is somehow anti-feminist, even if directed towards mr. Dobson himself….where did I screw up and send that message?

    Gosh, Alex, I don’t know… maybe this:

    In my judgment, a woman who works against women’s rights or works in collusion with organizations that seek to combat women’s rights… idiot. Now that’s not to say that she wasn’t misled, brainwashed, or born into such idiocy, it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib….

    Which apparently, though damned if anyone can really parse what the hell you’re talking about, refers to Lisa and her helping evangelical girls. Because that’s what we were talking about. If you were talking about someone else, please do enlighten us.

    Then you bust out the opportunity costs and say of Lisa,

    A woman trying to help evangelically raised young women out of being brainwashed is doing the right thing by helping young women. I am proud of her and appulad her good efforts. but I know that she could help even more by helping young women who are less resistant to her message

    That’s quite different from the first bit about “Women’s lib.”

    And again I ask, who are you to question what Lisa’s doing? What are you doing to help women and girls undo the damage of the patriarchy?

    Your argument that Lisa and people like her are wasting their time is, I can see now, based on some economic analysis. Well, how nice and clinical. A market-based theory of feminism, where only the sure bets, the blue-chip stocks of women affected by the patriarchy, are the ones worth investing in.

    Well, you know what? Maybe Lisa feels that the women and girls she works with are well worth the effort she puts into them. Maybe her conception of the tradeoff between effort and ROI is a little different than yours. Maybe, to continue the metaphor, she thinks they’re undervalued.

    And who are you to question that?

  96. Gosh, Alex, I don’t know… maybe this: “In my judgment, a woman who works against women’s rights or works in collusion with organizations that seek to combat women’s rights… idiot. Now that’s not to say that she wasn’t misled, brainwashed, or born into such idiocy, it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib….”

    Ok, I see the disconnect. I made a mistake there (pull out the popcorn,zuzu, this particular mistake showcases my idiocy in a stinging fashion)

    I used an ‘it’ to discribe the ambience of stupidity, and in doing so projected that ambience myself.

    ok, here is the mistake: “it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib”

    I’m was trying to say that the act of a woman opposing women’s lib is idiotic and self-depriciating….. the women who participate in or collude with organizations with anti-womens rights agendas are not making the right choice and can be labeled as idiots, misled or not..yada yada.

    Under that thinking, Lisa is not colluding or participating with the partiarchy at all. She is doing the oppisite. She is helping to undo the damaging aspects of an anti-female agenda, in this case that of the evangelical.

    And again I ask, who are you to question what Lisa’s doing? What are you doing to help women and girls undo the damage of the patriarchy?

    Your argument that Lisa and people like her are wasting their time is, I can see now, based on some economic analysis. Well, how nice and clinical. A market-based theory of feminism, where only the sure bets, the blue-chip stocks of women affected by the patriarchy, are the ones worth investing in.

    Well, you know what? Maybe Lisa feels that the women and girls she works with are well worth the effort she puts into them. Maybe her conception of the tradeoff between effort and ROI is a little different than yours. Maybe, to continue the metaphor, she thinks they’re undervalued.

    And who are you to question that?

    Ok, I need to make something clear.

    I’m not one to criticize Lisa’s work as an activist nobody can do that except Lisa.

    It boils down to this,sans my initial buffonery, no?:

    her conception of the tradeoff between effort and ROI is a little different than yours. Maybe, to continue the metaphor, she thinks they’re undervalued. And who are you to question that?

    Again, nobody is ‘one to question that’

    I just disagree with you and her that the magic of good intentions will solve the world’s problems, b/c I, unlike some people, know that we are up against some bad motherfuckers who don’t play.

    As to my ‘cynicism’, can you guess who said this?

    “The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.””

    Re my circa 75′ vocab: i also call ‘women’s lib’ ‘the equality of the sexes’. Yes, the kistchy term is ‘feminism’. but i don’t like the term ‘feminism’…. as a label..look at it ‘femin-ism’ That appears like it isn’t concerned with the well being of men, even though it is concerned with men and women living in reasonable, mature relationships as opposed to the barbarism of an oppressive system& ensuing dischord among people.

  97. I’m was trying to say that the act of a woman opposing women’s lib is idiotic and self-depriciating….. the women who participate in or collude with organizations with anti-womens rights agendas are not making the right choice and can be labeled as idiots, misled or not..yada yada.

    No shit. But why did you bring it up?

    I just disagree with you and her that the magic of good intentions will solve the world’s problems, b/c I, unlike some people, know that we are up against some bad motherfuckers who don’t play.

    I’m sorry, are you lumping us in with those who don’t know there are bad guys who don’t play? Do you think we missed something?

    Re my circa 75′ vocab: i also call ‘women’s lib’ ‘the equality of the sexes’. Yes, the kistchy term is ‘feminism’. but i don’t like the term ‘feminism’…. as a label..look at it ‘femin-ism’ That appears like it isn’t concerned with the well being of men, even though it is concerned with men and women living in reasonable, mature relationships as opposed to the barbarism of an oppressive system& ensuing dischord among people.

    So, how is “Women’s lib” a good term for something that’s concerned with the well-being of men?

    (I won’t even get into the idea that “feminism” is “kitschy” and the Harvest Gold-soaked “Women’s lib” isn’t.)

  98. IOW, I suppose, you seem to be new here, so you may not have realized that this isn’t our first time at the rodeo.

  99. No shit. But why did you bring it up?

    To answer amy’s question as seen in comment #90.

    I’m sorry, are you lumping us in with those who don’t know there are bad guys who don’t play? Do you think we missed something?

    I think you miss the idea of grand strategy in so far as you oppose the prospect of efficency and slander it as cynical.. but that’s about it. From what I can induce here, I’m sure you and most of the other commenters are brighter than I by a gross proportion on most topics.

    So, how is “Women’s lib” a good term for something that’s concerned with the well-being of men?

    (I won’t even get into the idea that “feminism” is “kitschy” and the Harvest Gold-soaked “Women’s lib” isn’t.)

    as to ‘women’s lib’, I think It’s terrible, actually, (I just don’t like it) but the lesser of many evils. Unlike ‘feminism’, the term infers a realistic view of the situation speaking in terms of the distribution of power. IIn that sense It conveys the idea that, hey, guys, ya’ll aren’t doing the right thing and you are hurting us, stop it. in that ambience You can’s say ‘women’s libanazi’ and get away with it,because this liberation cannot be construed as agressive,unless of course, you consider women chattel of men, the territory of men, and in doing so expose the notion of women’s lib as, indeed, legitimate.

    Well, I don’t want to confuse the waves in the movement, but I guess i think we can do better, b/c the patriarchy has succeeded in strawmanning the movement as not only anti male, but as particularly agressive and expansionst. But the label is stuck for now. also, the term ‘womens lib’ was ‘kistchy’ but not anymore. I just hope the 4th wave will have the right name, you know? I guess I want to to egg on the progress.

  100. I think you miss the idea of grand strategy in so far as you oppose the prospect of efficency and slander it as cynical.. but that’s about it.

    Whenever someone starts talking about “grand strategy,” I start wondering who’s going to get thrown under the bus this time.

    You do seem to have a problem with being seen as aggressive. Which I suppose ties back into the “grand strategy” business. You’re not a Democratic Party strategist, are you?

  101. I think you miss the idea of grand strategy in so far as you oppose the prospect of efficency and slander it as cynical.. but that’s about it.

    One of the difficulties with the “grand strategy” is the risk of losing sight of what’s happening on the ground. For instance;

    I am proud of her and appulad her good efforts. but I know that she could help even more by helping young women who are less resistant to her message

    sounds good, but in some cases can be counterproductive. I know one of the things that gave me a negative view of feminism as a teenager came from people going out of their way to educate teenage girls like me who weren’t already in a resistant environment. I was getting fed a lot of stuff that was socially accepted, and expected to hold an image of myself that simply didn’t fit my life or my experiences. ‘d grown up with nobody particularly interested in holding me to female standards, so having a bunch of adults insist I’d been brainwashed by patriarchal influence and had to be cured with self-esteem, collages, and classes on how to say “No!” when I could tackle my teenage brothers easily was kind of surreal. Eventually I wrote the whole thing off as a useless irritant.

    What got me willing to give it a second thought was working with teenage girls who were in a resistant environment, who were hard cases, who did need it. Girls who hadn’t grown up with the assumption that if a guy attacks them it’s okay to scream and hit them. Girls who thought there were men’s jobs and lady’s jobs, and women weren’t capable of hammering a nail. Girls who were recieving religious encouragement to get married early, stay married forever no matter what, and be passively feminine towards their husbands. Which is how I, who wouldn’t have taken a women’s self-defense class if you dragged me wound up teaching one (I’d done regular martial arts in college and had a friend to pester about the women’s self-defense specific elements). And how I wound up taking an interest for the first time ever in that stuff I’d heard a million times about gender roles and sexism. Because while I still haven’t noticed anyone treating me with sexism (I think they keep getting distracted by my obvious physical disability), I finally found a use for it in a way that targeting “better candidates” for that message never showed me. So while people trying to teach me about feminism never did much for me (a girl with a liberal-feminist mother in a liberal school district), it did a lot for the girls who would seem like low-probability bets.

  102. Whenever someone starts talking about “grand strategy,” I start wondering who’s going to get thrown under the bus this time.

    zuzu, from what I see here you are skilled in the arts of logic. So why do you allow knee-jerk reactions act as substitutes for critical thinking?

    You do seem to have a problem with being seen as aggressive. Which I suppose ties back into the “grand strategy” business. You’re not a Democratic Party strategist, are you?

    Those accusations require no response from me.

  103. Damn, I don’t know how my name got mentioned so many times in the last 10 posts, but I’m thinking I just watched my 15 minutes of fame come and go.


    “I just disagree with you and her that the magic of good intentions will solve the world’s problems, b/c I, unlike some people, know that we are up against some bad motherfuckers who don’t play.”

    Don’t write off the work- it isn’t about magic or good intentions. It’s called education. It is what I do in the classroom and it is what these sisters are doing here at Feministe.

    Also, it isn’t about hand-selecting the evangelicals to work with as opposed to more “effecient” converts. When you work in an urban public school, that’s just what you get. Or did you not realize you were saying my urban, fifteen year-old, evangelical, women of color students are not worth saving? Are they idiots for being evangelical and anti-women’s lib? “Bad motherfuckers who won’t play?” I tend to think that they’re clinging to what they’ve got, and I personally have a hell of a lot of respect for their survival skills. This is what I meant about blaming the victim.

  104. Lisa,

    This is what I meant about blaming the victim


    . I don’t think your sorry attempts to make me look racist (are MOST of the evangelicals in theis country 15 year old women of color living in a city-center? demographics aside, how, exactly, are they softer targets than MASP evangelicals?) are appropriate here.

    ok, Just because somebody is a good or nice person doesn’t mean they arent your political enemy, or they aren’t concerned with stripping you of your rights in the name of their pet delusion, whether it be your right to vote, dress as you please, own weapons, go into town without the husband, etc.

    also, I DO make a distinction between children and adults in terms of judging someone as a idiot or bad mutha…. i ask this question: “DO THEY KNOW BETTER?’.

    Finally, is it legal to do outreach in a public school with minor children whose parents are opposed to the feminist ideal?


    ” I finally found a use for it in a way that targeting “better candidates” for that message never showed me. So while people trying to teach me about feminism never did much for me (a girl with a liberal-feminist mother in a liberal school district), it did a lot for the girls who would seem like low-probability bets.”

    Wow, I didn’t look at it that way. Points taken.

  105. I don’t think your sorry attempts to make me look racist (are MOST of the evangelicals in theis country 15 year old women of color living in a city-center? demographics aside, how, exactly, are they softer targets than MASP evangelicals?) are appropriate here.

    Alex, there you go with the ad homs again. Why do you accuse Lisa of “sorry attempts” to make you look racist?

    And what’s your fixation on soft targets and MASP evangelicals (whatever MASP stands for)? Do you think that only whites are worthy of outreach?

    ok, Just because somebody is a good or nice person doesn’t mean they arent your political enemy, or they aren’t concerned with stripping you of your rights in the name of their pet delusion, whether it be your right to vote, dress as you please, own weapons, go into town without the husband, etc.

    Again, NO SHIT, but what does any of that have to do with what we’re talking about here?

  106. Alex, maybe demonizing victims (enemy-making in this case- see below) is a more accurate description of what you’re doing, but the effect is just as problematic.

    First of all, you didn’t distinguish between children/adults or ask “do they know better” in your original statement about women colluding with anti-feminist organizations, which is the comment I was responding to. to the contrary- you say that if they’re born into it, then too bad:

    “In my judgment, a woman who works against women’s rights or works in collusion with organizations that seek to combat women’s rights… idiot. Now that’s not to say that she wasn’t misled, brainwashed, or born into such idiocy, it simply describes the act of opposing Women’s lib…

    As for:

    Just because somebody is a good or nice person doesn’t mean they arent your political enemy, or they aren’t concerned with stripping you of your rights in the name of their pet delusion, whether it be your right to vote, dress as you please, own weapons, go into town without the husband, etc.

    Who was talking about being a good or nice person? I was talking about my students, and they are certainly not trying to strip me of my rights, nor are their parents, for that matter.

    I’m not saying you are racist; I’m saying you are wrong. When you put your ideas into context, they become ridiculous. I hoped that telling you about my students’ backgrounds would help you realize that you’re lumping these girls in the same “enemy” category as people like Jerry Falwell. That isn’t a cool generalization to make, because their motives, understandings, and actions in their faith are completely different.

    These girls are victims to multiple hegemonies, unlike Falwell. We need to stand for justice in solidarity with them (a major feminist principle), rather than calling them our enemies. I’m asking you to take up a more subtle understanding of both feminism and evangelical Christianity.

    Finally- yes, the work is legal- what kind of question is that? Teaching about sex-positive practices and equality in relationships isn’t illegal, Alex. In case you’re really concerned: I’m funded by the city government to teach this program specifically, so there are no secrets.

  107. Oh, Lisa, that clears things up nicely.

    I had a frivously incorrect idea of what you were doing.

    so, I accept your valid points. And aplolgise for being so scrappy.

    zuzu, as Lisa showcases I was um..wrong, hence the adhom. I used the males anglo saxon prod as an example of a fairly rough target.

    But I draw a line between a personal and political enemy, we shouldn’t have any bad feelings towards the latter.

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