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Since Jill’s Been Stepping On My Toes

She’s been going nuts today, stealing all my ideas for posts. Hmph. And I’m the fat girl around here.

But she didn’t get to this one: FDA approves a new weight-loss drug.

For dogs.

WASHINGTON – Is your hound round? Too much flab on your Lab? Is your husky, well, husky? A new drug may provide some help. The government approved the first drug for obese canines on Friday. Called Slentrol, the Pfizer Inc. drug is aimed at helping fat Fidos shed extra pounds.

“This is a welcome addition to animal therapies, because dog obesity appears to be increasing,” said Stephen Sundlof, director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine at the
Food and Drug Administration.

A dog that weighs 20 percent more than its ideal weight is considered obese. That takes in about 5 percent of the nearly 62 million dogs in the United States. An additional 20 percent to 30 percent are considered overweight.

The liquid drug appears to reduce the amount of fat a dog can absorb. It also seems to trigger a feeling of satiety or fullness, according to the FDA.

You know what? Dogs are omnivores and scavengers. I’ve never known a healthy dog to turn down a particularly tasty treat, especially if there are other dogs around. Junebug is the only dog around here, which means that she hides her treats in nooks and crannies about the place (such as in, oh, THE COUCH) and she will even leave her food lying around for days, though she’s more than happy to eat whatever I have. Interestingly, I had my neighbors in last night (they’re interested in buying the place) and Junebug, being neurotic about vistitors, finished the food that’s been sitting in her bowl for three days while they were here.

Because dogs are scavengers, they will eat pretty much anything that’s offered to them. And a lot of people get in the habit of offering their dogs a LOT of treats.

Dogs are also at the mercy of their owners for exercise, and too many people who own dogs don’t walk them enough. God knows I could get Miss Thing out more often, were it not the dead of winter and were I not knee-injured again.

So you get dogs who get too much food from their owners (who perhaps think their dogs would refuse food if they weren’t hungry) and don’t get exercised enough who get fat. And, mind you, they’re master manipulators, so any attempt at restricting food intake is met with a lot of whining and guilt.

All this by way of saying, dogs really don’t fucking need canine Xenical. They need less food and more exercise.

Plus, have you read the side effects?

The prescription drug also can produce some unfortunate side effects, including loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite.

Because cleaning up vomit and diarrhea is less effort than taking your dog for a walk, I suppose.

And I love this bit that Pfizer felt compelled to include in their press release:

And it’s not for dog owners. The FDA discourages the drug’s use in humans and lists a litany of side effects should anyone ignore that advice.

I’d say I was surprised, but I used to do products liability, and one of my firm’s clients was a manufacturer of the relatively harmless half of Fen-phen (or is it Phen-fen?). And this was AFTER the heart problems of the other half were known. But we had friends of the attorneys calling — usually attorneys themselves — looking for the stash of Fen-phen we must surely have had or had access to.

27 thoughts on Since Jill’s Been Stepping On My Toes

  1. Really!

    Someone must have told the drug company the statistics on how much dog owners spend on their pets.

    It seems like the multibillion dollar diet industry is expanding to our pets. I wonder how long it will be before “fat” dogs are commonly having expensive gastric bypass surgery.

  2. ZUZU!!!!

    I was looking all over Feministe for a contact email for you, and couldnt’ find one, so I’ll just hijack this post. You remember last year you were talking about moving to my city some time, and renting for a year before you sell your place in NY and buy. And I explained about how city landlords are pet-PHOBIC, and it’s virtually impossible to find anywhere that will take pets, even with extra charges.

    Well, I just discovered today that there’s a big rental high-rise in the West End (walking distance to the business district, very funky neighbourhood, walking distance to our rip-off of Central Park), and they allow pets!!!!!!!! Colour me stunned.

    Anyway, I don’t have the name of the property management company yet, but I did get the full address of the building, and would be happy to give it to you. And I hope to find out the property company tomorrow. I know your move’s a while off, but if you put yourself down on a waiting list or summat right now, you could waltz right into a pet-friendly rental in an amazing part of the city (where you really, really don’t need a car, incidentally).

    Alas, it’s not a cheap building. My acquaintance who lives there now (and is trying to find out the name of the property management co) said 450 sq ft studios in the building rent at $1,000 CDN. But awesome location, and a welcome for Junebug…..????

    You can email me at raincitygirl @ livejournal dot com for more detailed info if you like.

  3. I’m not surprised. We have a basset hound, and people are always surprised that he’s a lean, active dog. “I thought bassets were supposed to be fat and lazy!” is commonly heard.

    Pfft! We measure his food strictly, use treats sparingly, and cut his food if he manages to steal something else of equivalent calories. He also walks over a mile every day to get the kids from school. He may not thank us at the time, but he’s bouncy and moving well despite having a severely twisted leg (ricketts as a puppy), and that’s plenty thanks for the work.

    Frankly, I can’t imagine a canine Xenical doing diddly over squat for him. He’d overeat himself to death within a month if we’d let him. If Xenical cut his appetite in half, he would merely eat himself to severe obesity in a month.

  4. Give your dogs feeding times. Walk them daily. It’s simple and it makes the dog feel more secure. I just don’t get this.

  5. Plus: oily anal leakage. The fat that doesn’t get absorbed will have to go somewhere, and since dogs don’t wear pants, it’s going to go on your carpets and furniture.


  6. I heard that on the radio and about hit somebody. How hard is it to limit your dog’s food intake? Really? In the 20 years we had dogs when I was growing up, not a single one was fat. But they didn’t get table scraps or dozens of treats or their bowls refilled every time they were empty.

    On the flipside, one of my cats was 3 pounds overweight (which is a lot for a cat who should weigh about 11 lbs). We limited the amount of food available, which was tricky because we had 3 cats (we have 5 now), then we switched to a lo-cal cat food, which didn’t work. Then my friend who works in an upscale pet supply store recommended this stuff called Evo, which is like kitty Atkins. She lost 2 pounds in about 8 weeks and is down to her goal weight now, about 5 months into Evo. It costs like $2/lb, but it’s worked to get the skinny cat up to a healthier weight, too. And they all have soft, shiny fur.

    (Another reason we switched is because my oldest cat is allergic to grain, and Evo is grain-free.)

  7. On the flipside, one of my cats was 3 pounds overweight (which is a lot for a cat who should weigh about 11 lbs). We limited the amount of food available, which was tricky because we had 3 cats (we have 5 now), then we switched to a lo-cal cat food, which didn’t work. Then my friend who works in an upscale pet supply store recommended this stuff called Evo, which is like kitty Atkins. She lost 2 pounds in about 8 weeks and is down to her goal weight now, about 5 months into Evo. It costs like $2/lb, but it’s worked to get the skinny cat up to a healthier weight, too. And they all have soft, shiny fur.

    Yes. I recently found that stuff, too (they make a dog version as well). After doing some reading, I found out that lo-cal cat food is actually the worst thing you can feed cats because their bodies don’t process carbohydrates well (cats, unlike dogs, are obligate carnivores and must eat meat). And what is lo-cal cat food? Carbohydrates. Canned food is pretty good (you actually want to use kitten food since it’s higher in protein), but it stinks and creates a lot of can debris. So, I was thrilled to find the Evo.

  8. Sounds like you’ve been reading a lot of wholistic crap.

    And what is lo-cal cat food? Carbohydrates.

    Actually, it’s fiber, which doesn’t get processed. It passes right through. Besides, cats are omnivores, not carnivores. They process carbs just fine.

    Adult cats should not get kitten food in much the same way that adult humans should not get infant formula or breast milk. Adult mammals of all species have different nutritional needs than baby mammals. In particular, babies need a higher fat content. Kitten food is too rich for adult cats, and sure won’t lead to weight loss unless all you feed them is a tablespoon per day. If you choose a high protein diet for your pet, buy high protein adult food. If you choose canned food, be very diligent about toothbrushing.

    2 pounds in 8 weeks is a fuck of a lot of weight. You have to be very careful putting kitties on diets b/c they are extremely susceptible to diet induced jaundice. Their liver can’t handle all the fat going through at once and poops out. fortunately, it doesn’t cause permanant damage, but it will lead to high vet bills and a very sick kitty until it’s reversed.

  9. Besides, cats are omnivores, not carnivores. They process carbs just fine.

    Cats are not omnivores, and they do require meat in their diet. It can be mixed with other things (they way they mix corn and other grains into cat food) but they need meat to produce the amino acids they need to survive. If you feed your cat nothing but a vegan/vegetarian diet, you can easily starve it to death.

    That doesn’t mean cats don’t like other foods, or aren’t interested in them. Our kitten loves cantaloupe. But they do need meat.

    Our older cat has a very sensitive stomach, so we have to feed him Science Diet Sensitive Stomach. We’ve tried other foods, but they make him throw up (hence his nickname, “The Pukemeister”). So we just control the amount we give him and hope the kitten will keep him running enough that he’ll lose a little weight. (He’s about 12 pounds, so he’s not obese, just a little chunky.)

  10. Crazy! This is really crazy. You’re completely right. Get outside with your animals. Or if not outside, play with them inside. My little dog goes ape shit when I get home. We play with her toys for about fifteen to twenty minutes, which consists of my throwing her squeaky toys around the apartment, opening all doors and allowing her to run through the apartment at warp speed. It’s fun for her – it’s exercise – and it makes up for me being gone all day.

    And zuzu – my law firm in Texas also was in on the fen-phen lawsuits representing the drug manufacturers. Small world.

  11. Now that is what you call marketing genius! Diet pills for dawgs! I have now heard it all, everything, I can now retire to a tropical island somewhere. Hopefully they will have skinny dogs.

  12. My cat was always pretty lean but she started losing weight until she was skin and bones. I thought it was just old age and the beginning of the end but turned out she has hyperthyroidism. Her resting heart rate was 300bpm and she’d dropped from 7 1/2 to 5lbs by time I took her to vet. Now she’s fine and I guess I have to keep grinding up that pill into her food. I was surprised that I had to go to my pharmacy to get the meds – guess they use same stuff we do for that condition.

    Dog is getting a tiny bit chunky b/c I’ve been lazy about walking her but I do restrict her food. My boyfriend is a good influence b/c he refuses to ever give her table scraps. I’m thinking about trying day care again so she has some activity during the day but she hated the last place I tried – had to drag her through the gate into the dog area.

  13. JenM – I found out you can get radiation therapy for cats. It’s the same treatment they give adults for hyperthyroidism, is needed once most of the time and then you never have to give your cat med’s again. We’re doing that once my income tax money comes in because neither me or my cat can take another 5 years of this med’s stuff. I was forcing the potassium pill down her throat ’til she starting throwing up and salivating profusely whenever I picked her up (even without the pill in hand) and the liquid meds I was giving to her twice a day. Now I’m just trying to get us through the next 2 months with as little stress as possible. (I did find out she LOVES tuna so I crush her pill and scatter it on top, mixing it in a bit, and she eats it all. She has also gotten smart and once she realizes I’m putting medicine in sutff, she stops eating it. It’s a huge pain in the ass I tell you.) As for cats needing to eat meat, that’s a no brainer. It is especially evident when your cat starts screaming at you the moment you crack the can of tuna. And it’s why they kill birds, rats, mice and so forth even more so as strays/feral. If they didn’t need to eat meat, there would be a lot more lawns needing to be trimmed less doncha think?

    My chocolate lab is a scavenger and deaf so whenever we go for walks, I have to be proactive and stop her from eating stuff off the streets before she gets a chance to smell it. I bought a muzzle but am trying to see how training her to stop sniffing unless it’s to pee works first. So far so good especially when I bring a pocketful of treats with me. However, because she’s deaf she can’t hear other people/dogs walk up so goes crazy when she sees them. We’re working on this as well by giving her time outs when she gets to excited (because when she gets too excited, she pulls my arm off, almost literally).

    Zuzu, a NYC council member is trying to ban pits. Get thee over to North Shore Animal Leagues website and sign the letter. Please. That is if you haven’t done something like this already.

  14. Frumious –
    It may be an exaggeration on the 2 lbs/2mo loss. I don’t remember when we started Evo exactly (Septemberish?), and I got her weight with the old method of grabbing cat and standing on scale, then subtracting my weight. It’s possible I did the math wrong in my head. And with this cat, it’s more like “grab cat, get clawed, chase again, grab, drop, grab…” so we don’t try it very often. But she definitely looks much better now.

    On the weird things cats like, my oldest cat (who has the grain allergy) loves angel food cake. She’ll try to snag it from my plate. She also has a love-hate relationship with marshmallow peeps. Cats are weird.

  15. I can’t say I think this is an entirely ridiculous idea. Yes, I agree that if one chooses to own a dog you should also face up to the enormous (albeit rewarding) responsibility that comes with it, responsible feeding and adequate exercise included. Yes, this weight loss drug will probably be overused by lazy or irresponsible owners. But I can definitely see it helping overweight dogs with joint problems such as arthritis and hip and knee dysplasia (which yes, would be somewhat preventable in certain dogs if they were never allowed to become overweight to begin with), especially in older dogs. Weight loss very often benefits dogs with joint disorders, and a weight loss drug could be a big help for those animals that were incapable of adequate exercise due to joint stress and pain.

  16. I would be quite worried because the approval process for pet drugs is far less stringent than for human drugs and, well, fen-phen. I would be nervous about messing with my dog’s absorption of fat and nutrients. This drug just seems like a diabolical scheme dreamed up in a marketing meeting–give me two areas where Americans flush enormous amounts of money down the drain? Their pets and weight loss–brilliant! I’d rather put the money toward better parks and pet play areas. That sounds like much more fun than anal leakage.

  17. We’ve tried other foods, but they make him throw up (hence his nickname, “The Pukemeister”).
    Now, I don’t mean this in a mean way, but: this actually made me crack up, and I can’t quite say why.

  18. That’s crazy!

    We have terrible eating habits for our mutts, but they get so much exercise and play time.

    I like the disclaimer at the end, ‘used with diet and exercise’ – the dog wouldn’t be fat if you kept it on a diet and exercise regimen in the first place!

    We use a communal bowl for our three brats, and it is a rare day when it is emptied. They also get scraps – mostly bread products and pop rocks the one time. (We wanted to see what would happen!)

  19. We’ve tried other foods, but they make him throw up (hence his nickname, “The Pukemeister”).

    Now, I don’t mean this in a mean way, but: this actually made me crack up, and I can’t quite say why.

    It makes us laugh, too, which very slightly eases the pain of stepping in cold, slimy cat vomit at 6 o’clock in the morning.

  20. There’s a type of food that a Pukemeister can keep down? We had a cat of that breed when I was a kid, and never found out about the special food.

    On the dog diet pill: I own a measuring cup already. It says right there on the bag how much food for your dog’s weight…and if I don’t exercise to keep my own beam from broadening, why would I do more for my dog?

  21. 20 – I can’t quote because of my wonky computer, but I tried the measuring cup thing. It said 7 cups for a 50 pound dog, and I knew my 50 pound chow mix would need 2-3 days to eat it. Same with what was rec’d for the 5 and 12 pound boys. It’s probably because it’s such cheap food.

  22. Cats are not omnivores, and they do require meat in their diet. It can be mixed with other things (they way they mix corn and other grains into cat food) but they need meat to produce the amino acids they need to survive. If you feed your cat nothing but a vegan/vegetarian diet, you can easily starve it to death.

    That doesn’t mean cats don’t like other foods, or aren’t interested in them. Our kitten loves cantaloupe. But they do need meat.

    Off-topic and all, but… a proper veg/vegan petfood is not going to starve your cat to death. It just means that the nutrients are coming from plant foods or are synthetic (a lot of normal petfoods have mostly synthetic nutrients added anyway). Cat doesn’t care what the biscuits are made from, just that they taste good and keep her healthy.

  23. Off-topic and all, but… a proper veg/vegan petfood is not going to starve your cat to death.

    From the Animal Protection Institute:

    Cats have very specific metabolic requirements for several nutrients found only in animal products, such as taurine, pre-formed Vitamin A (they cannot convert the plant precursor, beta-carotene), and arachadonic acid. They may not be able to adequately digest some plant-based proteins. There is at least one product marketed as a feline supplement for vegetarian diets, but these nutrients are chemically synthesized or highly purified, and may lack the enzymes and co-factors needed for optimal absorption and function. The long-term implications of these supplements are unknown. Therefore, API does not recommend that cats be fed a strictly vegetarian diet.

  24. One time on Animal Precinct, the officers responded to a call about a cat collector. When they got there, they found a good-hearted but misguided and probably mentally ill woman who’d been feeding her cats a vegetarian diet. Many of the cats were blind due to lack of taurine.

    Her dog, OTOH, was fine.

  25. How can vegan places sell vegan cat food ( for example) if it will starve the cats to death?

  26. How can vegan places sell vegan cat food ( for example) if it will starve the cats to death?

    How can companies sell TrimSpa to you even though it doesn’t work? Companies sell inadequate products all the time, and the market for vegan/vegetarian cat food is probably small enough that they don’t really worry about lawsuits. After all, how much money is someone going to win over a dead cat?

    My guess, though, is that people switch back to regular cat food before the worst consequences (from blindness to death) manifest themselves, especially if they have a halfway decent vet keeping an eye on things.

  27. Capitalism? It’s $22.95/8 lb. that’s twice the price of Iams around here.
    The disclaimer on the product page ought to be a heads up:

    …We are not veterinarians and cannot offer medical advice regarding cats and issues that may arise on a vegan diet, so if you have questions or concerns regarding this please contact your veterinarian as they can best assist in this area. We can only share information that is stated by the manufacturer regarding their products, as we are neither animal nutritionists nor the creators of this item.

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