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Feminist Bloggers Take Over the World

The fabulous Ms. Jessica Valenti, one of my favorite feminist bloggers, Real Hot 100 founder, freelance writer, and an all-around feminist hero of mine, is now writing for UN Dispatch and the Daou Report, in addition to her usual great work at Feministing and getting her book out this spring.

Big congrats to Jessica. There couldn’t be a more intelligent, interesting, and generally fantastic woman for the job. Be sure to check out her great work all around the blogosphere — and if you need somewhere to start, I’d suggest this post on malaria prevention.

2 thoughts on Feminist Bloggers Take Over the World

  1. Damn, girl–if you wanted a date you just could have asked. 😉

    Seriously, thanks so much, what a flattering post. (EGO THIS BIG)

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