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Friday Cat Blogging — Henry

djw of Lawyers, Guns and Money lost his beloved cat Henry on New Year’s Eve — just before djw’s party, which he couldn’t enjoy, because all he wanted to do was lock himself in the bathroom and mourn his cat, who’d died in his arms so recently.

Here’s to 2007. I’m currently hiding in my room, neglecting my hosting duties at my own New Years party, of which I am a host. Here’s a miserable way to end a miserable year–host a New Year’s party that begins 15 minutes after your beloved cat dies in your arms. It’s quite an experience. I’m now officially drunk enough to cope, more or less. I must rejoin my party shortly–Rob, if you see this, you should post a picture. Tomorrow, I’ll properly eulogize Henry. Onward to 2007–I’ve had enough of this year.

About a month ago, Henry got sick–it turned out it was her kidneys. She’s unusually young for kidney failure, and it’s possible she injested some toxins. Hoping the kidney failure was chronic and not acute, we hyrdrated her, took care of her, and hoped for the best. The last month of her life she was weak and inactive, but still enjoyed human attention and companionship. At six o’clock on December 31st, just after a feeding and some medicine, she left us. She was a wonderful, intriguing companion and the house feels empty without her.

Here’s to Henry.

11 thoughts on Friday Cat Blogging — Henry

  1. Zuzu..I am so sorry. I type this with tears in my eyes. I lost my boy Kiki this past April after 20 years together. I lived with him longer than I lived with my parents and my relationship with him continues to be my longest and most successful ( no offense to my partner of 5 years). He was my son (no human kids).

    My physician partner learned something from the loss of Kiki. He had often wondered why family members would be so upset after their loved one,who was very old, died. His thoughts were, “The person was so old, they spent so long in the company of family, isn’t 80 years enough time?” He learned, he said, that my long time with Kiki made the loss more acute, not less.

    I am so sorry for your loss and hope this new year to be a time of rebirth and renewal for you and the rest of the planet.

  2. Joel, you realize this is a memorial post, so that “I do something different than mere cats” isn’t exactly appropriate?

  3. I mean, lovely that you do anteaters, but you could have picked the (live) Ferris dog-blogging rather than the (dead) Henry cat-blogging.


  4. I just posted my condolences to him, too. We lost our cat Natasha in March of 2006, but got the bad news that she had breast cancer on Christmas Eve 2005. We have a new kitten to torment our older cat, but we still talk about Tashi all the time and wonder what she would have thought of the new kid.

  5. My Spencer looked the same- all black with a white spot on the belly-and died the same way. Except it was on Easter a few years ago. I still hate Easter.

    Sorry for your loss, my friend. When cats die, they go to a place where they torment dogs untill it’s time for a nap in the sunshine.

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