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Friday Random Ten – the “I just dragged two 50lb bags up a sixth-floor walk-up and now I cannot move” edition

Back in New York. Dog-blogging and Seattle-blogging below the fold.

1. Sufjan Stevens – They Also Mourn Who Do Not Wear Black
2. Aimee Mann – Sliding Doors
3. The Decemberists – California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade
4. Death Cab for Cutie – No Joy in Mudville
5. Billie Holiday and Charlie Parker – Live
6. Beyonce – Irreplaceable
7. PJ Harvey – I Think I’m a Mother
8. Justin Timberlake – Losing my Way
9. Wu Tang Clan – Clan in da Front
10. The Fugees – How Many Mics

Friday Bonus Video: What diseases are in your underwear? Via Feministing, which reminds us that your tax dollars are paying for this.

I love New York, but I can’t help but miss Seattle. So pretty:

Seattle, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Ferris loves his toy:

, originally uploaded by JillNic83.


Ferris, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Hoping someone will play with him:

Perky, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Posted in Uncategorized

7 thoughts on Friday Random Ten – the “I just dragged two 50lb bags up a sixth-floor walk-up and now I cannot move” edition

  1. Even a confirmed cat person like me has to squee over Ferris. Ferris is adorable.

    As is Junebug, come to think of it, when she’s not wreaking havoc on zuzu’s furniture.

    Oh, you damn dog people. You’re sneaky, you are.

  2. How is syphilis going to “take another boy’s life”-those are the song lyrics, yes?-in this day and age? Even if you’re allergic to penicillin there are treatments.

  3. Ah yes, the Olympics. I can’t see them from where I live, but every now and then, Rainier pays a visit.

  4. I again ask: Who shaved that poor dog?

    My mom. He plays outside a lot and gets dirty and smelly. Shaving him makes him not quite as gross.

  5. :::sigh:::

    That’s the sort of picture that makes me understand why my husband is always grousing about me wanting to live somewhere that’s so far away from proper mountains.

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