In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

12 thoughts on What Ilyka Said

  1. I definitely like her approach, having lived amongst the reactionary weirdos like Jane Gooddall amongst the apes. She knows that they are impossible to shame (if a middle-aged guy hasn’t learned to moderate his vitriol by now, there’s very little chance that a tut-tutting by an anonymous weblog will work), so she just calls in the jets to bomb that treeline like Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now.

  2. belledame –

    very Dennis Miller

    Thank you. He’s been needing to be an adjective, and you used it perfectly.

    Sorry, that’s off-topic. But all I got is, what zuzu said (i.e. “what ilyka said”).

  3. VanderLeun is a right piece of work. speaking of “I’m not like other people! i can’t stand pain, it hurts me!” pompous, solipsistic…and that latest is, well. not a surprise, but still shocking.

    i’ve found a useful litmus test for people is whether or not they go for the jugular when you’re down. strike viciously at a raw open wound in response to a blow to the ego, or nothing at all. and are capable of doing it with a smile.

  4. the other thing about VanderLeun is, he wasn’t always a reactionary wingnut butthole. he used to be a liberal-libertarian-hippie butthole. and yet, he was still a butthole.

    i think some of it isn’t even so much to do with ideology per se as, well, i’m also thinking of say Harlan Ellison, or Woody Allen. Anrgy young man somehow isn’t nearly as charming as angry old man. particularly when for whatever reason they simply stop evolving at some point.

  5. wow. just wow. some people have no humanity whatsoever.

    I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact that that’s so true or the fact that I barely even react anymore because I almost expect it on some blogs and from some people.

  6. In his comments, Gerard is now claiming a “ceaseless thirst for standards for civility.” You really can’t make this stuff up.

    His habit of editing the comments of those who disagree with him in order to insert his own inane commentary reminds me of someone else discussed here recently. Publicly, I think my general policy on bloggers who resort to that is going to settle somewhere in the vast gray area between “mock them without mercy” and “ignore them.” Privately, I’ll just continue to wonder how they can stand upright with so little spine.

  7. I was trying to decide which would be better as a consequence of this post of Vanderleun’s: eternal damnation, or karmic feedback.

    And then I remembered that men do, in fact, develop breast cancer….

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