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“You Do Not Own This Country.”

Keith Olbermann on what Bush’s talk of “sacrifice” really means.

Crooks & Liars has the transcript.

8 thoughts on “You Do Not Own This Country.”

  1. I read an article in the Boston Herald a few days ago re: pregnant widows of American servicemen can say (in big bold 52 point font):


    and it broke my fucking heart. All those babies who will never know their parents. No, daddy died to feed the ego of a monster.

    I cried.

  2. That was absolutely amazing, astounding and fantastic. Now, if only it would make a difference.

    I think I am in love with Keith Olberman.

  3. Well, personally, I’m somewhat underwhelmed by the depth of Mr. Olbermann’s concern for me. But what do I know. I did especially like the dramatic camera changes so he could give a meaningful turn of his head toward tohe camera for that extra oomph. The look of indignant disgust was a winner for me also.

  4. God. Damn. Now, that is the voice of moral outrage. And deservedly so.

    funny, the times, no? six years ago, who would’ve thought that some of the clearest and strongest voices for justice would’ve been a former sports commentator, and a mock news commentator on Comedy Central? bet they didn’t, either.

    well, Bush won’t listen, and he knows it, and we all know it. but by God, i’m glad he spoke. more of that. much more.

  5. Also, I love that he’s adoped “Good night, and good luck” as a signoff. It’s appropriate for the times.

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