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The Good Body

And here I thought it was sex that made a woman lose “the flower of her body.” How foolish. Everyone knows that it’s during pregnancy when women go from being acceptably fuckable objects to vessels which no longer exist solely for male pleasure (now they exist for promulgation of the male seed, obviously) and are therefore not worthy of fucking. Or something.

Despite Charles Mudede’s bizarre assertion that “if a woman’s pregnancy is far along the way, having sex with her must mean having sex with the baby” (I think someone needs to repeat 7th grade biology), I can’t help but suspect that perhaps his argument hinges on the ever-popular view that women’s bodies exist solely for male use and definition. Charles Mudede doesn’t find pregnant bodies attractive because that body has run its course of usefulness in his life — it’s been “used up,” as he pleasantly phrases it:

The body that had the sex that resulted in the pregnancy is not the same as the body that is in the process of producing a whole new life. The first body was attractive (like a flower is attractive); the pregnant body, on the other hand, is used up by the function of the pregnancy.

Because Charles doesn’t find the pregnant body attractive, the pregnant body is objectively not attractive. Because Charles views women’s bodies as means to an end (first for his sexual pleasure, then for birthing “his” child, and useless thereafter), women’s bodies are a means to an end.

Entitled much?

And any of you who think differently are just fooling yourselves. Plus, you’re having inauthentic sex if you’re fucking while pregnant.

He does have a point about the sheer hideousness of pregnant women, though. What beasts:


Posted in Sex

21 thoughts on The Good Body

  1. Man, imagine the terror of trying to conceive with this worldview. The shame… the retroactive revulsion upon learning that you actually fucked a couple of times post-conception. Why, it’s enough to put a fella off his dinner!

  2. I beg you – please, please, stop giving Mudede the e-attention he clearly desperately seeks, or he will torture the readers of the Stranger with more of this nonsense. Read this post by him, and tell me he’s not just a troll.

  3. I’ve never heard of him before, but I read Amanda’s bit about him (and the article in question) yesterday over at Pandagon. I just figured it was satire or something, because it’s really over the top–the viagra bit was what did it. But my parody radar is obviously misfiring lately, because I also thought the Tennessee ad was not serious.

    If he is serious, then that is just messed up.

  4. To give people obviously seeking attention with their possibly-fabricated minority opinions of one (at least it’s the only time I’ve ever heard that position advanced) exactly what they want? Wasn’t the mucus paragraph a slight give-away?

  5. I’m acutally kind of laughing at myself. I remember in the old days when I thought that you poked a baby if you had sex while pregnant, but isn’t it actually completely healthy and normal to have sex during pregnancy? I thought that the hormones coursing through your body made it feel even better than normal. You have to figure that the baby is pretty much close in a tight seal behind the cervix. They act as if you have sex inside the womb instead of in the vaginal canal.

    I remember watching an episode of Sex and the City where Miranda said that that’s where dimples came from…I still think that’s cute.

  6. This is (kinda) par for the course for The Stranger. From time to time, they get “contrarian” for the sake of showing how independently-minded they are. It’s an exercise in “cool”.

  7. Yeah, I’m torn between ignoring the fool and ripping him to shreds. For those of us men who have loved (and made love) to pregnant women and mothers, this is foolishness beyond belief or defense.

  8. So… if a woman is “used up” after pregnancy, I’m left wondering how any couple has more than one child?

  9. I’m still stuck on the part where having sex with a pregnant woman is like having sex with a baby. I guess it’s trying to bring in the p-word so men who aren’t actually revolted by the used up bodies of pregnant women will instead be horrified by their pedophilia. (Possibly the gay pedophilia, if she’s having a son. Oh no!)

  10. I kind of see his point. I wouldn’t say it to anyone’s face. But pregnancy is really physically traumatic – all the women I know who’ve given birth look pretty tired, aged and worn out from it. Which doesn’t really surprise me given what pregnancy involves. The Demi Moore photo clearly had a crack team of airbrushers working on it. Pregnancy has some pretty nasty physical effects – even if it doesn’t end with someone getting a knife and cutting you open – I can start listing stuff like stretchmarks and piles if you want.

    There are more important things than looks, and you can love people in spite of their looks, but I doubt people would choose for the sort of things associated with pregnancy to happen to them if they didn’t get a baby at the end of it.

  11. Michelle :

    “Pregnancy turned my wife into a used up hag!”
    “A used up hag? Why do you have several children of differing ages?”
    “… … … She got better.”

  12. Does he have an explanation for the phenomenon that is pregnancy porn? Just wondering.

    what I was thinking, but once I saw he’s a transplant from Africa, I’d can see his worldview is a little limited.

  13. To give people obviously seeking attention with their possibly-fabricated minority opinions of one (at least it’s the only time I’ve ever heard that position advanced) exactly what they want? Wasn’t the mucus paragraph a slight give-away?

    Possibly. But I don’t know, I smelled the strong odor of ideological purity about him with a dash of authenticity fetishizing, and it’s always fun to show how those ways of thinking will fail you in the end.

  14. Um. Having engaged in sex right up to the end of my pregnancies, I can only say that this guy has serious issues. I spent a good deal of time when I was pregnant incredibly sexually aroused.
    AND, if you’re trying to get labor started, the way that worked for me was sex–orgasm for me. There are things in male semen that stimulate the cervix to ripen.

  15. Even if he is a troll, this:

    the ever-popular view that women’s bodies exist solely for male use and definition

    …is still something that could stand some discussion.

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