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I’ve pulled a few tampons out of Junebug’s butt, but I ain’t never seen the Lord

Jesus found in dog’s butt.


Go take a look.

Sure beats a grilled cheese sandwich.


23 thoughts on I’ve pulled a few tampons out of Junebug’s butt, but I ain’t never seen the Lord

  1. I take it you didn’t do the flush test before you moved in. I always flush a tampon at a place I hope to move into.

    Weird, but effective. Also prevents me from buying plungers.

  2. Oh, I did, but a couple of years ago I had a plumbing crisis with the toilet coming loose from the wall, and I haven’t flushed since then. Now I have a Diva Cup, so she doesn’t get a chance to eat them anymore.

  3. Tampons, underwear, pads, crayons (we had colored crap in the backyard). THe pads and large items such as underwear usually got lodged on the way out and assistance was required for extraction, as Zuzu experiences with her dog. Sometimes I miss that dog, thinking of times like that, I don’t.

  4. Bitter Scribe, it seems to be an animated GIF, altered such that every few seconds the Jesusness of the image is slightly emphasized by a translucent Jesus overlay.

  5. Sorry, Thalia, my old roommate’s cat used to break into the bathroom garbage all the time, and while she couldn’t ingest the whole tampon, that just meant her leaving shredded pieces of bloody tampon all over the house.

    I’m a cat person, too, but our little friends can sin with the best of ’em.

  6. The packaging of the Tampax Pearl sucks. In an effort to make it so we can open them silently so no other women in the restroom will know that we are going through a process that almost every woman goes through monthly, they have made a REALLY easy to open package. My cat knocked over a box of them and unwrapped every one.

  7. Frumious,

    If there’s any sort of food in my garbage can towards the top, my dog will get it out despite a lid and a full gallon of water weighing it down.

  8. ever since the shit/tampon fiasco at my last abode[1], i will never flush again (unless i’m at work, i’m just trying to dam the man, then).

    [1] i kid you not, about 10 years of tampons and poo exploded all over the side yard. such trama.

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