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Video on South Dakota Abortion Ban

A must-watch video, featuring the famous Bill Napoli quote in which he explains which women are pure enough to be allowed abortion. In case there was any doubt, I do not qualify.

via Feministing.

21 thoughts on Video on South Dakota Abortion Ban

  1. What ever happened to the Souix chief who said she’d put a clinic on the reservation? What’s she doing now? Does anyone know?

    I think someone should tie up, beat and humilate Bill Napoli and as the final conclusion have an impromptu tribunal to determine his purity in mind and body. I’m sure he’d flunk, having had all those impure thoughts about tied up , ravaged and sodomized young virgin girls.

    Equal justice for forcing women to endure unwanted invasion by fetus I think would be a sentence of some unwanted invasion of his inner recesses — garbage in, garbage out. Then throw him in the river and see if he floats or sinks.

  2. What ever happened to the Souix chief who said she’d put a clinic on the reservation? What’s she doing now? Does anyone know?

    I think someone should tie up, beat and humilate Bill Napoli and as the final conclusion have an impromptu tribunal to determine his purity in mind and body. I’m sure he’d flunk, having had all those impure thoughts about tied up , ravaged and sodomized young virgin girls.

    Equal justice for forcing women to endure unwanted invasion by fetus I think would be a sentence of some unwanted invasion of his inner recesses — garbage in, garbage out. Then throw him in the river and see if he floats or sinks.

    Yes, I know that sounds sick, but there’s an elected official demanding nearly the same of women he supposedly serves as said elected official.

  3. Napoli should take his “traditional values” and shove them right back up his ass.

    But what bothered me way more than Napoli is the Democrat who talked about being in the middle on the issue. Somebody should smack him and then explain in short, simple words that banning abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and the mother’s health is not middle ground.

  4. Well, PP said thanks, but people can’t just go saying they’ll put up a Planned Parenthood clinic anywhere they want to, although they did offer her a lot of moral support for her stance. I believe she lost the next election, though, due to some other issues she was being criticized for.

  5. I’ve read that little bit of speach before, the bit about the brutalised rape of a religious virgin? But seeing the words coming out of his mouth…wow. He really enjoyed the idea of that brutalised virgin, really, really enjoyed it. He’s a sick man.

  6. Bill Napoli. Wow. What a sick individual. I love all the qualifiers for someone who “deserves” the option to have an abortion: it’s obviously part of some sick fantasy of his to have a girl in this condition come to him. I feel ill.

    As to advocating shotgun weddings… is this another case of “well, if we let them choose, no one will ever marry *me*” – itis?

  7. What ever happened to the Souix chief who said she’d put a clinic on the reservation? What’s she doing now? Does anyone know?

    From my understanding, she was removed from her office and the tribal council voted to ban abortions, not just on the reservation, but for all women of the tribe.

    Which totally blows.

  8. If I were a highly religious virgin living in South Dakota and had just been brutally raped and brutally, brutally sodomized, the last thing I would do would be to report it. I’d probably just fucking off myself.

    Why was the sodomy part so important to Napoli? He stressed that more than the rape.

  9. Because that’s the only thing he can sympathize with, as a guy. Everything else, well, it’s just an extension of what women are supposed to accept.

  10. I just break down in tears when I hear that asshole Napoli desribe his scenario under which an abortion would be acceptable. He’s obviously spent a lot of time fantasizing about these sorts of things.

  11. *delurks*
    The comment about the community being involved in the forced marriage was slightly chilling. Is it me, or does it seem that Bill Napoli envisions a future where shotgun marriages are state-mandated? Does Napoli believe in a future where a person is forced to spend the rest of her life tethered to her attacker (in the rape scenario)?

    Going slightly off-topic, why are people obsessed with perceiving abortions as convienent, or an option used virtually exclusively by women who refuse to use birth control. The scientist in me begs to see the stats. And it’s not just hardcore pro-life supporters. I’ve heard self-proclaimed feminists state they are against abortions and even Plan B, because of the alleged ‘women using abortions as birth control’. Um, sure, the idea of undergoing a surgical proceedure sounds like a trip to disney world; doing it several times a year must be like winning the lottery every day.

  12. I hope the next time this Napoli is up for re-election, his opponent distributes flyers with that “raped and sodomized virgin” nonsense in huge red type.

    A state senator here in Illinois, some years ago, remarked to a woman questioning him about his opposition to abortion, “If you keep your legs crossed, you won’t have that problem.”

    Come the next election, his opponent put out flyers with those words in a speech balloon coming out of his fat, obnoxious face. He lost. One commentator had a good line afterwards: “Poor Ralph. He should have kept his lips crossed.”

    The “pro-lifers” screamed about dirty campaigning. Yeah, right. How unfair, to accurately quote someone.

  13. No, ginmar. I think he emphasized the sodomy part because it’s what is unable to result in pregnancy. To show he has a heart for those womens, he’ll allow abortion for women who are anally raped. That way, if she’s actually pregnant she doesn’t qualify for abortion.

  14. > He’s obviously spent a lot of time fantasizing about these sorts of things.


    Which i think pretty much answers the “why sodomy” bit; sawbuck says he spends more time raving about those filthy, filthy hommasexshuls and everything they do (in great detail) than even this. and no, there is not the tiniest strand of drool on his chin; that is RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION.

  15. Yes, Napoli’s requirements that the girl be brutally raped and sodomized are sick, but to me, the more outrageous part are his requirements that she be (1) a girl (not a woman), (2) a virgin, and (3) very religious. So, he has no sympathy for a non-virgin, non-religious woman (or even not very religious) who is brutally raped and sodomized in exactly the same way. According to him, such a woman wouldn’t be sufficiently traumatized. That’s even more sick.

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