In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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15 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This is mostly just silliness, but I did an Uptown Funk parody with Disney Guys:

    Li Shang and Prince Phillip are so hot, they make Mushu and Maleficent wanna retire, man!

    It at least has some feminist commentary in that I re-cut it to try to make Aurora and Mulan a lot more interested in the guys and proactively checking them out than the women were in the original song. It’s still a male-centered song (obvs!), but I think there’s a lot of difference between being a supporting character and being objectified.

    Some more on the making-of is here.

  2. I wrote about the forgotten women of #BlackLivesMatter, inspired by a great piece by Tasha Fierce.

    I also wrote about watching a young black man get arrested on the train, and how it’s even more disturbing in the context of the Ferguson report and SFPD’s racist and homophobic text messages.

    I posted a video and some information about NARAL Pro-Choice CA’s undercover investigation of anti-choice pregnancy centers that lie to and manipulate women to keep them from choosing abortion.

  3. You might have heard about SB 1318, which is Arizona’s 28th attack on abortion rights since 2009. My “favorite” feature of this bill is that it requires abortion providers to inform their patients that medication abortion can be “reversed,” which is not based in any medical evidence. Unfortunately, the bill passed the Senate after we published this great article about it — that doesn’t mean that you still can’t call the governor and ask him to veto it if you live in Arizona (602-542-4331).

    Also, a rundown on your options for HIV testing (more varied than many might think).

  4. This week I wrote three blog posts I’m proud of.
    One’s on self-love and the struggle of raising a child (my niece) to love herself, too: I call self-loving a feminist act.

    Another one is one the hypocritical expectations of women and how patriarchy has devalued women’s private parts in an attempt to elevate men, masculinity, manhood, and men’s private parts:

    And the last piece I wrote looks at the misogyny of the recent mob attack and murder of the Afghan woman, Farkhanda:

  5. I recently put together some listicles on whether or not men can be feminists – it’s a topic I plan on writing on soon.

    I traveled to the US this month, prompting me to write a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to have the most feminist flight ever.

    I also wrote a little bit about my experience with an eating disorder. I’ve never publicly written about this before so I was kind of terrified to publish it!

    Finally, I changed the layout of my blog to one that I think is a little more professional than the old one. Feedback welcome!

  6. Please check out the This Is What We Look Like Campaign promoting the presence, awareness, and progress of women in traditionally male dominated fields by filling the web with images of women doing what is usually considered men’s work:
    Please join, and spread the word.
    Let’s change the way we think about women and work!

  7. Hi
    This is Nathan Rhodes author of the book “Murder Seen through the Eyes of a Child” I was wondering whether you would like to run a free excerpt of my book in your (newsletter/magazine/blog/website). I would be very happy to send you the excerpt.

    The book features life in the coal fields of Eastern Kentucky. It highlights a family’s fight to protect their land from destructive mining practices.

    My book appears on, so if you are an Amazon Affiliate, you can use your Amazon affiliate link in or under the excerpt if you prefer.
    If you have any questions I am right here.
    Have a great day!


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