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Be afraid, be very afraid. No, really, BE AFRAID!

The Chimperor is out to remind us all that WE’RE AT WAR!!!!

President Bush used terrorists’ own words Tuesday to battle complacency among Americans about the threat of future attack, defending his record as the fall campaign season kicks into high gear.

Pity you got rid of the color-coded TERRA ALERT! charts that proved so helpful in the last election cycle. Not that those were used politically, oh, no.

Bush said that despite the absence of a successor on U.S. soil to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the terrorist danger remains potent.

Like Atrios, I’m left wondering when the anthrax attacks got turned into something other than terrorism. On U.S. soil, no less. Maybe when they started realizing they didn’t know who the hell had done it and they weren’t going to devote the resources to finding out.

Much easier to pump up the threat by making sure that everyone knows that these are Evil! Men! we’re dealing with here, who are Evil! in Historic! Ways! and Ten! Feet! Tall!

“Bin laden and his terrorist’s allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them,” the president said before the Military Officers Association of America and diplomatic representatives other countries that have suffered terrorist attacks. “The question is `Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say?'”

I think he’s a little more worried about whether the country and the world will pay attention any more to what a different evil man says, now that he’s cried wolf so many times.

His speech came after the White House released a strategy paper proclaiming the nation has made progress in the war on terror but that al-Qaida has adjusted to U.S. defenses and “we are not yet safe.”…

In its updated counterterrorism strategy, the White House said that “the enemy we face today in the war on terror is not the same enemy we faced on Sept. 11. Our effective counterterrorist efforts in part have forced the terrorists to evolve and modify their ways of doing business.”

No, George, I think the reason the enemy we’re facing today is not the same one we faced on Sept. 11 is that IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.

And you know what else? Most people in this country have now cottoned onto that fact and are wondering just what the fuck we’re doing over there. And you can stomp your little feetsies that nobody’s paying attention to the bogeyman under the bed, and you can send Condi Rice to tell Essence magazine that people who oppose the war are Just Like People Who Wanted To Keep Slavery, and you can burble about Hitler and Chamberlain and Stalin, but it’s not going to change the fact that you’re a sad, desperate, pathetic little man who’s been allowed to lead this country into hellfire and damnation for far too long by playing into people’s fears about being attacked again. And it’s not going to change the fact that nobody believes a goddamn thing you say anymore.

Posted in War

10 thoughts on Be afraid, be very afraid. No, really, BE AFRAID!

  1. What, you prefer President Select? Or Commander in Thief?

    Zuzu really hates Bush. I didn’t think that anybody who read her posts was confused about that.

  2. By all means, Shankar, let’s make it about the liberals and the Bush-haters. Let’s not engage the substance one whit.

  3. Regarding Bush, it appears impossible to engage on the substance. You’ve already said you will not believe anything he says. Many of the points I would make are things he has said. Therefore, you will not believe them. If I cite sources for my beliefs, they will be dismissed as right-wing propaganda.

    In short, there is nothing I can possibly write to dissuade you in any of the beliefs you have stated above, or even to get you to modify them in even trivial ways. So let’s not pretend this is about engagement. Much in the same way that D.U. is preaching to the choir–even to the extent of banning people who disagree from the boards–this post is not in any way effective at engaging people who might not disbelieve every word out of Bush’s mouth. Hence, my comment.

    So, yes, it is all about the Bush-haters. But I didn’t make it that way.


    What, you prefer President Select? Or Commander in Thief?

    I don’t know, they all seem a bit too easy to me. In general, I prefer wordier insults–I got a kick out of Christopher Hitchens referring to Assad Bashar as “the slobbering dauphin.” Each to his own, I guess.

  4. If you’re not going to engage, then you’re just trolling. So kindly stop commenting on this post and allow others who are willing to engage do so.

  5. Terror alerts are so last year. We now have the OBL alert system. As I commented elsewhere, OBL went from grave threat but not hitleresque, to who the fuck cares, to (present day) a despot equal to Hitler. Seeing as how OBL’s threat level is almost precisely timed to the election cycle I dub it the OBL alert systerm.

    Personally, I like to think of Bush as King George I, Lord Fuckwit of Crawford, Protector of Marriage , Commander in Codpiece, the Great Decider and Bush Thrasher. (Also known as King George the Mis-spoker )

  6. I don’t know, they all seem a bit too easy to me. In general, I prefer wordier insults–I got a kick out of Christopher Hitchens referring to Assad Bashar as “the slobbering dauphin.” Each to his own, I guess.

    So, you wouldn’t have a problem if zuzu’s insult was more elitist and whiskey-fueled?

    Ok, from now on, how about instead of ‘Chimperor’ we refer to Dubya as ‘Troglodyte-in-Chief’?

    Now who’s up for a snort of Bushmills?

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