In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the latest signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe)), Content Notes are not needed if your post title is already descriptive of problematic content.
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

12 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Two difficult posts
    Lamia Beard a 30 year old trans woman of color was murdered in Norfolk a week ago. She was misgendered by police & media and in her final arrangements. Her family has worked with GLAAD and others to address those final wrongs and is seeking support for her final expenses.
    – the same night, a 20 year old queer woman of color was murdered by her intimate partner (also a queer woman of color.) Candra Keels worked for a local school district. She died soon after the encounter. She is survived by her young daughter, her mother and her sisters.

    And another
    – 51 year old Madeleine Hershey died last week from cancer. She was associated with one of the monologues of the Vagina Monologues and her obituary contains the word cunt so it was self-published. I offered to publish it for her family.

    And an anniversary
    – My friend and lesbian activist Cathy Cairns died one year ago from cancer at the age of 64. She has no surviving family. We established “Cathy’s Closet” in her honor – a pantry of personal care items, clothing, blankets and more.

    On a brighter note, PA’s new Governor Tom Wolfe has appointed Dr. Rachel Levine, an openly trans woman, as his personal physician.

    1. As always, I love reading your blog. It always reminds me of how very much trans men (not only you, but other trans guys I’ve known) and trans women (at least me!) seem to have in common — something I find much more important than the differences among us.

  2. Thursday was the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Most of us here believe in the right to safe, legal abortion because we believe that people carrying pregnancies have the right to self-determination and autonomy over their own bodies. Did you know that the majority opinion in Roe framed abortion as a right-to-privacy issue rather than as a women’s rights issue? Even some of the staunchest supporters of reproductive rights, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, have criticized Roe for this reason and others.

    Also, a bunch more links, if you’re looking for more, in our first headline roundup of 2015.

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