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17 thoughts on Midweek Time Suck

  1. Played as a farmer. Unfortunately, my dad drowned when my caulked wagon sunk in the Green River. But on the bright side, everyone else survived in fair health, and i got 5049 points.

    I don’t remember hunting being that frustrating when i played in elementary school, though.

  2. I’d be upset about it not working in Firefox if I didn’t have copies for an Atari emulator.

    Wait… there’s Apple-exclusive games on there, noooooo! 🙁

  3. Sarah: it’s based off kegs, which is a standalone program you should be able to use one way or another. (Check the “other emulators and ports” section for somewhat more user-friendly versions.)

  4. Did anyone ever play the updated versions? My sister had one once, and it was unreal. You could choose what month to leave (too late and you all froze to death), there were a load of different jobs you had (which impacted money and skills — if you were a carpenter you could often fix the stupid wagon wheels and axles that broke, if you were a doctor you could heal people) — all sorts of amazingly specific details. It felt wrong.

  5. It won’t work for me. Hmph. That’s sad.

    I think it’s implemented as an ActiveX control, so you’ll need to use Internet Explorer (and, depending on your security configuration, maybe set the domain as trusted so it won’t block ActiveX).

  6. I managed to find an anniversary edition like Wolfa mentioned at MediaPlay a few years back. Of course, now I was only in it for the hunting. Damn squirrels.

  7. My favorite time playing this was when I named the family after the Addams family and the wagon burst into flames.

  8. If everyone in my party died, who carved the epitaph (which was, incidentally: “Ginevra. Oh, shit”)?

  9. A wagon fire destroyed 600 lbs of food, so we all slowly starved and died of cholera/measles/broken bones.

    I never played this in elementary school, I feel cheated 😛

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