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You Just Know It’s Bad When a Nun Takes Planned Parenthood’s Side

Ah, Dawn Eden. Such a special strain of hypocritical religious nutbag you are.

What’s got Dawn in a lather this time?

Seems that an anti-abortion group in Long Island got its abstinence-only education program defunded after the group’s executive director falsely claimed that Planned Parenthood was promoting bestiality:

In a setback for his program to bring together advocates and foes of abortion rights, Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi has rescinded his offer of a county contract to a group whose leader accused another participant of promoting bestiality.

Lorraine Gariboldi, executive director of the Life Center of Long Island in Massapequa, made the comments about Planned Parenthood to Newsday at the county offices in Garden City in February, immediately following a news conference where Suozzi announced grants for eight groups in an effort to cut down on abortions.

Charming, huh? Just a little background on Suozzi: he’s (futilely) challenging Eliot Spitzer in the Dem primary for the governorship of New York. He’s the first Democrat to hold the Nassau County Executive position in a very long time (Al D’Amato held the job), but that maybe has less to do with any serious shift in politics in Nassau County (the LI county closer to NYC) than with corruption scandals involving the Republicans who’d been in charge for years. Still, Republicans in New York tend to be socially liberal.

Here’s more about what happened:

Gariboldi’s organization, which won a $90,000 grant for abstinence-based education, also runs “crisis pregnancy” centers where women are counseled against abortions. Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, which won $95,000 for sex education, counsels women on abortions and performs them.

“Working with Planned Parenthood did not change my opinion of the work that I do,” Gariboldi said on Feb. 7. “Meeting their peer educators and hearing what they had to say confirmed to me that I’m in the right business.”

“They’re teaching young people to teach other young people how to be sexually active using deviant methods, in my opinion, of sexual behavior to avoid pregnancy,” Gariboldi continued. “You can call it outercourse instead of intercourse, and bestiality in some cases, masturbation — those kinds of behaviors they’re promoting as good and healthy.”

In March, Gariboldi also wrote to county lawmakers — and copied her letter to Suozzi — urging them not to fund Planned Parenthood because it performs abortions.

After her remarks were printed in part on July 17, the steering committee for Suozzi’s program, which he calls “Common Sense for the Common Good,” advised withdrawing the Life Center’s contract from the county legislature, where the initiative is stalled. Arda Nazerian, a Suozzi aide, said the group broke a compact to respect others’ views.

JoAnn Smith, Planned Parenthood of Nassau County’s executive director, said the county had made “a wise decision.”

“There is no common ground with any organization or individual who makes outrageous statements as Gariboldi did,” Smith said. She said Planned Parenthood was exploring a lawsuit for slander.

And here’s where the nun comes in:

Sister Mairead Barrett, a nun on Suozzi’s steering committee, said she was in working groups with Gariboldi and heard no discussion of deviance.

“I was quite surprised actually to hear what this woman said and to read it because we were all in the room together,” she said. “To me it shows a lack of openness and lack of insight.”

Like I said, you know it’s bad when a nun defends Planned Parenthood. Must be a Vatican II kind of gal, like my aunt, Sister Mary Louise. Who refused to call the new Pope anything but “Cardinal Ratzinger” when I saw her last, at my nephew’s First Communion, shortly after his installation.

Dawn, incidentally, is calling on her readers to write to Sister Mairead’s order to complain about this comment. I encourage you to go to the link below (it’s at the end of Dawn’s post) to write letters in support of Sister Mairead’s commitment to integrity and open-mindedness.

So, let’s go to Dawn’s site and find out what Gariboldi’s dog whistle was (geez, I feel dirty mentioning dogs and someone who’s obsessed with bestiality in the same sentence — makes me want to start looking for canine chastity belts for Junebug):

The evidence for Planned Parenthood’s promotion of bestiality is not as substantial as it is for Gariboldi’s other accusations. But it is there, and any association with bestiality should disqualify Planned Parenthood from teaching children about sex.

First, as I noted in October 2004, there are two cartoons on Planned Parenthood’s sex-ed Web site, Teenwire, in which humans get a bit too attached to animals. One of them, “Jim Dandy and His Very Gay Day,” even shows, or at least jokingly pretends to show, human-animal relations as a viable sexual option.

As with so many things Dawn says, once you check it out, it’s complete bullshit. I watched the cartoon. It goes through various sexual orientations — hetero, homo, bi and questioning — and while it does use an image of a pig and a plush elephant to illustrate “questioning” (and it’s not terribly clear why they’d do that, if not for an in joke about plushies), there’s no narration to suggest that bestiality is a valid sexual choice.

The other cartoon that has her in a lather is apparently promoting bestiality because there are people having sex in the presence of a cow! Let’s just ignore the fact that the thing is set at a farm, and that the cow provides a handy fig leaf for the copulating couple as the narrator talks about how the STIs that nature provides can invade this couple because they’re having sex without a condom.

I mean, am I engaging in bestiality if my dog is sniffing at the door, or if my cat watches? Cripes.

Dawn also freaks about the inclusion on PP’s website of a book on bestiality:

More telling is the February 2003 “Educator’s Update” on the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Web site. Included on the resource list of books that the organization recommends to educators — “for informational use only” — is Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, by Midas Dekkers:

Dawn once again betrays an inability to comprehend the difference between reference and endorsement. But what else is new?

Via Amanda, whose entire post on the dog-whistle meaning of Ann Coulter’s recent seemingly bizarre comments that Bill Clinton’s womanizing actually means he’s gay is worth a read.


Oh, and just a tip: avoid the word “bestiality” in comments; it trips the spam filter. Try “sex with animals” or “the B word.”

I can’t believe I just had to say that.

24 thoughts on You Just Know It’s Bad When a Nun Takes Planned Parenthood’s Side

  1. And really, if you look at the couple with the cow they can’t even be having sex with each other unless the gentleman is long indeed. They’re about a yard away from each other.
    I pointed this out several times in Dawn’s comments, but the part she snipped with her eensy-weensy scissors o’ doom was the part where I said that copulating next to a cow no more implies ten-letter-word-starting-with-b than copulating next to a cat does, and that as a cat owner I had done that several times. Yes, she allowed a perfectly gratuitous male-endowment joke to stand and removed the reference to something that even her church doesn’t condemn. Go frickin’ figure.

  2. You mean the church doesn’t actually condemn B-ality?

    This reminds me of a professor’s well-spread remarks on Beloved: “The men were fucking the cows! They were fucking the cows instead of Sethe!” I suppose you need a delicate English accent to really make it work.

    Why a pig and elephant, though? Why not just have the dude shrug and look confused? But then, it’s a really crappily made flash animation. Why get worked up over it?

  3. Still, Republicans in New York tend to be socially liberal.
    Yeah, or in Bloomberg’s case, “actually Democrats.” Isn’t Giuliani pro-choice AND pro-gay rights? (he was right before I started being politically aware at all–I’m 18 and Election 2000 is the first political event I remember being at all aware of the issues in, and even then not much because I was in seventh grade–so please do correct me if I’m wrong).

  4. Dawn Eden is a self-righteous nutjob. She told me I couldn’t possibly be “in love” with my boyfriend, because I haven’t got a ring on my finger. She’s in love with herself and horribly insecure at the same time, which is why she has to go out there and attack others and their choices. She’s not comfortable with her own. It’s so bleeding obvious and insulting.

  5. She’s in love with herself and horribly insecure at the same time, which is why she has to go out there and attack others and their choices. She’s not comfortable with her own. It’s so bleeding obvious and insulting.

    No use pointing it out to her, though…she just bans people who say things she doesn’t want to hear.

    Dawn, you lurker, you know it’s true.

  6. yay for sensible nuns. Our nun here at Small Midwestern Private College, where my partner and I both went, has been known to (politely) slap down our campus anti-abortion group. Case in point, at the annual campus activities fair, the loony president of said group started waving pamphlets and fetus dolls at Sister Marilyn, to which she responded, “No thanks, honey. I’ve read all of that crap already.” You could tell the girl, an Opus Dei-type Catholic, was thinking, well, then you’re going to hell.

    Then again, on the weekends the Sister does wear pants. And her old sorority sweatshirt. Silly nun, doesn’t she know that a sheltered Iowa girl knows more about her religion than she does?

  7. philosophizer, which college did you go to? I went to a small midwestern private college run by franciscans and had some amazing nuns there.

  8. So copulating in the vicinity of a cow is bestiality? Methinks Dawn has spent too much time in the city, too little time having some homespun haystack fucking.

    Why does Dawn hate us red staters? What has she got against rural people?

  9. I mean, am I engaging in bestiality if my dog is sniffing at the door, or if my cat watches? Cripes.

    Yes, you sicko.

  10. No use pointing it out to her, though…she just bans people who say things she doesn’t want to hear.

    Yup. She prunes her consciousness like a bonsai tree.

  11. OH BOY. I’ve definitely banged my exlover while his cats attempted and sometimes successfully invaded the bedroom, and even jumped ontop of us. I guess I’m one dirty deviant, huh?

    Sex ed animations have all sorts of weird things in them. Even those ‘period tapes’ they show you in middle school have stupid animation that has nothing to do with your period. Lord.

  12. kactus, I went to a Lutheran school (hint: home of the ELCA) that happens to have a Catholic student majority. So we had a Protestant pastor and a Catholic nun who handled our campus Christianity needs.

  13. Should we point out to Dawn that the nun was merely supporting the truth and not Planned Parenthood, abortion, or “B”? The nun “said she was in working groups with Gariboldi and heard no discussion of deviance.” To the nun, Gariboldi was lying. I seem to recall that being one of “the big ten”.

    I know there are a lot of people in Dawn’s world who would gladly lie, steal, and even kill “for God’s sake”, but it’s nice to see some old-school Christians who still think that the truth counts.

  14. LOL

    My puppy is very blithe about sex in the small apartment. She just assumes we’re playing without her and wanders off with her toys. Guess I’m a sicko as well.

  15. Aw, man…I went to a Catholic all girl high school and those nuns were the best. Those were some of the most feminist women I’ve ever met, fierce about social justice and putting their money where their mouths were, illegally sheltering young girls who were smuggled out of El Salvador to avoid the mid-80s death squads. They were absolutely offended at the very idea that women might be inferior to men in intellect and potential, and we had one of the finest math and science programs imaginable. Hell, in 1988, they required computer programming in PASCAL for graduation. So I’m not surprised a nun would be all ‘um, no, and furthermore wtf’. Sister Mary Jean would not be with the having such illogic.

  16. Oh, man. Those fetuses look like they’re made of chocolate.

    I just had an evil idea. Fetus bon-bons!

  17. Mmmm, fetus. The perfect snack for those menstrually induced cravings!

    (Ailei – are you the same one that used to write S/R fic? Small internets!)

  18. Why does Dawn hate us red staters?

    Because you’re real people with a variety of opinions and not the loyal minion-clones she expects Red Staters to be? Actually, I’ve never met an upper echelon Republican who didn’t have contempt for the voters. (Admittedly, my sample is limited, but it does include Dallas area congressman Dick Armey.)

    Make mine a dark-chocolate fetus with hazelnut filling. Mmmm!

    Y’all are sick, sick, sick people. Put me down for a box if you decide to go commercial with the idea.

  19. Mmmm, fetus. The perfect snack for those menstrually induced cravings!

    Mmmmm… lipids.

  20. Dallas area congressman Dick Armey

    Vagina Coastguard! I wondered where he was from.

    (we also refer to conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer with names like Vinne Dagoscrewdriver – see, it’s an ethnic slur and a hand tool! how does he not know this?)

    hey, we should make fetus-shaped chocolate-covered cherries – then you get the proper red goo involved.

  21. Our cat sometimes gets annoyed when we have sex. He sits on the bed and stares at us, and then reaches out and pokes one of us with one claw. It can be startling when one has not noticed him there.

  22. My cat doesn’t really care about people except for me – this being the cat that, if I roll over, will get up and walk around me so he’s next to my face – so he’ll get up on the bed and curl up to whatever part of me is accessible. Even if it’s moving quite a bit. I’m not sure he realizes my husband exists except as a giant invisible force that sometimes causes him to fall off the bed.

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