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Ken Lay: Martyr, Lynching Victim, Christ-like.

I won’t speak ill of the dead here, but I will say that it’s sickening that at Ken Lay’s funeral service, he was compared to Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, James Byrd and Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Bill Lawson, pastor of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, likened Lay to James Byrd, an African-American man who was dragged to death in a racially motivated murder near Jasper eight years ago.

“Ken Lay was neither black nor poor as James Byrd was,” Lawson said. “But I’m angry because he was the victim of a lynching.” Lawson, who also spoke at Lay’s Colorado memorial service, likened the businessman to President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Jesus — all of whom, the minister said, were wrongly victimized.

Disgusting. “Wrongly victimized” doesn’t exactly translate into “dragged behind a truck until you were decapitated” or “nailed to a cross and dying because all of your internal organs collapsed into each other.”

As the Rude Pundit says, sure, Lay was the victim of a lynching:

Except, you know, without the ripping off of skin and limbs in an agonizingly painful act, and with luxury houses in Aspen. Oh, and apparently, Lay was crucified. Except, you know, without the whole nails going through his body aspect and with beluga caviar.

via Pandagon. It’s beyond offensive. These people should be ashamed.

14 thoughts on Ken Lay: Martyr, Lynching Victim, Christ-like.

  1. and Jesus — all of whom, the minister said, were wrongly victimized.

    Ok, certainly wrongly victimized. But, if push came to shove, do you think Rev. Bill Fuckhead would call say it was a bad thing? Cause, seriously, Jesus was born so that he could die for our sins. It fucking kills me when Christians whine about how Jesus was so hard done by because of the crucifixion. THAT WAS GOD’S INTENTION FOR HIM, wasn’t it? Why are they so broken up because somebody accepted and followed God’s plan for them? Shouldn’t they want more people doing that?

    (Here’s a hint: God’s plan isn’t for you to defraud the shareholders of your company or start a crusade against Gay marriage. It isn’t. Don’t try to tell me it is.)

  2. Jesus wasn’t wrongly victimized. He fulfilled prophecy, knew what he was doing the entire time, and knew exactly where He would end up. He tells the Disciples again and again that He will be leaving them soon, exactly what will happen to the Son of Man, that one of them will betray Him, and on and on. Right on KnifeGhost.

  3. Uh-oh. Has it been three days yet?

    Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure they were planning to decapitate him and bury him at a crossroads with a stake through his heart and ropes of garlic around his neck and ankles.

  4. You know what really puts the icing on the cake?

    Lawson is a black pastor.

    Not to mention, there was an attack on the Voting Rights Act by Southern Republicans who tried to attach amendments that would have gutted the thing.

  5. I’m pretty sure they were planning to decapitate him and bury him at a crossroads with a stake through his heart and ropes of garlic around his neck and ankles.

    Y’know, I’ve never figure out how they get the garlic to stay around the neck after decapitation.

  6. Y’know, I’ve never figure out how they get the garlic to stay around the neck after decapitation.

    Nails, if they’re that attached to the Christ-figure metaphor.

  7. I’m real HOT. Because not only is Dr. Lawson a black pastor, he is pastor emeritus of one of the most influential black churches in Houston and I have attended there from time to time.

    He does a lot in the black community here in Houston but he needs his ass beaten for those remarks. There are STILL a lot of damaged folks who are trying to piece their lives back together down herebecause of Enron. Key Lay’s family is still going to be sitting pretty because you know they haven’t run thru all that money. It’s over in Switzerland somewhere.

  8. Jesus wasn’t wrongly victimized. He fulfilled prophecy, knew what he was doing the entire time, and knew exactly where He would end up. He tells the Disciples again and again that He will be leaving them soon, exactly what will happen to the Son of Man, that one of them will betray Him, and on and on. Right on KnifeGhost.

    I wonder if people realize how ridiculous this looks.

    Anyway, Lay was basically just a way for the feds to save face over the whole corporate evil thing. Still a scumbag, but he’s pretty insignificant overall.

  9. Ron, dammit….that’s the funniest thing i’ve heard in a while. Jokes without Jesus Zombie humor are going to seem like watching everything in black and while. I hold you responsible for any resulting ennui. 🙂

    And yeah, that is flat out sick. And yeah, i thought that Baptists didn’t usually trivialize the death of our Lord and Savior. Kind of one of the reasons i joined up.

  10. It’s kind of hard to stop at just one or two parts, but the sum of the thing is so ludicrous and obscene in its dimensions that it blinds one.

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