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I can remember when a building would blow up and nobody asked if it was terrorism. Now get offa my lawn.

The MTA never tells you anything, so I was left to stew on the platform at Union Square, wondering why in the fuck the trains were so slow during rush hour. Turns out a building on E. 62nd blew up this morning.

But here’s the part where I say to Al Qaeda, “Fuck you, you fucking fucks.” They’ve ruined building collapses. Ruined them! It used to be that the first thing that leapt to mind was a gas leak if a building blew up, or insurance fraud; if the building collapsed, you usually thought there must have been some kind of construction debacle. Buildings blow up now and then, and fall down on occasion. In a more innocent time, we wouldn’t have to get a quote like this in a local story about a building explosion:

White House press secretary Tony Snow said there is no suspicion of terrorism in the explosion.

I’ll say it again: Fuck you, you fucking fucks.

UPDATE: One more thing we never had to worry about before, either: suspiciously-timed and not-very-credible reports of plots to blow up tunnels, or take down the Brooklyn Bridge with blowtorches.

Posted in Uncategorized

13 thoughts on I can remember when a building would blow up and nobody asked if it was terrorism. Now get offa my lawn.

  1. The problem that led to you being delayed at Union Square wasn’t the building explosion at 62nd St. A man was killed on the tracks at Astor Place and that created the problems on the downtown Lexington Avenue lines. They had to stop power for a time while the coroner viewed the scene and got the body.

    And the unfolding building story becomes stranger by the hour — it appears that the man who owns the building was trying to blow it up himself, possibly as a suicide attempt. (He’s involved in a very messy divorce and the building was part of the mess.)

  2. Agreed that the tunnel plot exposure is suspiciously timed. I think we’re going to see a lot more of these plots uncovered as election day gets closer.

  3. Let me join you… Tony Snow, Bush, et al…Go fuck yourself!

    We will not cower to your oily dream!
    We will not bend to your godless might!
    We will only mightily rise up and sing!

  4. The problem that led to you being delayed at Union Square wasn’t the building explosion at 62nd St. A man was killed on the tracks at Astor Place and that created the problems on the downtown Lexington Avenue lines. They had to stop power for a time while the coroner viewed the scene and got the body.

    Great. Power saws, dead guys on the tracks and suicide by explosion. I wouldn’t mind so much if it didn’t make me late for work.

  5. Zuzu, that reminds me of a NYT Mag cover in August or September or 2003: “Blackouts, Fiscal Crisis, Downtown Rock … The 70’s Are Back!”

    Also, subway graffiti (Now with Etching Acid!). All we need now is a serial killer and a series of insurance arsons in poor neighborhoods.

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