In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


Why is it that posts about blow jobs, religion and Wal-Mart are the ones that generate over 100 posts?

17 thoughts on So…

  1. I feel like I usually end up posting on threads to disagree with piny, which is lame, because I really enjoy reading piny. Unfortunately, I’m only compelled to post when I find something to disagree with, rather than “yeah, you rock!” And that means either (a) posts with trolls or (b) posts with premises I disagree with.

    I promise I’m not a troll. Or, at least, I’m not trying to be.

    — ACS

  2. What is the IP range for that company that pays corporate shills to hit blogs? Is it in your logs?

  3. Familiarity. Religion, Wal-Mart, Blowjobs – everybody thinks they knows those things. Perhaps very well. Perhaps in combination, as noted above.

    Other posts might demand that the commenter offer knowledge, facts, research – but those three things – anecdotal experience can take the cake.

    always low prices – always?

  4. What Mikey says. We feel we have enough expertise to answer these, whereas if we’re talking the deconstruction of feminist theory, many people feel their expertise is not up to snuff.

    But go ahead, ask me about blow jobs. Talk about expertise!

  5. If the whole world was a Wal-Mart we could all wear smiley badges and live happily ever after. Right?

  6. There’s this company that pays me to invade threads that talk about blowjobs and…

    well I can’t really tell you the rest – proprietary information and all.

  7. Blowjobs, religion, Wal-Mart. That just about sums up my entire existence.

    More like: law books, pro-choice dialog, and good food.

  8. Oh come on you had to ask this one?
    OK answer. Blow jobs are defining sexual pratices. Everyone has a strong opinion on this.

    Walmart is actually Marxism pro or con. Not all supporters of feminism are marxists or socialists. In fact I think the left is using feminism like Lenin used his ” Usefull Idiots. ” By the way look up Lenin he really did have that definition of do gooders supporting him. He stroked them and supported them and then shot them in the head like a rat when he was done with them.

    As far as religion well that is beyond all logic, because it is based on faith (believer) or anti faith (atheist) or don’t care (agnostic) but not one shred of provable fact. So it cannot be argued on the basis of logic.

  9. Sex, religion, and politics? The three things you’re not supposed to discuss at family reunions?

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