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Open Thread with Hoof Bump

Two horses giving each other affirmation feature for this week’s Open Thread. Please natter/chatter/vent/rant on anything* you like over this weekend and throughout the week.

two horses in a grassy field face each other and each raise a front hoof to touch in what looks kinda like a fistbump
via /r/pics

So, what have you been up to? What would you rather be up to? What’s been awesome/awful?
Reading? Watching? Making? Meeting?
What has [insert awesome inspiration/fave fansquee/guilty pleasure/dastardly ne’er-do-well/threat to all civilised life on the planet du jour] been up to?

* Netiquette footnotes:
* There is no off-topic on the Weekly Open Thread, but consider whether your comment would be on-topic on any recent thread and thus better belongs there.
* If your comment touches on topics known to generally result in thread-jacking, you will be expected to take the discussion to #spillover instead of overshadowing the social/circuit-breaking aspects of this thread.

35 thoughts on Open Thread with Hoof Bump

  1. It was the NRL Grand Final last night, and most of the 80,000 people in the stadium vigorously booed our singularly reptilian Prime Minister when he made what I’m sure he was hoping would be a positively received public appearance (aka muscling in on the moment). I didn’t see it live, but lots of people are still talking about it today.

    Also, yay the Bunnies!

  2. Picture caption time!

    “Yo, did you see me jump that hedge?”

    [hoof bump] “That was tight, man!”

  3. It is only early October, and we’re already on round 3 of colds in my household.

    That said, everything else is going really well. I’m in the middle of Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird, a really interesting re-telling of Snow White (with other fairy-tale references as well). Now I want to read all her other books as well!

    And I spent time with my mother yesterday, who came over to see me and play with my godson, whom she adores. She showed up wearing Doc Martens and skinny jeans (“Oh, these aren’t skinny jeans,” she said. “They’re slim cut.” Yeah, OK.) and her motorcycle jacket. My mother is a fashion plate.

    1. I was interested in that book, but I had read a few reviews that accused it of being transphobic. Have you come across that in your reading?

      1. I’m only halfway through, and so far I haven’t come across anything trans-relevant at all, except insofar as one of the main characters is a woman named “Boy.” Maybe there’s a revelation later on? I’ll report back when I finish the book, though.

  4. I either have a cold or a sinus infection. It could even be a touch of the Ebola. My face has decided to kill me. Every time I cough, I pee alittle. Same with sneezing. I sound like an 80 year old frog with a 3 pack a day habit. My head hurts. My face hurts. My mood has been painted black. I had to move an interview to Thurs and even the guy who was to do the interview said I sound like death.

    1. I’m pretty sure I had whooping cough a while ago. I would cough until there was no air left in my lungs or until I would pee and/or vomit. Feel better!

    2. Feel slightly better today. Thank the gods for prescription cough syrup. At least I can sleep.

  5. I went on a 5+ mile hike in the Oakland hills yesterday. Kicked my butt. That was probably the most intense exercise I’ve had since I broke my leg.

    But don’t call it a comeback. 😉

  6. Marriage equality has happened in Indiana, Wisconsin, Utah, Oklahoma, and Virginia!!! I’m weeping with joy for the many current and future couples that will enjoy public recognition, social currency, and hundreds of legal benefits/protections given to legally married couples.

    This is the best midterm-week news I never imagined.

  7. Today was a totally fine and uneventful day until I got locked out of the apartment for two hours with the baby this evening while my best friend and her husband were out on a date because my key mysteriously stopped working. My phone and wallet, however, were locked inside the apartment.

    I will say that my neighbors on this block are super sympathetic and eager to help. And I may never be warm enough again.

  8. These days I’ve been successfully relaxing and taking my time to do things.

    I’m a lot less negligent towards my body in that I’m making progress in recovering from my anorexia. It’s even helping me deal with self-loathing somehow – maybe because doing anything good for myself, mind-related or body-related, makes me feel more deserving of nice things.

    Of course, I still go back to starving myself on occasion, but it’s becoming less frequent. I’m less ashamed of eating a normal amount of food for my own sake. I admit I eat quite a bit of unhealthy stuff still, but 1) it’s all I can afford and 2) I’d rather eat unhealthy food regularly than police my habits constantly and put myself down for every little thing I consume. I don’t like making decisions based on ideals that don’t apply to my life.

  9. Well, we have 2.98 left in our bank account but rent is paid, bills aren’t due til next week ( right after payday so that’s lucky) and we have gas and groceries to last us so I can’t complain. Had an interview today and next week have another. Daughters boyfriend finally got a job. Husband is getting massive overtime this week so next week after paying bills we may have like 500 to last us til the next payday savings wise. By then our whole check won’t have to go to rent and we’ll finally be settled. Hopefully. Unless I just jinxed us by daring to be hopeful. I’m starting to feel human, even though I still sound like a frog. I haven’t heard from my ex friend since last week after she called me a loser for begging for money and pitched her fit about the house cleaners. Suits me, because my life has become drama free, except what we watch on tv. The house is clean, most everything is now put in its place and boxed have been folded down and stored. My dogs are snoring beside me. The cat is pretending he isn’t staring at my daughters gerbil. I feel unburdened. We’re still not great finance wise because we have no savings, but I’m far less stressed than I was in August and September. So thank you all again.

    1. Me too. Until it stopped, I didn’t realize how stressful the 15 texts a day asking about painters or asking if her things had sold or asking if realtor had come or asking if we’d gotten everything out were. Then her drama about the 3 different guys she was into not paying attention to her, griping about her soon to be ex and basically filling my life with her problems on top of that just added to the stress of having to find a place to move to. I no longer tense up when I get a text. Now I can focus on what we need to do to keep our feet under us ( our credit has shot up 100 points already ! The light at the end of the tunnel can be seen) and it’s not so overwhelming. I know we still have a ways to go, but I can see it more positively now. Also, the new house has carpet instead of laminate wood floors and has better windows so I’m not spending every waking minute sweeping and dusting. Halloween is close and it’s my favorite holiday so I’m enjoying that too. I forgot what happy felt like.

      1. Funny you should say that about the carpets; we moved from carpet to stone tiles with the sentiment “Yes! Now hoovering takes five minutes instead of half an hour!”

        It’s also massively easier to find small dropped objects, though they do seem to bounce further.

        1. Stone tile doesn’t show every dirt particle like laminate wood. We had tile in the house we lived in before this last house and I didn’t have to sweep 15 times a day. Tile also doesn’t show every foot print, paw print or smudge either. But, my preference is still carpet, because I like to vacuum and make those perfect vacuum lines.

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